Any Kadian Info?

Doctor has changed me from sustain released oxycontin and percocet for break through pain to Kadian sustain released. Wondering if anyone knows anything about Kadian. One day I will have to get off of these after I have surgery and I would like to know what I am in for when that time comes. Does anyone have experience with Kadian? I've been looking on this board for about a month, just never actually joined or posted til now.

Thanks in advance
Hi... try this link...

it is a form of extended release morphine... sounds pretty rough to me... does your dr know about your addiction?
Pronunciation: (MORE-feen)

This medication is used to relieve moderate to severe pain.

To prevent upset stomach, take with food or milk. Swallow capsules whole. Do not chew or crush them.

If you have difficulty swallowing the capsules, they may be opened and their entire contents sprinkled on a small amount of applesauce. Swallow this mixture whole. Do not chew the mixture, as serious side effects could result.

Use this medication exactly as directed by your doctor. Do not increase your dose, use it more frequently or use it for a longer period of time than prescribed because this drug can be habit-forming. Also, if used for an extended period, do not suddenly stop using this drug without your doctor's approval.

Over time, this drug may not work as well. Consult your doctor if this medication is not relieving the pain sufficiently

May cause constipation, lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, stomach upset, nausea, and flushing the first few days as your body adjusts to the medication. If these symptoms persist or become bothersome, inform your doctor.

Notify your doctor if you develop: irregular heartbeats, anxiety, tremors, seizures.

In the unlikely event you have an allergic reaction to this drug, seek immediate medical attention. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include: rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing.

If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Use caution when engaging in activities requiring alertness such as driving. Limit alcohol intake because it may add to the dizziness/drowsiness effects of this medication.

Caution is advised when using this drug in the elderly because they may be more sensitive to the effects of the drug.

This medication should be used during pregnancy only when clearly needed.

Tell your doctor of all drugs you are taking both prescription and nonprescription, especially of: alcohol- containing medicines, tranquilizers, antidepressants, anti-seizure medications, naltrexone, zidovudine, MAO inhibitors (e.g., furazolidone, linezolid, phenelzine, selegiline, tranylcypromine), cimetidine, buprenorphine

If overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call the US national poison hotline at 1-800-222-1222. Canadian residents should call their local poison control center directly. Symptoms of overdose may include cold and clammy skin, low body temperature, slowed breathing, slowed heartbeat, drowsiness, dizziness, lightheadedness, deep sleep, and loss of consciousness.

To prevent constipation increase your intake of fiber, drink plenty of water and exercise. Stool softeners may be helpful.

Do not allow anyone else to take your medication: it is against the law

Welcome to the board!!
I agree with Bri... It sounds pretty rough to me to. You will have a hard detox oneday unless you go on suboxone or something for the withdrawls. It won't be easy that's for sure. Best of luck to you. Hope you feel better soon. Rae
Thanks Rae and Bri.

Bri, it's not a matter of addiction. It's a matter of dependency. Yes, my doctor is aware of my concerns and as he says, "we accept a certain degree of dependency provided you are taking the pills as I tell you to take them. The problems arise when you start taking them in an abusive way. Based on the fact that you are even ASKING, tends to lean towards you're not having a problem with addiction but rather dependency. And in that case, we will give you a strict regimen to follow to get off the pills"

That being said, I was just wondering if anyone HERE had any experience with Kadian directly. I have been taking them for about two weeks and there is no "buzz" whatsoever like there is with oxycontin and percocet. So, I'm wondering what the withdrawal will be like.
Hopefully somone will come along soon with personal experience with that drug. You can count on a pretty hard withdrawl from it though. That is just about a given with Morphine. The doctor sounds like he will help you get off safely when that time comes. I was reading some info on it and it seems like many people with cancer take it. I bet if you went to a cancer message board or typed in withdrawl from Morphine you will find stories... If you don't mind me asking why are you taking it? How long does your doctor plan to have you on it? Rae
I have three discs that have disintegrated and I will have to have four vertebrae fused together. The pain was to the point that the oxycontin stopped working. So, the doctor recommended the Kadian. I actually like it a lot better. It does not take care of the pain completely, but it does a good job. Used, responsibly, in conjunction with the percocet, I can make it through the day. Before you ask the next question, now is not a good time to have the surgery. I work in a very high profile, very important position and at this point in time, there is no one else who can do what I do. So, it would cost my company a lot heartache and money if I were to take off now. Quite frankly, they could give me a bonus of half my salary for electing to postpone my surgery and continue to work; and that cost would be less than it would cost to bring people in to do the work I do....according the powers that be. So, hopefully in about 6 months to a year I will be ready to have the surgery. I'm just looking to find out about the Kadian ahead of time.

Dear dont start with me

I wanted to share this with you. In 1998 I fell and broke my hip. Pain was in knee arthro scope pain comes back in 2 weeks. Go to a specialist have bone on bone in Hip. Needd a hip replacement.

My job I was making $$$$ afraid I would get fired and decided to blow 9 yrsof freedom and started back with a few percs --byJan I was snorting Oxy and eating percs taking phenobarbatal and xanax self medicated all for a job and scared of losing. Finally the pills stopped working I could not walk but could function at work. Pain became ridicoulous. so 6 months I end up getting new Hip ALL the Pain Gone.

But its 5yrs later another hip replacement more drugs. Withdrawal etc.

I have no idea the damage I caused my body by choosing pills over surgery.

Get rid of the pain. Yes eventually I lost my Job. They fired me. Florida at will no recourse.

Either you job will understand or you can get a new job. You cannot geta new body.

Sorry I am a bit messed up withdrawing from suboxene and serequel and prednisone. Kinda F-ed up if you know what I mean

I just wanted to share me experience. Take care of your body you will be so happy. My mistake has cost me dearly. 5+yrs..

Good Luck


Hi again... first i wanted to say welcome to the board. I was in between helping one 3 yr old go to the bathroom and trying to remove a popcorn kernel from my 4 yr olds nose... lol! If it's not one thing it's another.

Wow... you should really think about going ahead and getting the surgery. My dad pushed himself for years and years at his job and has nothing to show for it now but a disability check. He literally worked himself sick. Jeff (suboxman) has a really good point... you will never get another body and if you damage the one you have bc you don't want to put your company thru it you may end up not being able to work in the end anyway.

As for the Kadian... I have only heard of it, but never taken it. Being an addict, i am sure i would have a year ago if given the opportunity. But, i am sure someone will come along with the information you need. You can also ask your pharmacist about the wd's... they are usually very helpful with that sort of information.

Good Luck to you and i hope you feel better soon.

Love and God Bless,
Briana :)
Thanks for the story Jeff. Like I said, if taken responsibly, the medication is not the devil. The devil is in the details. The devil is inside you. I always have and always will take the medication responsibly. I'm not compulsive or depressed. I've never gotten high for the sake of getting high. I just wanted to hear stories of people who have gotten off Kadian. I do not like to inhale Dristan nasal spray let alone any kind of
Hmmmmm...the pharmacist. I had never even thought to ask her. Although I'm not sure they would know the withdrawals unless they have been through it themself. Which is why I looked through posts and ultimately posted here. You can tell someone how to milk a cow, but until they milk that first cow, they really won't understand.
This is very true... nonetheless they might be your best bet. What did your dr say about the wd's? You might call him and see what he thinks. I will do some research online, but i can almost guarantee that the wd's are the same as any type of morphine pill.
Okay, so i checked around on the inernet and this is what i found for you... Kadian is also an opiate so the wd's will basically be the same as what the rest of us have had to go thru. They are very uncomfortable and it will really suck for a few days but you will get thru it when the time comes.

If you suddenly stop taking opioids after taking them regularly for an extended period of time, you will experience opioid withdrawal syndrome. Signs and symptoms of opioid withdrawal syndrome include

* Yawning
* Sweating
* Tearing of the eyes
* Runny nose
* Abdominal cramps
* Nausea and/or vomiting
* Diarrhea
* Weakness
* Dilated pupils
* Goose bumps
* Muscle twitching and muscle aches and pains
* Anxiety
* Insomnia
* Increased pulse
* Increased respiratory rate
* Elevated blood pressure
I hope you change your mind. I have osteoporosis in my back. I have multiple types of arthritis. One day you will have to deal with your pain.

Your story reminds me of Oxycontin. You see I was able to take percocet as needed for pain. I was drinking beer (Pretty stupid) but it was recreational. On the weekends. I excelled at work good husband etc. Then one day my Dr feel good was concerened about amount of tylenol and suggested oxycontin. Even though I am an Addict DOC is Cocaine-i was able to take 10 mg of oxy 2X aday and with bextra was pain free almost. Then it stopped working. At the end lets just say have no clue how I am here.

Something happens with oxy. To many people are hooked. People with no prior addiction history.

JMHO you are playing with fire. Sounds likeyou found the next Oxy as I have read only cancer patient take that stuff.

hope you change your mind. if you saw how I look right now as I post this you may change your mind.

Good Luck.
Welcome to the Board,
I agree with other posters. Be sure to "look before leaping" regarding the Kadian. I have had experience with Fentanyl ( a time released Morphine Patch). I was like Suboxene (sorry, if I messed up with name). I was taking Vicoden with no problems, as needed. Pain was untolerable, Dr. suggested Oxycontin. Three years later, and lots of stories. I am now on Suboxene, it's been about a month, going to begin tapering soon. I am going to AA Meetings, Dr. appts., and getting some support from home. I am still having alot of problems dealing with the pain. Well I just wanted to say "hello", and I hope all is well with everyone!!! You are all kind and supportive. Take care, Best Wishes
I've tried Kadians. I've also abused them by taking it them out of the capsules and dissovling them and banging it. It has fumeric acid in it and friends of mine who do it by dissolving it in their mouth regulary noticed that it dissolved their teeth. Luckily I didn't use it too much. But from when I've swallowed them whole, it has a quick acting morphine in it, but the beads take a time to get dissolve (by the acid is my guess). So, you shouldn't need break through pain meds, since its supposed to cover those as well. You probably aren't taking the right dosage. It comes in all doses.
But you will get hook on them, like any other opiates. I don't like morphine, but if I did, i would get kadians.
DoNotStartWithMe...(love the name), I would think that your withdrawal would be like any withdrawal from narcotics. The first few days are physical, after that mostly mental. If you stick to a strict regimen with your dr, you should be ok. It's unpleasant but it won't kill you.

Glad to hear that you don't abuse them. I did from the start but there are those here that didn't in the beginning either. However, the longer they took them the harder it got to NOT abuse. Be careful and always open and honest with your dr.

Do you have a pain support group that you can attend? Might be a good thing to look into.

Hello and welcome,
For 6 years I lived with ever inreasing pain and pills, it was never the right time to have the same surgery you are having. You can tell yourself that you will be taking the pills responsibly and maybe you will, but you will still be building up a tolerance to them. The longer you put off the surgery the more of a tolerance you will build up, it really boils down to word games.....
Have the surgery get it over with and feel better, get clean and you will be a new person. I was on a 20 a day Lortab rx I didnt start out using 20 or more a day but it happened. It will happen to you too! Best wishes and I am here for you!!!
Not to sound incredulous Sandy, but did I read that correctly? You were PRESCRIBED 20 pills A DAY?!?!?!? I hope I misread that part. It seems to me that would be borderline malpractice to prescribe THAT much of ANY pain pill each day.
Oh you would be surprized what dr's prescribe and some of the stories on this board to back it up.... It is truely irresponsible and a death sentence for some.
