i have been with my partner for over two years now ans given him everything, i know he was a user of crack, herion, and alsorts, he went to spain and got clean the went on percribed meth after taking h again once or twice.
we were together for two years and he promised he was gradually comming off meth with the doctors supervision, two weeks ago we had a big argument as i found evidence of him taking more meth, but i gave him that chance as he said it was'nt his.
i have now found two large bottles of meth unperscribed (i know for sure) so i finished with him. i love him so much but i know well i think i know i cant go back? but i keep saying he was only on 50mg is that a lot??? can he ever get off this stuff, i have read so much about it, i know i could never trust him again, so would i be happy, i know no one can tell me what to do, but i need some advice form anybody knows or anybody who has been on it and can tell me truthfully has he any chance.
the trouble is i know my parents would never except him again, as he did all this when he was living with me and my parents. please help me decide what to do, shall i give him another chance? i know i could never trust him, and know i probably i would'nt be happy, but i feel i have to help him and it doesnt help him keep ringing me saying he would do it for me,a nd he could'nt live with out me, and he would go to spain (rehab) if i was going to be there for him when he got back. is meth such a powerful drug that he would lie to me, and he has been taking extra meth could he come off the extra just like that as he told me?? he says he is using even less than when he was with me, i cant see that that is possible from what i have read on other web sites x
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Hello Lou,
I think you know what you have to do. I think you know it's a dead end relationship but don't know how to end it. Regardless of what your parents say, this guy is not going anywhere but down. You probably know that but defended him many times because you "love" him... If you love him, leave him and give him the incentive to clean up his act. You can stay friends if you want to, but that your decision as well. Don't bet on an addict... Not when it's your life we're talking about.
50mg, 100mg, ... bla bla bla... he'll say anything to keep you in his grips. You can say "I beleive you." , but your gut will scream that it's lies. Sorry about the lack of comfort in this post, but you'll get through this and come out a better person. I promise. :-)
Good luck & God Bless!
I think you know what you have to do. I think you know it's a dead end relationship but don't know how to end it. Regardless of what your parents say, this guy is not going anywhere but down. You probably know that but defended him many times because you "love" him... If you love him, leave him and give him the incentive to clean up his act. You can stay friends if you want to, but that your decision as well. Don't bet on an addict... Not when it's your life we're talking about.
50mg, 100mg, ... bla bla bla... he'll say anything to keep you in his grips. You can say "I beleive you." , but your gut will scream that it's lies. Sorry about the lack of comfort in this post, but you'll get through this and come out a better person. I promise. :-)
Good luck & God Bless!
Hey Lost, good advice.
Lou, it's a game of "getting over: Meaning he will continue to get over on you as long as he can. If you are not married and don't have children, run, fast and far. Search your soul for what it is that makes you passionate and happy and don't be a pawn in his cycle. If at a later date he can show up clean and available (because us addicts are not available if using) and you are still interested fine. Don't stay for potential. Stay for actual. Demand that the person you chose to build a life with is attempting to be the best person they can be...nothing less.
I haven't been showing up the best I can be and therefore don't want, or expect, someone around until I become that woman.
Self esteem comes from doing esteemable things.
Thinking of you.
Lou, it's a game of "getting over: Meaning he will continue to get over on you as long as he can. If you are not married and don't have children, run, fast and far. Search your soul for what it is that makes you passionate and happy and don't be a pawn in his cycle. If at a later date he can show up clean and available (because us addicts are not available if using) and you are still interested fine. Don't stay for potential. Stay for actual. Demand that the person you chose to build a life with is attempting to be the best person they can be...nothing less.
I haven't been showing up the best I can be and therefore don't want, or expect, someone around until I become that woman.
Self esteem comes from doing esteemable things.
Thinking of you.
thanks you lost soul and hope2die for youur advice, i know i am doing the right thing in leaving him, but its so hard as he is such a nice person and i never really saw any bad in him, i did'nt realise methadone is such a stong drug, and can control you so much, and really rule your life so much that you lost everything, whats hard aswell is that i never classed him as an addict all the time he was being perscribed meth, it did'nt seem that he was as it was medication from our local doctor, i still find it hard.
thanks again x lou x
thanks again x lou x
I know little about methadone...I speak the crystal "meth" language. I do know many addicts that quit cold turkey and others that need methodone to detox. My theory is that while possibly it is needed in the first few weeks of kicking heroin, it can become a crutch and thus another addiction. My brother has taken that path many times and has not been able to stay clean.
I know little about methadone...I speak the crystal "meth" language. I do know many addicts that quit cold turkey and others that need methodone to detox. My theory is that while possibly it is needed in the first few weeks of kicking heroin, it can become a crutch and thus another addiction. My brother has taken that path many times and has not been able to stay clean.
I have been addicted to stimulants for 40 years now and clean for two. I would sell my soul for more. Don't trust him.
if foregiveness was all but taken away from people who thought they were heaven bound they wouldnt. i am the farthest thing from religion but wow.im glad my wife stuck by me. and continues to do so.the person is not lying it is the disease.im sure i will get hate comments, go ahead . bring him to a shrink and go with him.