Any News Of Recovery?

I'd like to know of or hear of a victory. Are there any out there? I'm a 28 year old mother of a 1 daughter, going through the "Hell" that all of you have mentioned. Hoping one day really soon, the father of my child will recover. All your feed back will be greatly appreciated. Please tell me to have hope and faith is not in vain when it comes to Heroin. And one can recover.

Yes, there are many people who do recover from addiction. Unfortunately, there are also many others who don't. Please do not rely on the hope that he will quit. I know how hard it is to let go but you can't make a person quit. If he is not ready there is nothing you can do for him other than to pray for him. I'm not sure what your situation is but if you are in a relationship with him you have to let go. I know from expereince how hard it is but please do not ruin your life trying to save his. It doesn't work and you will put yourself through lots of pain trying. I'm not saying to give up on the hope of him quitting just accept that he may not quit and you have to make sure you don't ruin your life or your child's while waiting for him to quit.