Hey Lisa, just wanted to interupt here for a minute and explain my yahoo dissapeared. Go figure. I got bumped off and when I came on my yahoo was missing. Didn't want you to think I left you hanging, lol. Love, Kat
Yea, right, you just didn't want to talk to me anymore... hey, re-boot your computer and that should bring it back. Then IM me, I wasn't done whining.
Love you
Love you
Rebooting right now, lol. Hopefully I'll see you in a few minutes. Love, Kat
I was addicted to heroin for 2 years. The physical withdrawal was hell.
I have been addicted to P (Pure Crystal Methamphetamine) for 2 years, though used it for a year before that. The physical withdrawal is every heroin addicts dream! Sleep. As long as you can take a week off and just sleep and blob, physically it not a horrible thing to go through.
My psychological addiction with heroin was strong, I gave up my husband and heroin on the same day because I could not stay clean. I craved for 3 months, gave in and used and I realised that although it felt great, it was not worth all the s*** it had put my life through.
My psychological addiction to P is at least equal, but I think stronger than heroin. I would like to have it every day but if not, oh well just sleep. But a few weeks without it - no way. I have not motivation, enjoyment, energy etc for anything without it, and with it I can accomplish anything and everything - be all that everyone needs me to be and more.. I love it
I have been addicted to P (Pure Crystal Methamphetamine) for 2 years, though used it for a year before that. The physical withdrawal is every heroin addicts dream! Sleep. As long as you can take a week off and just sleep and blob, physically it not a horrible thing to go through.
My psychological addiction with heroin was strong, I gave up my husband and heroin on the same day because I could not stay clean. I craved for 3 months, gave in and used and I realised that although it felt great, it was not worth all the s*** it had put my life through.
My psychological addiction to P is at least equal, but I think stronger than heroin. I would like to have it every day but if not, oh well just sleep. But a few weeks without it - no way. I have not motivation, enjoyment, energy etc for anything without it, and with it I can accomplish anything and everything - be all that everyone needs me to be and more.. I love it
I have done meth a few times here and there, not really my doc so if i dont look for it, it's not around.....there for i havent done it too many times but i do know that it's a nasty drug......I live in the middle of BFE out here in IL and everyone and the dads are making it, they are using anhydrous to make the stuff with and there are anhydrous tanks every 5 miles around here b/c the farmers use the stuff on there fields to kill off all the "crap" growing and lurking in their fields. Can you imagine smoking something thats used to kill off plants and little bugs n stuff......you dont want to. I never really got too high off it b/c it's not the high i was used to or enjoyed. But i do have a sister in law who has totally gotten addicted to the meth and has been for 5+ years! She has totally broken away from our family and is a total B*tch! She lies constantly and would steal your kid just for money to get the stuff, figuratively speaking. She just got diagnosed from her Dr. as being Scitzo (sp) now she is getting Social security checks from the state for her and her 2 year old son that she doesnt take care of. She gets 1,500$ a month!!!! She really took advantage of the system, but i really do think the meth made her like that. 2 Years ago she almost died in the hospital from her kidney's failing on her from not eathing or drinking anything for so long, the meth makes you feel like your not hungry or thirsty. That was enough to show me that with my addictve personality i didnt want to try it anymore, who knows maybe one day i would have liked it and never stopped like her. She still does it hard core, like every other day i think.......last time i saw her she tried to run me over and almost did, so i dont go like 100ft toward her direction. She's crazy.
just a litttle thought i need to get out about the meth topic.......
just a litttle thought i need to get out about the meth topic.......
i only saw a part of that show once here in Oz on cable....a guy was on cocaine he had been a millonaire businessman and lost everything, (really good looking guy too, had everything going for him) he was sleeping on the roofs of friends apartment buildings, then his family sent him a letter and he began to cry as he read it, saying that he was such a loved person, so he went to see his family and they gave him the choice.....the drugs or us.....and he sat there for a min...and he said i choose u guys...so he went to rehab and the next thing u see, hes saying ive been clean for 3 months and im so happy and he was riding out of the rehab on his bike. it actually made me cry!! i wish we had that show here every week!! xo
p.s i think it was that show, but it was defenitately an intervention! and it moved me soo much!
p.s i think it was that show, but it was defenitately an intervention! and it moved me soo much!