Anybody With Ultram And Fiorect Detox?

Addict Mom needs some advice please.
Yeah, talk to your doctor.
I agree but I think she's trying to cold turkey off all them.
I agree she should talk to a doctor because I'm pretty sure ultram w/d can cause seizures. I used to go to a doctor that would literally give me brown paper bag full of ultram every time I asked for "samples". Of course I ended up abusing them but I kind of used them as a back up for when I would run out of my DOC, lortab. So I don't remember ever detoxing from them. But I would be very careful. Let us know how she does with it.

Like Shelly33 my Doctor used to give me bags and bags of Ultram/Tramadol and I would take those when my drugs of choice percs or oxy's weren't around. I didn't find it hard to withdraw from them because I always just went back to percs. and oxy's. But the Firocet was a different thing. Before I got addicted to pain pills I used to get severe migraines in college. Doctor used to give me firocets. They are terrific if used for migraines. Of course I wound up abusing them and then when I graduated college and came back home I didn't have a Dr. right away and had no refills for fiorocet. I went through about a week of SEVERE headaches. and chills. It's almost like the kind of headaches you get when your trying to cut caffeine or get off caffeine but x it by 100... They were debilitating in my case. She really should talk to her Dr. and see if he could taper her off firocets. I did find that Excedrin worked well and now they have Excedren for migraines so that may help her even more.

I couldnt agree more with both drugs,than to SEE A DR !!! Please do not try to do this yourself.

Ultram/tramadol was what I was on before the Sub.At the end,before the Sub,I was up to over 20 ultram a day.I tried & tried & TRIED very very hard to go CT on that.I couldnt do it.For me it was so so bad,the pain in my legs,stomach cramps,chills,the norm as far as WD but 3xs as hard.

Now the Fioricet,,,,,I dont know if you remember my relapse last year but that was the drug.I cannot tell you how hard that drug was to come off of & I thank GOD I was in the hospital to get off that.I was told I had toxic levels in my blood & I know if it wasnt for checking in the hospital last year I probaly would never of made it.

So Mom please for yourself,so you can safely detox..PLEASE allow a Dr to help.We here can & do give good advice,however we arent Drs & even if we were I dont think its wise to give medical advise without actually seeing & examine them.

I know this probaly isnt what you wanted to hear,but I feel its your best way to go
keep us updated please.
If I remember right, Sammy went into seizures from fioricet but I'm not sure if that was from using or detoxing. I cold turkeyed from fioricets and xans but it wasn't very pleasant and not a very smart thing to do.
I cold turkeyed from fioricets and xans but it wasn't very pleasant and not a very smart thing to do.

I cold turkey'd from fioricet, valium and norco's but I didn't know any better. And it wasn't pleasant...I would recommend talking to a doctor as I've heard stories about detoxing off barb's and benzo's, just ignorance when I did it....

ps...I do remember the rebound heaches, that was not fun.
Fioricets gave me headaches anyway. I couldn't tell the difference. The stiff neck from the tension was rough though. I'll never forget that.
WHOA the only drug my doctors were adament was the esgic/fiorcet --I took 6 a day never more never less for 25?+ years. Could not stop. Mental thing.Doctor said i would have put my life at major risk. Barbs and benzos=== Hospital

Thanks everyone for the input. I have tapered off the fioricet in the past and as long as it is a gradual taper, it is fine with minimal WD's. It is a wicked drug, first prescribed for me in the 80's for migraine, and you know the rest. It should be a LOT more difficult to get, IMO.

Yes, fioricet or fiorinal was Sammy's drug of choice, I believe, although she will be the first to tell you anything that is mood altering is never agood idea for us.

The tramadol I got literally does nothing for me. I'm not sure if it's just crappy stuff, or if I'm so used to opiates I can't feel them. Tonight I threw away a bunch of tramadol to expedite the process, although I will take 2 a day for a few days, then taper down to nothing just in case my body is used to it.

I can believe I talked a doctor into giving me 120 Vikes per month for pain.
I can believe I got a monthly prescription for muscle relaxers.
I can believe I got a prescription for fioricet for migraines.
I can believe I got my hands on tramadol just to try it.

I can't believe I have been taking all these medications at once and talked myself into thinking it would be ok. Just typing this out has scared the crap out of me.