Anyone Else...

pumped that BASEBALL SEASON is here?? WOOOO HOOOO!!!! GO YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to opening day Monday, Chris.

Can't wait for hotdogs and peanuts......can you tell I'm pregnant?

opening day tomorrow oops i meant co merica park not tiger stadiumwoooo hoooo actually i'd rather play baseball then watch it. it's to slow paced for my a.d.d. so go YANKEES WOOO HOOO hehehe

Yes I am so excited(wink*) can't wait....LOL
Redd, oh yeah we can tell your pregnant. I always looked foward to events when I was pregnant just so I could eat! I never missed a meal..Rae

Chris, Did your wife have her baby? Or I am thinking of someone else?
I am a fantasy baseball junkie...I love baseball.

Redd how are you feeling? My wife is less than 2 weeks away and thinks it is gonna come early! WOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who watches the game Boo, I'm going for the party.

and hotdogs.

Are you going to the Tigers game? I have Pudge as my fantasy catcher...He is awesome!

no kidding, i will only go to the game for people watching. thats my fave sport of all lol


wooo hooo. I can't get excited about it, Chris. My son isn't playing this year.

I have been wondering about your new baby! Do you have a name picked out? Everything all ready? That is SO exciting!!!
Ok Chris I am predicting your baby will arrive April 15th. That was my dad's birthday... So let's see that would be not this friday but next!! Are you guys having another girl or you don't know?

Oh my God, Chris, its getting so she OK? Another little girl right? Or do you not know? I'm soooo excited for you. Let us know when it happens.


Yeah Rae, don't call me late for dinner these days.
LOL~ I was always on time for dinner. Oh man I ate way too much when I was pregnant. One year later and I may never see a size 3 again...

Yes sir, Tigers. I miss the old park though, it had something special about it.

Thanks for the e-mail I would love for those men to cook for me... LOL
Lenny,Will and Christian come on over, I am starving!

hey Rae, that would make for a fun meal, huh? how are you doing?
I am doing ok. Thanks for asking. Kristin stayed at her friends last night. My son is at his dad's until tomorrow and the baby is sleeping. So I get a litle computer time. My man is out mowing the lawn, I put him to work first thing this morning. So how are you? Rae

I am doing pretty good, thanks. My daughter dropped my, so I sent the guys to the race without me so I can hang with her a little while. It is a very pretty, peaceful day in the country, sorta chilly at 55. I am about take off into the woods for a ride........alone!
Well you enjoy your sunday Carol!! I have to start cleaning this house. My BF just informed me some people are coming over today! So have a good one and talk to ya soon!! Rae
Another baby Girl and her name will be Samantha...
What a beautiful name. Congratulations!! Keep us posted on her arrival into the world.. April is the best month to have a baby girl. This is because "Diamonds" will be her birthstone and you know how diamonds are a girls best friend!! Rae