Anyone Have Knowledge Of This Rehab?

Hi everyone,

I have been reading the posts on the heroin site and more recently on this site since my son went into treatment for heroin addiction (and probably other things, too) on December 17. He is 24 years old and this is his first (and, pray to God, his last) time.

After I confronted him and pushed him hard and told him he could no longer stay here, he decided he needed to get far away from this neighborhood and all the people he associated with. He left 8 days later and never tried to back down from his decision (surprising in itself). I didn't talk to him for the first month because I was afraid he'd beg to come home.

He sounds better, talks slower, says he's learned a lot, etc. I still don't speak to him too often but have sent a few cards and letters. He has kept contact with his ex-girlfriend (who dumped him when she found out what he was doing in August) but their relationship(?) now stinks. She's very angry, says she doesn't care if he does drugs, etc. They still call each other and she tells him about all her troubles up here (Boston). She got jumped, drunk, etc. I tell him he is focusing on her instead of himself and she is trying to prevent his recovery whether she realizes it or not.

Anyway, the problem is he's about 7 weeks clean and feels better so he thinks he's recovered and should come home in 90 days. Says that's what everyone down there does (the program can be extended longer). He says is basically boring, the gym is only open sometime, he doesn't see his counsellor as much now that he's in phase 2.

I think he believes that being sober is being recovered. I told him he's not ready to come home yet (and, frankly, I'm not ready either, don't know when I'll ever heal). The counsellors says he's progressing.

I guess my question is, do any of you know anything about or have any experience with Copac in Mississippi? A father in my support group sent his son there and has been pleased with the place. My great fear is Mike is kidding himself about his progress and is not serious about recovery now that he feels physically better.

Has anyone been there or know anyone who's gone there and what is your opinion of this facility and the work they do?

Thanks, and I love reading the posts. There's some great people here. Ann
I have not heard of that treatment facility. However there is a place in Houston, Texas that is renown country wide for the best care and highest success rate.
People from all over the country come there for help. The name of it is West Oaks Rehabilitation & Health Care Center. The phone # is 281-558-1166. What ever you decide I wish the best for you.

Cool Beans, thanks for your reply and good wishes. I'll check out this place although I probably can't tell a well structured program from one that just takes your money.

But I think the program's probably fine. They come from all over the country to go to Copac, too. A well known celebrity's kid is there right now - and here I thought I'd never have anything in common with a star! But here we are, just two drug mothers, after all. (I'm not really laughing, I guess that's my idea of humor).