I'm new, so bear with me. My girlfriend of 2 1/2 yrs is taking Norco Klonopin & oxys very regularly. It all started when we split up about 5 months ago. She started hanging out with some guys I'm going to gut if i ever meet, and they started feeding her pills. Now here we are and she can't stop taking them. She told me the other day she knew she was dependent, she can't eat, gets the mood swings, has to pop one to be normal, etc. WHAT DO I DO. I have limited exposure to addicted people (ones i care about anyway) & i need some do's and don'ts before i lose the woman i love. PLEASE ADVISE
Clever, Hey and welcome to the board! You are sweet for wanting to try, but there is really nothing you can do about your girlfriend, unless she is ready to quit and wants to try. If she is, tell her to come here and post and read. O seek advise elsewhere about rehab and withdrawal. Otherwise, you can go to the Family members board and learn more about your role in her addiction. Hope she comes on soon!
Maybe show her this board and maybe she will see how how bad it gets, If she has been using for 5 months she should flush the pills and get her life back before it gets REALLY out of control
Thank you both. In terms of wanting it for herself, she's called & told me she wants to be rid of it. The words 'wake-up call' left her mouth, then earlier today it was the old 'I'm fine, I'm fine, I can stop any time.' I sat there and listened to this extremely bright, sweet woman say this. I'm at a loss, I've done some snooping & read about some home remedies..I hear gatorade, imodeum, vitamin B, and motrin a lot. Can anyone think of anything else that might help?
thank you again, everyone. this is spooky stuff
thank you again, everyone. this is spooky stuff
Hi Clever,
Bear with me here, there is so much you need to understand and Carol was right the friends and family board will help you so much. This disease effects everyone involved, it is not pretty to watch and for her to live through is unimaginable. If she came to you seeking help thats a good sign. She must want to stop....her alone. You can't force her, or make her feel bad for what she is doing to herself......You can love and support.....never cover for her, lie for her...thats enabling......search the family board you will find lots of info on enabling......You also have to know that you can't cure her, you didn't cause this and you have no control.....the three C's....so important!
I have lived this, watched my husband basically numb his physical and mental pain away...I watch ct, relapse......not easy but I wouldn't change any of it.
There are so many different ways she can get clean if she is willing.....rehab in or out patient.....coldturkey.....tapering......there is support out there for her things like AA and for you also Alanon......The wonderful people on this board can tell you lots of ways to make her comfortable if she decides to just stop ct...there are meds like catapress (high blood pressure med) that help too if she can get some help from her doctor...not all people like to tell there docs...
I would recommend it.......
Good luck to both of you...the road is not easy but so worth the trip.
Love, Tina
Bear with me here, there is so much you need to understand and Carol was right the friends and family board will help you so much. This disease effects everyone involved, it is not pretty to watch and for her to live through is unimaginable. If she came to you seeking help thats a good sign. She must want to stop....her alone. You can't force her, or make her feel bad for what she is doing to herself......You can love and support.....never cover for her, lie for her...thats enabling......search the family board you will find lots of info on enabling......You also have to know that you can't cure her, you didn't cause this and you have no control.....the three C's....so important!
I have lived this, watched my husband basically numb his physical and mental pain away...I watch ct, relapse......not easy but I wouldn't change any of it.
There are so many different ways she can get clean if she is willing.....rehab in or out patient.....coldturkey.....tapering......there is support out there for her things like AA and for you also Alanon......The wonderful people on this board can tell you lots of ways to make her comfortable if she decides to just stop ct...there are meds like catapress (high blood pressure med) that help too if she can get some help from her doctor...not all people like to tell there docs...
I would recommend it.......
Good luck to both of you...the road is not easy but so worth the trip.
Love, Tina
All I can add to the brilliant posts already here is that you must be supportive. It is hard to go through this at all, and it is even worse alone. Many of us have done so, but it is not easy. That she opened up to you is a good sign, but is also a cry for help. 5 months is not a long time, but the sooner she quits, the better off she will be.
There is a mental aspect to the disease of addiction, so she may want to think about AA/NA meetings or counseling.
Stick around. Perhaps a nice Valentines Day romp through the Addiction Boards is just what you both need! Seriously, this is a very supportive place for all, addicts and loved ones alike. Keep in touch.
There is a mental aspect to the disease of addiction, so she may want to think about AA/NA meetings or counseling.
Stick around. Perhaps a nice Valentines Day romp through the Addiction Boards is just what you both need! Seriously, this is a very supportive place for all, addicts and loved ones alike. Keep in touch.
Thank you, gang. this is all very helpful. if you think of anything else please let me know. i don't know how willing she would be to visit this site, but i'll give it a whirl
happy v day
happy v day
as an afterthought, if she's been taking this stuff for 4 or 5 months, how long can she expect the withdrawal to last?
If your girlfriend has only been using for 5 months than mentally it may not be too hard for her in the long run. However, if she is using Norco,Klonopin and oxy's regularly than she is in for a huge physical withdrawl. I would highly suggest seeking medical advice..Meetings, Rehab Out patient rehab... She will need a catapress patch it is clonidine for blood pressure or at least she would be wise to get some.. If she is not going to go that route than. I would suggest her weaning off the Norco and Oxy's to a low enough daily dose and then just stopping those two altogether. Then I would have her worry about the Klonopin after she is totally off pain pills. As a matter of fact the Klonopin may help ease the withdrawls from the pain pills. Then she should SLOWLY stop taking taking the klonopin... That's just my opinion....
If she is not going to a doctor and decides to do this at home then I would get:
Comtrex Cold and Flu ( day time and night time pills
Benadryl too sleep( not to be used with the contrex)
Hot bathes
Just a few OTC meds that may help her..
have a great Valentine's day and I wish both of you the best...Suboxone may be an option for her if you guys can afford it. She is on a lot of medication and really should get advice and help from doctors.. This could be life threatening for her... Think about it. Rae
If your girlfriend has only been using for 5 months than mentally it may not be too hard for her in the long run. However, if she is using Norco,Klonopin and oxy's regularly than she is in for a huge physical withdrawl. I would highly suggest seeking medical advice..Meetings, Rehab Out patient rehab... She will need a catapress patch it is clonidine for blood pressure or at least she would be wise to get some.. If she is not going to go that route than. I would suggest her weaning off the Norco and Oxy's to a low enough daily dose and then just stopping those two altogether. Then I would have her worry about the Klonopin after she is totally off pain pills. As a matter of fact the Klonopin may help ease the withdrawls from the pain pills. Then she should SLOWLY stop taking taking the klonopin... That's just my opinion....
If she is not going to a doctor and decides to do this at home then I would get:
Comtrex Cold and Flu ( day time and night time pills
Benadryl too sleep( not to be used with the contrex)
Hot bathes
Just a few OTC meds that may help her..
have a great Valentine's day and I wish both of you the best...Suboxone may be an option for her if you guys can afford it. She is on a lot of medication and really should get advice and help from doctors.. This could be life threatening for her... Think about it. Rae
Clever....just wanted to add one thing.....It is obvious you are a caring, concerned b/f. Just wanted to reitterate how important it will be for you to remain support during her withdrawal, etc. I know from my experience, I quit for me. But having my husband right there beside me and being loving and supportive and non-judgemental was one of the largest factors in my success thus far. There was much he didn't know or understand, and much he still doesn't, but he has worked with me and loved me unconditionally. It was and is a tremendous incentive for me. : )
Thank you, you guys are top-notch. Is this catapress patch otc?
hi clever,
first of all welcome. i can only hope that your girlfriend wants this as bad as you do for her. she has to want to quit, do whatever it takes. i would suggest a detox in a rehab or find an addictionologist (this type of doctor specializes in addiction medicine and treats.
as far as the catapress patch, it is not otc drug. only a doctor can rx this and i again would suggest the addictionologist as far as rx this type of med..there is different strengths with catapress. tts-1, tts-2 and so on.
the key to this med as far as detoxing is it is timed released and works on smooth muscles. there is also a catapress pill which is not timed released and works differently as far as withdrawal b/c the pill form is not time released and although it will drop you down detoxing once the pill wears off the blood pressure go back up. with the patch its an even flow of medication. its a continuous flow of medication and will not bring your pressure up and down, up and down like the pill will as far as detoxing. although, bp does rise along with heart rate when detoxing and that is what gives at least most of detoxing the hee-bee jeebees, we can't sleep and all the rest that goes with it.
i have had this protocal when detoxing and as well as other addicts that i have worked with and been in treatment with.
i have had up to 6 patches on within one week. sounds crazy, but not when one is detoxing. one catapress patch tt-s 1 mg. last the cardiic patient 7 days as one of these patches is good for 7 days.
with this many patches on )inpatient under doctor/nurses constant supervision my bp was 108/54 and my heart rate was still high at 126.
i would NEVER and am not suggesting you go just get you some catapress. i would suggest if your girlfriend wants to is see a specialist (period).
this medication can be extremley dangerous if not under a doctors supervision.
one just dont go slapping on patches...big no, no.
one reason why addictis don't make it through withdrawals is it can be that bad and they just can't take it and end up using time and time again.
this is serious stuff.
i am by no means telling you that this is what you ought to do b/c i am not. i seen where someone posted about the catapress patch and had to step in on let you and others know about this protocal.
again, seek a professional.
hope all goes well and take care.
first of all welcome. i can only hope that your girlfriend wants this as bad as you do for her. she has to want to quit, do whatever it takes. i would suggest a detox in a rehab or find an addictionologist (this type of doctor specializes in addiction medicine and treats.
as far as the catapress patch, it is not otc drug. only a doctor can rx this and i again would suggest the addictionologist as far as rx this type of med..there is different strengths with catapress. tts-1, tts-2 and so on.
the key to this med as far as detoxing is it is timed released and works on smooth muscles. there is also a catapress pill which is not timed released and works differently as far as withdrawal b/c the pill form is not time released and although it will drop you down detoxing once the pill wears off the blood pressure go back up. with the patch its an even flow of medication. its a continuous flow of medication and will not bring your pressure up and down, up and down like the pill will as far as detoxing. although, bp does rise along with heart rate when detoxing and that is what gives at least most of detoxing the hee-bee jeebees, we can't sleep and all the rest that goes with it.
i have had this protocal when detoxing and as well as other addicts that i have worked with and been in treatment with.
i have had up to 6 patches on within one week. sounds crazy, but not when one is detoxing. one catapress patch tt-s 1 mg. last the cardiic patient 7 days as one of these patches is good for 7 days.
with this many patches on )inpatient under doctor/nurses constant supervision my bp was 108/54 and my heart rate was still high at 126.
i would NEVER and am not suggesting you go just get you some catapress. i would suggest if your girlfriend wants to is see a specialist (period).
this medication can be extremley dangerous if not under a doctors supervision.
one just dont go slapping on patches...big no, no.
one reason why addictis don't make it through withdrawals is it can be that bad and they just can't take it and end up using time and time again.
this is serious stuff.
i am by no means telling you that this is what you ought to do b/c i am not. i seen where someone posted about the catapress patch and had to step in on let you and others know about this protocal.
again, seek a professional.
hope all goes well and take care.
I posted this on my cold turkey thread but I decided to post it here too in case you don't read that one. Catepress patches are by prescription only but I would have the Dr. prescribe the clonidine pills instead of the patch because I have read that the patches can be too strong and make the person too weak. At least with the pills you can take less if you need too.
I posted this on my cold turkey thread but I decided to post it here too in case you don't read that one. Catepress patches are by prescription only but I would have the Dr. prescribe the clonidine pills instead of the patch because I have read that the patches can be too strong and make the person too weak. At least with the pills you can take less if you need too.
There isn't much you can do. She'll only get help if and when she's ready to do so for her. In the mean time, I'd suggest attending a support group for you.
Alanon, or naranon. Be supportive of her but don't enable her. Those will be things you lean about at your meetings if you choose to do so. You can't make her stop, but you can help yourself which will in turn help her. Good luck, hang in there, I'll keep you in my prayers and I wish you both all the luck in the world.
Take care...........................................God bless..................................Bob
There isn't much you can do. She'll only get help if and when she's ready to do so for her. In the mean time, I'd suggest attending a support group for you.
Alanon, or naranon. Be supportive of her but don't enable her. Those will be things you lean about at your meetings if you choose to do so. You can't make her stop, but you can help yourself which will in turn help her. Good luck, hang in there, I'll keep you in my prayers and I wish you both all the luck in the world.
Take care...........................................God bless..................................Bob
Thank you everyone. I've spoken to her & she says she wants to quit, there's a hint of hesitation in her voice, though.. i'm hoping we'll get thru this, it looks like i have some shopping to do at rite aid tonight. Thank you again for all your advice & kind words, i'll keep you in the loop.
best regards
best regards
OK so the deal is she's only done the oxy a couple times, the klonopin & the norco is what i'm up against. Any thoughts on whther she should go turkey or taper it off? let me know
Depends on how many a day. This is the weird part: Norco (I was taking 10 to 12 per day) and hurts like heck physically to withdraw from but will not kill her if she's fairly young and healthy. Clonopin doesn't hurt physically to withdraw from, but it CAN kill you or make you have seizures, depending on how many you are on. Its in the Benzodiazepine class of drugs--I went to my doctor to get off those (mine was Xanax 6 mgs. a day)
Good luck hope that helps
Depends on how many a day. This is the weird part: Norco (I was taking 10 to 12 per day) and hurts like heck physically to withdraw from but will not kill her if she's fairly young and healthy. Clonopin doesn't hurt physically to withdraw from, but it CAN kill you or make you have seizures, depending on how many you are on. Its in the Benzodiazepine class of drugs--I went to my doctor to get off those (mine was Xanax 6 mgs. a day)
Good luck hope that helps