-----------------anyone Seen Monkie??-------------

Hello out there to whoevers awake & to those who will wake soon-----------
while sitting here in this silence, Monkie has just crossed my mind--------
I'm now wondering where has he been and hope all is well with him--------
Has anyone heard anything???---------------------Tye.----------
People need People---
Ive never really posted to monkie but I was wondering the same thing today. I was also wondering where cass1 was. Havent seen her for a while.
Hi Sweetpea (love ya name) yes, cass1 also---Terrianne (boo)---Hope
they are well! So my sweet-pea, what about you how are you doing?
You can't sleep either?--------Myself, I'm trying to stay-in-there--------
some days certainly much better than others--------The Addiction/Recovery
is more than a Full-Time job within itself, let alone our daily 'lifes Stressors"
giving us new challenges each day.--------I swear Life is One Great Big
'Final-Exam"--------always testing us , Society grading us----pass, Fail are
there any marks inbetween Sweetpea----or is it always--Pass or Fail?
oh well enough from me this early Thursday morning. have a good Day. Tye.
People need People--------
Hi Tye, I just woke up. I went to bed after I posted. I couldn't sleep. Of course it wasn't too late where I am. I went to my cousins graduation last night and then to her house afterward. I got home late. Then my brain was like wide awake and I couldn't sleep. Now I feel so tired, but I am always tired in the mornings. I totally agree with you about life. It seems like it is just one big test.
eric told me he is beating his monkie like it owes him moneyuser posted image