
Hello everyone

The last couple of weeks my anziety has been VERY painful. I have been on 125 mg of Zoloft for years but I almost feel like my meds not working for me anymore, my doctor thinks (and so do I) I just have alot on my plate rite now. In the past i let this anziety RULE me and I REFUSE to let it happen again. In the last couple of weeks I got a job promotion (very stressful job) and then my sister and her 2 kids have moved in for awhile, because she is trying to get on her feet from a divorce. I have other issues also. What I'am asking is what can a person take that is having anziety attacks but Iam trying to stay clear of the narcotics. ((been there wrote the book and went cold turkey)). I need some suggestions of natural meds. Please help very desperate..

Waiting to hear.
Vicki kay
valerian root rosehips go to a health food store and ask your dr if it will be ok to take with your others meds dear...they work for my anxity...take care poopie
Benadryl calmed me down when it got too bad.. but not for long term and it makes you pretty sleepy..

Thank you so much for the fast reply. I believe that is what someone from my church gave me a bottle of today. Thanks again. if you have any more suggestions please inform me of them.


I find that blood pressure medicine can help. If you get a short acting "Beta blocker" it slows down your heart and chest from breathing as hard . THis is non-adictive.
** You could also use a little valium around half of 5 mg dose. I would never start using it every day.But have it Just incase you have apanic attack. Valium doesnt give as quick spikes as zanax and valium stays in our bodies very long. Unless you had a problem with it in the past, I would consider having some valium around for my bad panic attacks. ((Valium is a cheap drug))

***the beta blocker heart slow down medicine can be taken every day if needed or just on bad days. ((They are a cheap drug))

Exercise relieves alot of stress from us. And it makes us feel good for acomplishing something that day.

I deal will all the above , and try to limit the activities that enhance my stress.

Good luck

I have loads of info on panic. I will post some for you, but if you would like it all you can email and I will send it out. (

I picked out some suggestions that I know help......Caffiene is a big thing, avoid if you can.....this I know helps. Also adding calcium, magnesium and zinc can help too....I see that Jake suggested Valium, I have something better, It is called Hydroxyzine is just an antihistmine, but it has calminng if you must take something I would try this first, benzo's are bad news......

o Try eating small, frequent meals rather than the traditional three
meals a day.
o Limit your intake of animal protein. Concentrate on meals high in
complex carbohydrates and vegetable protein.
o Avoid foods containing refined sugar or other simple carbohydrates.
For a nutritional treatment plan to have maximum benefits, the diet
should contain no simple sugars, carbonated soft drinks, tobacco, or
o Do not consume coffee, black tea, cola, chocolate, or anything else
that contains caffeine.
o Keep a food diary to detect correlations between your attacks and the
foods you eat. Food allergies and sensitivities may trigger panic or
anxiety attacks. (See ALLERGIES in Part Two.) o Learn relaxation
techniques. Biofeedback and meditation can be very helpful.
o Get regular exercise. Any type of exercise will work-a brisk walk,
bicycle riding, swimming, aerobics, or whatever fits your individual
lifestyle. After a few weeks of regular exercise, most people notice an
improvement in anxiety symptoms.
o Be sure to get adequate rest. If sleep is a problem, consult INSOMNIA
in Part Two for suggestions.
o To help manage an acute attack, use breathing techniques. Inhale
slowly through the nose to a count of four, hold your breath for a count of
four, exhale from the mouth slowly to a count of four, and then do
nothing for a count of four. Repeat this sequence until the attack
subsides. Remind yourself that panic attacks last for a limited amount of time,
and that the attack will pass after a few minutes. Although it is rare,
some may last up to a few hours.
o Call a trusted friend or family member. Talking things over can
diffuse anxiety.
o If the self-help recommendations in this section do not help, and
particularly if panic or anxiety is interfering with your life, consult
your health care provider. If an underlying physical problem is ruled
out, expect to be referred to a mental health professional for evaluation
and treatment.

Here are some herbs that can help......make sure you are ask your doctor about some of this, especially if you are taking other meds......some herbs reacted bad with OTC or perscription medications....


o A body under stress is more vulnerable to free radical damage.
Bilberry, ginkgo biloba, and milk thistle are rich in flavonoids that
neutralize free radicals. Milk thistle also proects the liver.

o Catnip, chamomile, cramp bark, kava kava, hops, linden flower,
motherwort, passionflower, and skullcap promote relaxation and aid in
preventing panic attacks.
Caution: Do not use chamomile on an ongoing basis, as ragweed allergy
may result. Avoid it completely if you are allergic to ragweed. Kava
kava can cause drowsiness. If this occurs, discontinue use or reduce the

o Fennel relieves anxiety-related gastrointestinal upsets, reduces
flatulence, and abdominal tension, and relaxes the large intestine. It is
most effective when taken as a tea, before or after meals, and has no
known side effects. Lemon balm and willow bark also soothe stomach

o Feverfew, used to relieve migraines, can help with anxiety-induced
headaches. Drinking meadowsweet tea or extract can also relieve headaches
related to anxiety and stress, with no side effects.
Caution: A few people may develop mouth sores and experience nausea
after taking this herb. If that happens, stop taking it. Do not take
feverfew during pregnancy.

o St. John's wort can ease depression and restore emotional stability.
Results in mood should be noticed in approximately two to four weeks.

o Skullcap and valerian root can be taken at bedtime to promote sleep
and aid in preventing panic attacks at night.

o Avoid ephedra (ma huang), as it can aggravate anxiety.


o Include in the diet apricots, asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli,
blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, brown rice, dried fruits, dulse,
figs, fish (especially salmon), garlic, green leafy vegetables, legumes,
raw nuts and seeds, soy products, whole grains, and yogurt. These foods
supply valuable minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and
potassium, which are depleted by stress.

I hope that some of this helped.....good luck to you.

I had no idea you knew so much about anxiety, do you suffer from it as well? You gave her GREAT info on how to control her anxiety without meds. I am just learning these techniques and it is important to remember... THEY HAVE TO BE PRACTICED.

For example: When an attack comes on before I can catch it I jump up, wet my face and start joking about it. Im like "momma's having a freak attck boys, entertain me. In my head I say 'I brough this on. I can make it stop. I am not going to die I am going to sit here and watch my babies play and have fun until this passes and I concentrate on my breathing. If it dont come down after that I call my husband and say 'talk me down'. He knows by now what that means. He is GREAT at it. He doesnt do this oh baby you are going to be ok, let daddy kiss you blah blah bulls***. He is stirn and says "Get it together girl, you know this s*** is in your head, so what are the boys doing'? He doesnt mean 'in you head' derrogatory but realistically, because in reality anxiety attacks are all in your head, you bring them on, you stop them. I HAVE THAT CONTROL.... Yay! But it is going to take alot of attacks for me to get enough practice in to squash them forever. I am only to a point now where I can squash them ONLY if I feel them coming on. By the time I run down the list of the fours current activities, I am ok again. In short, mental diversion is what does it for me.
Yes I have so much info....a guardain angel sent it out to me, kinda surprised I had
Actually all the info led me to the allergiest, and from thier I found out I am killing myself smoking.....Literally! So I guess I really do have a angel watching over me.....
If you want it all just email and I will send it out.....
You have a good one....
Ok... Ok..... so let me understand this.... my dr has looked hi and low for causes to my anxiety, finds nothing physical. Are you saying my pack a day habit is contributing to my anxiety? I smoke like a friggin freight train momma.
Well smoking doesn't help.....but for me it took it one step further and now my lungs are f*cked up......Have you had your thyroid tested? One of the symptoms of thyroid disease is panic attacks....
Now the way you eat is one of the biggest factors....Smaller more frequent meals keeps blood sugar regulated and you have a less likely chance of having you body being the cause.......To early to explain what happens, but low blood sugar trips the adrenal gland and it over produces when you need energy.....
That was the first place they looked, throids then hormones and now he is one step away from ommiting physical reasons and about to hand me over to a head Doc. He is going to test me for diabetes because he thinks maybe I am confusing panic with low/high blood sugar. I know that isnt the case but he is the DR and Im not really ready to go to a head Dr YET, unless it is one that is against meds and more about techniques and can diagnose what I have. I WANT A NAME FOR WHAT HAS CONTROLLED MY LIFE FOR SO MANY YEARS. Then when I curse it, I can address it appropriately hehe.
Hi..I have low blood sugar..severely. I have passed out and have had convulsions because of it. I never associated panic/anxiety attacks with it. I have had a few anxiety attacks in my life when outside stressors were just too much (dad sick in the hospital, son not yet diagnosed for his ADHD, boyfriend dumped me, work overwhelming). I got so dizzy and started blacking out. I had to lay down on the floor..and I breethed deeply and tried to talk myself through it. Telling myself..its just an anxiety attack, I will be ok etc. when I felt well enough to place a phone call..I called my best friend and we talked about how I need to make a plan to deal with each of these issues. For my dad..I needed to be there and CRY.I was holding alot it. My son.he needed medical attention. Work. ..I had to talk to my boss and tell her I can only do so much.Boyfriend..well, I tore up every gift he ever gave me and had a good cry.Then I listed everything I didnt like about him to remind me I didnt lose that much!

If you have generalized anxiety..that may be a different thing. Sometimes breaking down the writing it down..can put it in perspective and help you to start to TRY to overcome it. baby steps of course...
Know what girl... I like you. I find your tone refreshing/comforting. I hope you stick around.
yes I agree your very refreshing and I love your perspective. I had my first anxiety attack about 5 years ago. Lost my job as a firefighter, hurt my back, step father died and got out of a bad realationship. Was driving to the gym on day then I thought my blood sugar went low, I was obcessing over it all morning and I was also a EMT. So I had all sorts of things running through this mind of mine. Well I finally convinced myself I couldn't breath pulled over and called 911. OH MY..I even knew the paramedics. I started on zoloft and had alot os success with it. But for my paxil cr has worked and I take .5mg kloniopin as needed. I did take more but tappered myself down.
You have the right idea and know you will do great . Eventually after years of not friving again for fear of another attack I went to a out patient therapy. Do't get me wrong It was a long road it seemed but I believe you are on the right one. I had to be very MINDFUl of my fears and actions, diets and caffine intake and triggers. I also kept a couple of index cards with me. can do it..your going to be ok.your not going to dieand let me that really helped for me was faith and fear do not coexist...I hope I haven't rambled on too much. You have a wonderful day..hope to hear form you soon:)
Ramble on hunny, my posts are like books. I talk alot in real too soooooo reckon it flows over into my posts/e-mails too.
misteyes just wanted say I love you angel and your family you are so loved here ..really love poopie have a calm day .....................