
I would like to apologize to the board for the way ive been acting lately.Believe me,its out of character for me.Ive been here over 2 yers and have never acted like i have the past week or so.

This board and members mean alot to me and always will.I hate to disrupt threads with mean spirited words and i truly am sorry.Please forgive me.~KIM
Kim - It takes a big person to make such a public apology. I have always told my daughters that an apology never diminishes the one offering it and it can actually free you. Have a great weekend.
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God bless you kim
lets see some more pics of tubby tubbers. ok? love julie
Jewls,dont get me started,i could post pics of tubby tubbers all day long ,lol.

Thanks ladies,and i mean that in every sense of the word.Nice to see there are a few here.Thanks~KIM
Kimber YOU my dear friend just prove over & over to me just how much class & what a big heart you have.
Know I love you & I thank you & the others standing by me through this ruff period
Know I look up to & love you so very much.
Ill be on Sunday I finally get a day off.
Love you sweetheart
As usual I have no clue what going on--- why your apologizing for what ? Okay
Jeff,you know how once in a while we let things get under our skin and then say too much.Things we should have kept to ourselves?

Well i did that here on the board and just wanted to apologize for it.It was very unlady like and uncalled for,im not like that.Anyone who knows me knows im really not like that... usually.

No excuses,i could name several,but i only have myself to blame,i wont lose control like that again.The board and many of the people here dont deserve that kind of behavior.Actually,nobody should talk to or treat another like that,but it happens and sometimes it makes me angry even though its none of my business,my adding to it(the way that i did) was the wrong way to go,i see that now.~KIM

I was curious to see why you posted an apology. It is very easy to get caught up in the snide remarks here. I try to stay away when that begins. There really is no way sometimes to get into someone elses head. I have told you this before, but I have always found you to be one of the most honest people here. You wear your heart on your sleeve. I find your recovery one of the most genuinely expressed here. Anyone who had had this monkey on their back knows it is for life. But everyone, even those who have never touched a pill, has good days and bad days. We cant always assume our bad days are due to lack of pills. Life is just that way. I admire you and I respect you. You are not mean spirited in any way. You just react to the mean spiritedness encountered here. I think you are a genuinely sweet person with no other agenda but to get through the good and bad days and never purposely out to hurt anyone. I think you are a truly lovely person. I just finished reading a great book "For one more day" by Rich Albom (he also wrote "The 5 people we meet in Heaven" and "Tuesdays with Maurie. Its a GREAT read. Pick it up if you can and enjoy a day in the sun with it and big glass of ice tea!
Thank you Donna,you have no idea how much your words mean to me.As well as MNM,Jewls,Sabrina,& Jeffs.

Truthfully,im not mean spirited,i genuinley like just about anyone,i find the good in most.I do tend to stick up for my friends rather fiercely,which can be a hard thing to swallow from time to time.

I also wanted you to know,i agree with your philosophy of...do whatever it takes to get clean...I just dont believe theres "only" one way for "ANYTHING"...everybody is different and needs to handle things the best way they can...for themselves,and noone should be critisized for that.The end result is what matters.

I dont intend for this to be a debate,i just wanted you to know that i agree with alot of your posts and way of thinking.

Thanks again for the kind words,theyve lifted my spirits tonight. Take care~KIM

Im always looking for a good book,thanks so much for telling me about"one more day" i will order it tonight!
Kim are you a Yankee Fan?

your such a lady............

i am so happy to have you as my friend.............

we have to forgive and watch what happens...........
it will open your life to LOVE ................

your the best and i love ya .....K I M B E R .............POO


Kim, Integrity,,,,,,,,,,,that's what came to mind when I read this apology, and it's not the first time I have had that thought when reading your posts.
Decent, honest, moral, honest, caring, honest.........I could go on and on, but those are just a few of the qualities I see in you..........

Thanks guys,YOU are the best!

YES,Jeff...Yankees,Rangers and Giants...all the way!!!!!!!!!!~KIM

You should see my car,its all Yankees and i think i own every pink shirt ever made with Yankees on it,i even have pink and gray slide on sandels!!!!!! They are cool!

Kim Since your a Ranger and Giant Fan you get a pass for being a schmucko Yankee fan.

Kinda stupid question as the bottom of your screen?

Looks like the weather is holding up for the Belmont. I am taking my daughter to our local sports bar as she loves to watch all the screens.

Have a good night Kim--Jeff

P.S A Danny did the FIRE FIGHTER/ WOMAN visit you last night? Did not get confirmation. She was sent to wet down you cubbie fans

Sweet Kim ~

You probably know that I subscribe to the 12 step modality of recovery. The 12 step modality is not one of medical, emotional, or physical recovery; yet, one that empowers our spirit and brings us to a higher spiritual awareness. To paraphase the Big Book of AA, we think that once spiritual progress/awakening
is attained in our lives, these other areas (medical, emotional, physical etc. straighten out). I was doing some reading today of D i c k B.'s and I wanted to share this with you.

D i c k B. talks about the correlation of certain Bible passages as they relate to passages in the Big Book. One caught my eye, as it pertains to your thread. It goes like this:

"Letting your light shine. Matt. 5:13-16 suggest glorifying your Heavenly Father by letting others see your good works. That is, Letting your light shine does not mean glorifying yourself, but rather glorifying God by letting others see your spiritual walk in action to see the immediate results of your surrender to the Master. These ideas may be reflected in the Big Book's statement: A Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God. . . .(p. 77)."

How refreshing it is to log on here and see your light shining. This took a tremendous of courage to post a public apology and I stand back in awe of the magnificient Power of Love within you that enabled you to do so.

Namaste, dear Kim.

Love ~



thank you for posting................

very nice and well said...............

i agree, with every word of your post..............



let your light shine............
sammy called you............" sweet kim"

Yes Thumper....Sammy,you really are the sweet one!~KIM
Hey Kim:

Although, I'm not really sure what was said, I think it's nice of you to own your part and apologize. None of us here are perfect. Snide words are said from time to time, but it take a big person to step up and admit when they're wrong. So, kudo's to you.

Have a nice Sunday.....I've got to go to work (damn).
Lola,thanks so much.

I know how you feel,im off to work to.I take care of a 90 year old woman,she now needs 24 hour care.Im going in at 1 until 3 tomorrow.

She will sleep alot,so i will read,be on the computer,and get more relaxation than i do here at home.

I appreciate your post to me.As i do to all of you.You truly are sweet caring people.Thats why i still hang around here even though the polotics really rubs me some times.Im trying to learn and turn away and leave it alone....slowly...but im getting there.

Were all human,have bad days,but disrupting this board with BS,that only certain few even know or give two s***s about is just sooooo not worth it.Im thick headed sometimes,but after i calm down,my logic returns.

Hope youre all having a wonderful weekend.

We went fishing and picnicing at my sons lock yesterday,it was a perfect day,then i got my 3 beautiful grandchildren to sit down and let me take a pic of the 3 of them,which is very hard to do becasue Jacob refuses to let me take his picture,but he was willing lst night.Hers a pic of the 3 loves of my life!!!!

Jacob 8,Jennah 6,Baby Michael(AKA...tubby tubbers)6 months old(tomorrow)

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