Well someone out there are in my shoes i kept mine for seven years and i was dealing the H and Crack(not proud mind you lot) then moved from this domestic voilence relationship come dealer and was right up there, then ran from this life and lived on the streets with a 400 a day habit how did i do it "i dont know" started swatting robbing etc but one thing never sold myself. Yes i am proud of that, then moved to a new town never went to find the dealers and cleaned myself up on DF118s then a day before my court case to get my son i snached him but won hands down the next day, so i told her i had him already.
I was up there in the clouds clean supream and i was back............
We was stonger than ever, i had got away from a beater that would not let me wear what i wanted, speak to whom i wanted and late that was a no go mer,
Well mer get back to the point, i had them then a girl befriended me and got in my daughters head and spoke her into living with her as my daughter was only 11 years of age.
She did and with in time my daughter did not want to come home i rang her after school and told her "Get home now" as she started to try to over rule me and as much as i tryed i lost her more and more each day.
Well in the end this so say friend of mine had taken my daughter as she never had a daughter of her own(YES SICK TELL ME ABOUT IT) i lost my baby under my feet.
After that she took care of her as i rang S/S and said what can i do? if she is happy then there is not alot you can do about it, then she contacted S/S and could not cope so they put her up, they did not know about my boy as his ser name was diffrent but when they found out they said sign him over or you will be aressed so my baby boy went also, talk later sorry........
hi merca how are you doing left the page on finished can i help
dont no have u lost like me?
no sorry please finish what you want to say it will help
merca please talk i have a daughter who went down that way not the exact same way
Yes alot more to say, my children then was taken by the S/S and put into foster care luckly together but i fell back into addiction and my social worker had made up her mind not to help me back into motherhood but to take my babys away from me, i had not a chance, i kept saying to my son you will be home with me but i know now i was promising something i could not keep as my social worker knew that they would not be comming home.
I can't put the last 5 years let alone the 7 years Domestic violence before this, it makes me upset telling my story and i am glad i found this site so i can express myself slowly but surely, If they would have just gave me another socal worker i might of listened as she was the one who took my babbys away from me, i got 3 hours a week with my children just like a saturday dad would.
I could not concentrate or act everyday life i started drinking to try to forget but my children noticed the diffrence in me, my girl is training to be a hair dresser and my boy is grand on the skatebored with his mates he is not that little boy i remember but this social worker wont let me see them... sorry got to leave now tears are falling again, hope you understand merca
I can't put the last 5 years let alone the 7 years Domestic violence before this, it makes me upset telling my story and i am glad i found this site so i can express myself slowly but surely, If they would have just gave me another socal worker i might of listened as she was the one who took my babbys away from me, i got 3 hours a week with my children just like a saturday dad would.
I could not concentrate or act everyday life i started drinking to try to forget but my children noticed the diffrence in me, my girl is training to be a hair dresser and my boy is grand on the skatebored with his mates he is not that little boy i remember but this social worker wont let me see them... sorry got to leave now tears are falling again, hope you understand merca
yes i ask a angel to hold you and let you tell your store i am not going to ask you to please keep telling your story bit by bit i am listing till you stop crying then you get up and start again there is a lot of people on this who will help
Merca ya paint a grim picture,but one which ya have kept yer sanity....i aint read much ....are ya clean now or on juice or subs??if ya get me....im a lone parent since i broke up with my x/g/f when my daughter was 2,shellbe 10 in October and she is starting to get a bit mouthy,shes got plenty of mates,some of them not so smart,so i have to gauge things on the downlow,but we do get on well and when shes pissed off or has day to day stuff....she will ask me in her round about ,i was a smack user for 10yrs so i did use gear as a parent....but i never let it run too wild..... was on methadone and that was and is a saviour.....aint used in 2odd yrs apart from a few benzo binges but in the last 6mnths ive been squeky,not even a spliff and only a few cans at the wknd clean.Is there no way ya can get yer nippers back,as a single Dad if the law?was applied fully i might just get equal custody,but my x continues to use crack and smack so is happy in a denial type way ...ohh i carried that girl fer 9mnth....now ya can mind her etc....we might see her twice a month......Merca sorry for ramblin on but i understand yer heartfelt love fer yer kids......mines here and reading so i gotta go.......chat soon ...Davey
My situation was not exactly like yours. Yes i had children in my home while I was using I did at one point lose my children. I had used their whole lives they were 6 and 8 when the state gave them to my mom. It was a childrens services case the state was involved. I went on m-done about 15 months later while getting off m-done became pregnant. After the baby was born I did manage thru the court to get my children back in all it took over 2 years nearly 3 years they were 8 and 10 when they came home. They are now 11 and 13 and have been with me and my 2 year old. When I first lost my children the first month was so dark I used more then i ever did when i had them. I even thought about leaving town getting gone. I was so addicted I did not want to fight for them. I just could not do it. My poor kids already lost a father they did not have a parent. I could not just leave them behind. I went got treatment did everything the court wanted got a apartment got a car. I'm so glad they are under my roof everynight. It took a lot of work a lot of butt kissing a lot of - drug test I did get them back. I would have done ANYTHING that court ask. It broke my heart to not have them. I've been H free 4 years come May.
Well done and well done forgetting them back and 4 years clean, Yes i went crazy on the H when i lost them but kept going cold turkey due for a court case but me and my s.worker could not see eye to eye. I asked to have her changed but see wanted to win this one good and proper, i done everything they wanted and could still not please her so as i could not seem to win i banged myself up days before the test and have regreted it so much since at least they are together and are now 17 at the end of June and 14 years old so hope they will come home soon. I got a nice flat now and away from the dealers, i'm on 55 mls mdone but slip up once in a while. Thanks Merca