Are you grateful?

Take my poll.
Grateful for what?
Without gratitude I may as well be getting high. When I start taking my life as it is for granted I am in big trouble. I know I will be headed for a relapse. Self pity is a killer for me. I have no time for it now. It will just head me back to hell. I've been taught a grateful alcoholic/addict won't drink/use and I believe it. I remember how I felt when I took my last pill and I remember what I went thru to get off them. As long as I am grateful I don't have to worry about ever feeling like that again.
Ummm, Rex Grossman? LMAO......


Self pity is a killer for me. I have no time for it now. It will just head me back to hell.

Yep, me too and today when I feel the self-pity creeping in, I get into action and reach out to others, get in service and I remember everyday where I was and even going through a difficult time in life, I am so grateful that I'm clean & sober and I have a HP that I can lean on.........
Right here, right now i'm grateful cause i'm here posting this clean.I might not be tomorrow, but for today i am.... and that is something.Peace, Kev
Hehe..grossman..ya..thats gratititude for ya...yes, I am grateful
I'm grateful to God, he has always seen me throughly bad times - not just the drugs.
I am so grateful for my sons. They are my sunshine. My 25 yr old and I are going bowling tonight and eating greasy bowling ally food. Should I now sind "Memories" haha
Talked with my older son last night - they went to Myrtle Beach for the Labor Day w'end to visit my d-in-law's parents. I alwyas make sure they get home safe.
In rehab, I saw so many sad, I really think they felt hopeless and w/o hope, we have nothing. The rehab couldn't release you with no place to go but simetimes it got down to shelters and the people wouldn't go so they were sent to the streets. I am grateful for my workaholic husband who has alway been able keep things going. My part-time job pretty much just bought groceries for (5) which I was thankful for that, too - I remember when the children were young - had the groceries, paper supplies, toiletries had to come from his check, it would not have been easy.
We are so far from rich, I just want to pay the bills.

I don't want to sound cocky in any way but I hope the pain pills are gone for me forever. I pray every night. What would even hurt more if my sons ever were addicted. They are as straight as they can be now even more so that they know about the pp - my middle son will not even take an aspirin.

So, I have so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for this board and all of the caring people on it. You are all so special in your own unique way.

Love to all, Becky
I'm grateful for today. It's the best I can do right now.
Yes! Another great topic and I'm grateful to you, Stace for starting this.

Dear God ~

When there seems to be more going on in my life than I can manage, I have learned that I am trying to go it alone.

The truth is, I am never alone--You are always with me.

I know this to be true and yet, there are times when I seem to cling to old patterns that do not serve me.

Help me release the ghosts and images of the past.

I want to grow beyond my stuck and fearful places.

Release me and all others from the consequences of the errors of my past.

I am ready to move out from the shadows and into the Light.

You call me to come closer, to rise up.

I am ready but I am not sure of the next step.

I seek Your will for my life and the strength to live it out.

I seek a miracle.

I rely, not on myself, but on You--expressing through me.

I release this prayer, knowing that You have heard and are responding to me now.

I gratefully let it be.

Thank You.


user posted image
Gratefully let it be....hmmm.

I can do that.
Grateful had the balls to grow up and stop feeling sorry for myself.

I used to get angry of all the things i have lost . Now i focus on all the things I have .

Thank God I am not a Cub Fan--AAGHH DANNY MY BOY WHAT UP? Sorry buddy but its all over for your cubbies--
