Arun chapman Posted: October 26, 2008, 12:35 AM
Posts: 1
Joined: October 26, 2008
I ride Motor cicles and have had heaps of accidents resulting in an opiate dependance wich I must say is better than anything else I was doing I youst to have a big alchahole problem wich I have substituted for opiates and dont see what the difference is between being able to drink alchahole or smoke cigarettes However the addiction level between these other drugs and opiats is incompareable and I can see how this aspect creates a problem what I dont understand however is how I can be labled a drug addict and condemed by a sociaty who does all sorts of other legal drugs which apart from the financial aspect are without doubt more distructive than what I am doing and I have been diagnosed with Manic depression (Bipola) wich the medications taken for this have no desired efect where as Morphine seems to fix me. My Question is Why am I not allowed to do the only thing that not only kills my phisical pain but my emotional pain as well but instead due to the fact that I was misusing my medication by dissolving the opiate active ingrediants in water and injecting them which is no different to what they did to me in hospital why I should be put on to an inferrior pain managment system like methadone which does not kill the pain and completly restricts my life makes me sleep all day and gives me an elevated level of depression leeding to not being able to hold as job. which was not only possible on morphine but enjoyable as well. What gives anyone the right to say what I can or canot do to my body everyone is addicted to at least one of the legal (and more damaging to anyones body ) drugs such as caffine,nicotine and alchahole. Noone could possibly know how hard it is to quit an opiate addiction untill it is to late for them. All I can say is give him A break unless he is bashing you or somthing like that wich I think is highly unlikely then your energy would be better spent trying to get the prices down for his medication which is the only problem opiates create.
I moved your post over here so you would get more answers to your questions. I am sure you will here from a lot of members here. I have to run but will be back later to reply.
As this post was on another thread by starting a new thread I thought it would get the attention it deserves.
I moved your post over here so you would get more answers to your questions. I am sure you will here from a lot of members here. I have to run but will be back later to reply.
As this post was on another thread by starting a new thread I thought it would get the attention it deserves.
Hmmmm.............I'm not sure exactly how to reply to this post. I am interested in what everybody else has to say about it.
Well, I'll take a stab at it and give my opinion, for what it is worth.
Arun, I agree with the very far fetched notion that drugs should be legal. You are right, it is your body, and if you choose to destroy it with daily IV use of morphine, you should be allowed to do so as long as you are hurting no one but yourself, and paying for it yourself.
I think that what anyone wants to do in the comfort and privacy of their own home is their business and should not be subject to the law.
As for what people think of you,,,,,,,,let's face it, society as a whole has always frowned on drug addiction, and although we are coming around in understanding and accepting addiction more of late, it is still not as accepted as a disease by the general public as we would hope.
I youst to have a big alchahole problem wich I have substituted for opiates and dont see what the difference is between being able to drink alchahole or smoke cigarettes |
The comparrison to coffee and nicotine is one of the oldest sound bites from addicts.
Rationalization is an ugly thing.
You are right however.Addiction is addiction.Unless you start addressing the core issue of why you need anything to change how you feel,you will simply hop around substances the rest of your life.Shooting up morphine will stop working eventually.Collapsed veins,unable to have proper bowel movements,memory loss and liver dysfunction are only a few symptoms of chronic opiate use..........good times brother.
When you reach the conclusion that there might be a better way there are lots of folks who will give their time to help you.We've all been there and had the same denial.
Good Luck
I had the same thought as Arun a long time ago. But that was before the opiates started ruining my life. I didn't think it was hurting anyone, either. I was wrong on both thoughts.