Atasol 30 Addiction ??????

good evening
I have been taking atasol 30 for a period of approximately 2 mos for back pain, however the pain has since ceased about 1 mo ago but I find I still am taking those 2 pain killers every day and if they are not with me when I am out and about I get very agitated, and a littlr restless , could some one please tell me if this is a sign of getting addicted and if so how can I stop. Do I stop them all together at once or???? thank you so much for your help..I sure would appreciate hearing from someone who can advise me..thanks again.
Well I am assuming that atasol is an opiate? Have you had addiction problems in the past? Can you casually drink or can you never get enough? I'm not an expert (well maybe I am) but I would say if you've had problems with other substances, it could be a sign of addiction. However, not everyone that uses the pills is an addict. You could be chemically dependent though. The meds start to become a bodily need after a while. Your body cries out for them when you don't have them. Since they are so addictive I would be very careful. If you don't need them anymore and you're still taking them you are getting something out of it. You like the way they make you feel. The fact that you are taking two a day is better than most of us. I would take 10 a day and could easily have taken double or triple that. Fortunately I didn't have the supply and knew I would suffer for it.

Anyway, welcome to the board. Please talk to your doctor and tell him what is going on. He may have the knowledge to help you taper off of them. If you stop suddenly you will be sick for a few days. Two months is not that long so you shouldn't suffer so much. I tapered and stopped suddenly. Stick around. You will get some more input later. Addiction is a horrible disease. It makes good people do bad things. The whole family suffers. Do not take this lightly.
When people ask if they have a problem, they usually do. 2 pills a day doesn't seem like much to most of us but everyone's tolerance level is different so for you, yes, you may be an addict. You definetly are physically dependant on them.

Like my smart friend Alice to your doc. Tell on yourself and ask for help. Glad you found us, hope you can stick around.
Atasol 30 is a Canadian drug.It has acetomephen/caffeine/codeine...30mg.It's U.S equivalent would be Tylenol#3 without the caffeine.Codeine is addicting so that is why when you stop you are experiencing withdrawl symptoms.

I would quit now because you do not have a large habit so your detox will be short and relatively mild.If you don't quit now,you will need to take more pills and consequently your w/d's will be harder.