Atoz/johnny.....where Are You?

Martin Short, again. My stylist days I'm stalking him, lol...
I saw Alan Alda in a parking garage, lol.


Do you work in Bev. Hills ?

Vacation days. If you want to sell me some I'll take em.


LOL.....I saw him on t.v. recently, he's put on a few pounds, huh?

we're leaving Sun. for Fripp Island for a few days, even though it's going to rain all week.

Yes I do. Everybody has to go to the Dr., I guess.
I have 24 vacation days and they want me to use them. Ideally, nine before April. It's not gonna happen.

That'll be nice. Where is that?

OK forget Martin Short and Alan Alda. Any cute girls ????


Hmmm, lemme think....Not lately. I'll keep my eyes peeled for you though.
It's off the coast of Beaufort, SC in the Low Country, sorta near Charleston.
You guys, I gotta roll. I have to get my cup of joe at Starbucks before the meeting. Bye. Nice talking to you both...

Bye careful!

Frank, I HAVE to go and watch this movie and laugh with my lil man! You have a nice evening if I don't make it back. : )

Good night guys.

Rach.....Drive careful

Carol....Enjoy the movie.

Hey guys just been reading your posts and thought I would add a few comments:

I cannot seem to turn on the radio or tv without hearing something about pain pill addiction. Dr. Phil had those desparate house wifes on and the one was addicted to pain pills, however I find him to be a sanctimonious preacher. I mean does he look all that fit to you???? Anyway I turn the radio on last night when the first topic I hear is about pain pill abuse. I am definetly being sent all kinds of messages.

I loved Stand by me. They don't make movies for kids like that anymore. Another great one was Radio Flyer. Have you seen that? It would be a great one to rent for the kids. My all time favorite line was when River asked about the last food and the one boy said "That's easy Pez, cherry flavored Pez" It just summed up the essence of innocence for me.