
ok dude check out my picture do you like it wanted to let you know that i will keep on supporting you no matter how long it takes for you to get off those pills don't know how you did today but i hope you got down like you wanted to
liked what you wrote about internet weirdos tell your wife i won't be coming over to cut off her head lol and i don't know anything about cyber sex but the wife wants me to try to do on line group meetings and the only group stuff i would ever even remotely think of trying is group sex least it sounds like it would be fun lol yeah i am being bad tonight but thats because i feel pretty good better to laugh than be miserable will be looking for your post to this can not wait to see what you write i will try to call if i get off the road early enough tomorrow
god bless you dude
i know this post was not 4-me, but i just had to say that was a very sweet post, good friend you are, take care, mitzy:)
bad, never did the group sex thing...
I got an offer, though when I went out to a club...the clerk from the grocery store and her husband were making weird suggestions to me...LOL....user posted image
Don't you just have to laugh sometimes? They probably looked like Fred and Ethel too. Your "eek" is cool. Love, Kat
LB- Yuz gots a lot 'splainin to do!!!" hehe

Danny "trying his best Ricky imitation" OB343
hey man just wanted to tell ya you are a great guy, you and your lady so keep up the good work you guys are really special. with lots of love
Hey Johnny,
Like the hair cut...I did it myself. I love that avatar, my favorite bugs bunny cartoon has him in it.....whats his name hairy monster .......scary monster......I
am not sure. Bugs is doing his nails and the monster is looking at him like wtf....You can never get to old to watch the looney toons. They are the best!
So how did you do yesterday........wondering........Hope all went well.......Did you see trying hards post....if not find it and read it.(55 days go dawgs).
See yah,
well tina i didn't make it again. i don't know what i am going to have to do. i can't give them to my wife cause she is trying to do the same taper thing i am doing. she seem content to stay at 3 she says it is a hell of a lot better than 12 and after all we do have a legit reason because of pain. but i know i can do this thing and i will be o.k. went to the dr. today, he gave me the amount he always gives me, 8 per day for 30 days you do the math. bu i don't take but 3. wonder if i can sell them so i can buy my kids christmas. ha ha just kidding, no one get their panties in a knot i wouldn't put this hell on anyone else
lots of love
Hey can you cut the pill in half cause if you can then I got a great idea for tapering for you......let me know!
Tina, those Looney Toons are like comfort food. Here is a great site:
Johnny, I thought about fact, that is why I didn't come clean with my pill dr after rehab. All I saw was the fact that I could have made alot of money.
But in the end, I never made a dime; I just ended back in treatment. Some kinda God or Karma thing, I suppose.
That is why I think they say complete honesty..
yes tina i can cut the pill i half. as a matter of fact i kinda already thought of that take 1/2 in morning then 1/2 in afternoon then 1 pill in evening but i am open to all suggestions. sending great vibes your way
user posted imageDanny, you crack me up....
user posted imageI think we have the same sense of humor....
Thanks Danny I checked it out and saw some things that I remember watching when I was a lot younger.......The hubby will love it too.....seen something about the 3 stooges cartoon.....thats him a stooge LOL
Johnny I think you are so hung up on taking that pill in the afternoon that I would do just what you said......then when you drop again you can do a half 3 times a day and that will get your dose even lower before you have to give up the comfort of that afternoon pill...........what do you you that security you need. You know you can do this keep telling yourself that.......
Johnny- Someone here told me to cut the pills in half..guess what? IT'S WORKING..

Kerry- That Banana is the "bestest" so far...

Misty- That site is great for anyone who loved cartoons as a kid. It brings back a lot of memories, that's for sure. In Chicago, we had a Christmas animation called "Hardrock, Coco and Joe". They played it on a local station here. It's actually awesome. There is a large furniture chain here in Chicago that is actually now using it in a TV promotion. It's VERY Christmas and very much for little kids. Here is the link to see it:

Danny "got to find me some smileys" OB343
I just want to see if this works. I have a cat named Tigger:

user posted image
It, love tiger
my little Kaili used to walk around the house saying...
"T I double G RRRRR.....that spells TIGGER!!" It was sooooo cute...