Attn: Johndee Or Gotthavefaith

Needing help on finding sub Dr around my area, was givin your name for help on this subject. How do i approach this situation?!
Hi Elbrisa
This is the locator, just click on your state

This is a lot of info on sub


What state or city are you in? I will try and find one for you.. I have a link but not really sure how to post it here. I will try and figure it out. Rae

Ps. Thanks JohnDee, you are always a big help.. Btw~ wanted to tell you my ex tried taking 4 mgs and 4 hours later felt a little achy and took 2 more mgs. So now he's on 6 mgs a day. He says he feels confortable there. So thanks for your help.
Elbrisa...Just click on the link JohnDee left for you and tell the doctor you are addicted to pain pills. I know it may be uncomfortable, I was when I called but you should get the help you need. If you have any questions let me know.

Good luck!

Elbrisa, Keep coming back to board. Did you find you a Dr.?