
I'm going to the noon meeting, what would be the protocol. Return the chips? I don't want to get into Ken's ma's death, its a little raw still, but I want to be honest. What would you say? Can't say I'm still sober. Thanks A.

And do I have to start the ninety in ninety over?
Hey Roe, I am tied up this morning with contractors--you don't want to know. Roe, your chips are your chips. You earned them. Keep them.

It would be good for you to pick up a new white chip to acknowlege that you are starting over. It would be good if you raised your hand and gave a general share about what happened. What you said about believing that you had the tools and could do it without the meetings would be perfect. No need for specifics regarding either the circumstances or what you used.

You reached out beautifully this morning, and I am proud of you for having the courage to do that. Make that same leap of faith at the meeting. You might be surprised with the results.

90 in 90? Now, Roe, you know what I am going to say to that. First one didn't take so do another. It if is any consolation, I would up doing about 27 90s in 90s in a row. But again, I am a slow learner, and sometimes I think I am a little too smart for my own good. In other words, I was a hard case.

Row, none of us has it for any longer than just today. That is what the 90 in 90 is all about.

Welcome back, Roe, Gosh I missed you, and your post has made my day! Please let all of us know how it went.

Wedding pics: they were not great because we had to move the wedding indoors at the last moment due to rain. We are still going through them trying to find the pearls.


PS: Jeff, I am no expert on what others believe about recovery. For me, relapse is not a part of recovery. Not for today anyway. I will worry about tomorrow when it gets here.
I missed you to. What got me away was not a death in the family, thats exuse, problems, (poor me). All this is going to happen, its how we react to it that matters. Ken's family's a bunch of lushs tho and that is going to have to be a huge red flag for me.
Tim typed a nice note to me. Why am I the only one that would be mad if you guys did that? I really expected it. August, that could even happen to you.
Thank God we have another day to start over. Remember I told you about that girl in the meeting awhile back? She was a flake, crying about her relapse, I'm just gonna tell the truth and I've apologized to God to you (the second) and to the board and I can't help what anyone in the rooms think. I'll never know anything and I have to really guard myself in ways I didn't think of. Thats ok, I'll do it this time. Just might do the same meeting routine as before. I know where they all are.
K, go back to work, I gotta run too, I'll be back after the meeting. Love y a xoxo