B/f Addiction To Cocaine,crack,alcohol. Help Pleas

My b/f is very addictive to all of the above. Alcohol seems to trigger it. Hes emotional,mentally and physically abusive when he drinks too much. You can tell he just wants a buzz from cocaine or crack. Gets pissed b/c I won't take him to get it. We were doing it togather mabey once a week or every other week for about a year. I could tell I was getting in over my head. But if it was there I did it too. Well I am know 2 months prg. so b/c of that I became clean. Which was hard but if I am not around it I realize I did not want it. Him & I talked about it and he agreed he would not do it as often. well since i've stopped hes gotton worse. The once a week went to 6 days a week and the other day acting like a jerk b/c he was'nt buzzed. Anyhow hes also a freak when he does it (sexual) Especially lately. Its embarrassing when I have a friend at the house and he is spying on us........ NAKED.... Or him sitting there masterbating infront of men. He says hes not gay he just wants me messing with other men infront of him. All of a sudden he doe'snt trust me, hes paranoid and crazy. I just don't know what to do. He has became such an addict. but when I try to talk to him hes mean. please give me some advice.
You want to live? Get out!
You want your baby to live? Get out!

You can see the result of using more clearly now that you are not doing cocaine yourself.

The first person you have to take care of is yourself. So GET OUT!

Let him figure out the whys and wherefors. He will eventually.
Toughlove- Trust me I want to get out. Its not that easy. I have tried leaving but he is abusive, I am scared he will snap. He has told me he would kill me and then himself if i tried. Because of previous incidents I have no choice but to take him seriously. You are right since I am now clean I do see clearer on what crack and cocaine does to people. He is really crazy now. He will come home and throw stuff on the table and try to tell me to do it, knowing I am prg. and trying to stay clean. Anyhow thanks again:).
Call the police if you feel you need protection. Be sincere with them because if they think you're an active user they won't heed your call for help.

note: Don't tell them you were using at the beginning of your pregnancy. An overzealous cop might interpret that as administering drugs to a minor eventhough you feotus isn't officially a person yet(some cops are that idiotic).
I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend who is a cocaine addict..
It has been a NIGHTMARE!! He too gets very "bizarre sexually" when he is using. I am looking for any information on this. It is almost a COMPULSION..
He will masterbate excessively, he has gotten prostitutes and frequents porn shops fo HOURS..I do not understand this behavior and it is killing me..HELP!

You said: "He has told me he would kill me and then himself if i tried."
-Don't believe that.

Listen, suicidal tendancies can actually rub off onto other people (i believe).
-You really should try to avoid someone who claims they will kill you if you leave them, or they will kill theirself if you leave them.. simple enough..

If you are really concerned about it, call the coppers.. they'll come and get someone who is suicidal or homicidal; these things are nothing that you should have to personally have to deal with, from anybody..
You have YOURSELF and your UNBORN child to think about. You know what you need to do, you just have to do it.

Good luck!
seems like an easy decision to me, what would you tell your son or daughter if they confronted you with the same issue, I think you just gave yourself the answer, you only get to go around once, make sure that you do it the right way and enjoy life, it's tough enough without others making trouble for you, sleep on it, but tough decisions are usually the best ones to make, they pay for themselves in happiness alone....