I wrote earlier concerning my boyfriend's vicodin use and the problems it is causing. I wrote then because he has hardly left his bed the last 3 days. He's nearly gone through a bottle of extra strength vicodin (90) since Wednesday night. He was in an ugly mood this morning and has gotten sullen and belligerent. I told him I would have no part of his getting more from a doctor because I can't be a part of his destruction. If he is using this heavily, does anyone know what his state of mind is like? I think I need to be very still tonight.
yes, i do he is going thru withdrwl and will be very very mean, he need to get off of it!!! if he gets more he will be cool untill he runs out again, trust me ive been thru it myself, i would get so mean and not care about anything else in the world, except getting my next bottle of Vicdion, its a horrible addiction and it makes you soooooooo mean and un bareable as well, i hope he gets help, read my stor under the title,(im helping my sister) my whole story is on there, should you have aby questions im here just post me, take care and god bless you on your journey w/ your husband who is an adict. mitzy
I thank you for your reply. Its a lonely road right now. I have my kids nearby and I'm interning at a church for so called at risk teenagers. I have plenty to stay busy and involved with. I just miss the other guy he used to be. The odd thing is he keeps telling me how awful I make his life-when I do something for him he won't thank me or acknowledge it because he says he knows I expect that. He never used to be so weird and mean. Thanks again. Support helps a lot.