hey b.a. i cant speak for bob per se, but i do know he doesnt judge people for working different programs as long as you are in on and its working for you. i dont work the same program as bob and i am clean 10 months today. as long as you are working one and it is successfully working then. that is the key. its just like religion we all take our own paths to get where we want to be. we are all working on the same goal and are here to support encourage and help each other whenever possible. bob only knows his program and he works it completely to be where he needs to be. i believe thats what he wants for all of us to find what works and then do it. then share with others how it can be done. from what i have read you are doing great and it is working for you because you are working it. keep up the great work. fight the good fight. you have an amazing woman supporting you which makes it all the more better for you. your way isnt wrong. its only wrong when you procalaim to be doing something about it to appear to look good. but i dont see that as your case. you and your wife have alot of great things hope and wisdom to offer all us here. for that i am grateful to read your posts and happy that you are able to have found the path that works for you. keep up the great work. keep fighting the good fight. your worth it as well as your amazing family is. take care.
I agree with you 100%....and very well said...
love ya
gina :)
I agree with you 100%....and very well said...
love ya
gina :)
hey thanks for writing cant find even where i asked the question wife said it might have been taken off i hope not for my question
he kind of freaked me out when he wrote it wasn't his fault people do it every other way than the way it works glad i aint the only one doing somethin different i thought others were that had some clean time
man for all the money i am putting and all the soul searching i have to do this s*** better work cause i am trying to hard for it not to
take care and thanks for helping me out
he kind of freaked me out when he wrote it wasn't his fault people do it every other way than the way it works glad i aint the only one doing somethin different i thought others were that had some clean time
man for all the money i am putting and all the soul searching i have to do this s*** better work cause i am trying to hard for it not to
take care and thanks for helping me out
yeah no probs b.a., sounds like your doinh everything right to me and its working : ) you have to be proud of that and feel good about it. i know from what i have read of your wife's post she is happy with the outcome and proud as well. as a recovering addict myself i know i am of you. i admit my program is god/faith and relying on leaning on him for my strength and support. i also stay close to my friends in recovery. my recovery friends all have thier own methods. we respect each others for the mere fact that we are sticking to it and making it work by applying it to our own individual needs. no matter what you choose, it works if you work it. oh and definately honesty, being true to yourselves and others and having someone to be accountable to. again kudos to you. no matter what program you work is not easy but is well worth all the hard works and efforts. it certainly does show when someone comes back with pride in there posts and is able to share and hopefully shed hopes and light on the struggling person : )
BA- This one is for you too...
Sorry Bad,
The computer I use is an old one, and I have problems with it from time to time.
I wasn't able to get back in till just now, my wife has the new computer! lmao
Anyway, thanks Terrianne, no Bad, thats not what I was saying earlier, I feel as long as there is a plan of some sort for recovery to be the primary goal, than as long as one has a desire and the willingness to follow through with it the way it's suggested, it'll work. The thread that got deleted was a post I made in haste,
after seeing a few things and I'm glad it's gone. In no way was I trying to suggest
that the only way to be sucsessful in recovery is the way I choose to do it.
I apologize if it was taken that way. Anyway, nice to see ya' hope all is well.
I never did find a meeting directory for your area, I'm sure by now you have! lol
I just had my hearing last week for SSD and am waiting on my check. As soon as I have wheels again, a week or two I hope, I'd still like to get together and hit a meeting with you if your still intrested. I'm sure once we meet face to face, Misty will be able to anounce "Not Guilty"! Instead of a hung jury! lmao. I got my eye on a real nice Dodge Pick-up, I can't wait. I love trucks and will be glad to get one again. My wife wants a truck too, maybe an Expedition, there nice, big too lol, got my eyes on a white one with tinted glass all around..lol Now that I think about it, maybe I'll give her the pick-up! lol
Talk to ya' soon.
Take care........................................God bless...................................Bob
The computer I use is an old one, and I have problems with it from time to time.
I wasn't able to get back in till just now, my wife has the new computer! lmao
Anyway, thanks Terrianne, no Bad, thats not what I was saying earlier, I feel as long as there is a plan of some sort for recovery to be the primary goal, than as long as one has a desire and the willingness to follow through with it the way it's suggested, it'll work. The thread that got deleted was a post I made in haste,
after seeing a few things and I'm glad it's gone. In no way was I trying to suggest
that the only way to be sucsessful in recovery is the way I choose to do it.
I apologize if it was taken that way. Anyway, nice to see ya' hope all is well.
I never did find a meeting directory for your area, I'm sure by now you have! lol
I just had my hearing last week for SSD and am waiting on my check. As soon as I have wheels again, a week or two I hope, I'd still like to get together and hit a meeting with you if your still intrested. I'm sure once we meet face to face, Misty will be able to anounce "Not Guilty"! Instead of a hung jury! lmao. I got my eye on a real nice Dodge Pick-up, I can't wait. I love trucks and will be glad to get one again. My wife wants a truck too, maybe an Expedition, there nice, big too lol, got my eyes on a white one with tinted glass all around..lol Now that I think about it, maybe I'll give her the pick-up! lol
Talk to ya' soon.
Take care........................................God bless...................................Bob
Bump For Bad..
Morning Bob