Bad Attitude!

You know, some people make me so mad. I cannot believe the discrimination we have to put up with. The manageress of the surgery I go to is an evil b****. We had arranged for my boyfriends scripts to be sent directly to the chemist, and delivered to our door. He has a debilitating disease and needs loads of medication to keep mobile and control his pain. When they didn't arrive, I rang the chemist and was told that they had tried to collect the script twice and it wasn't ready. So I ring the surgery and this evil b**** gets all arsy and superior and tells me that no Dr will speak to me and there's nothing they can do. She does this on a regular basis. She detests all addicts and has told the drugs team that she thinks all addicts should be seen in the probation office. I can't actually believe she dared voice that opinion. She makes it as difficult as possible for any addict to get hold of a methadone or subutex script, or any benzo's. That is bad enough, but she thinks it's her duty to inflict as much suffering as possible on someone who is crippled with MS, just because he happens to be on a methadone script as well. And this is the cow who's in charge. I don't think the Dr's know anything about her attitude.

Anyway, I had to go all the way down to the surgery to get the script, and I was told that it had been ready since last week, and the chemist should have picked it up. It was a blatant lie. These people make me sick!

Am I ranting?



i'm sorry, some people need to be put out of their misery instead of inflicting it on us!! maybe you could talk to the person above her. or your boyfriends doctor next time he is seen. good luck to you.
thats sounds so f***in frustrating diff!!!! my god!! if these jerks were given 1 minute of what we feel when we need our s*** they'd understand a whole lot more. thats a aunt has MS and is nearly blind because of it. well if my opinion helps at all f*** em!

argh =X

that makes me so mad
i'm so sick of being discriminated against by the medical profession. you have every right to be furious AND to make a complaint.