26 days now, and I'm getting stomach cramps and feeling like crap?
Ordered from this chicken delicious type place last night, my neighbor did too and he felt it too. I felt fortunate I ate rancid chicken and it wasn't paws or W/D, how funny/ironic is that.
It was discovered too late so I could not force myself to vomit, it's already digesting. Anyone have any suggestions? Tina went out and bought me a bunch of gatoraide, been diluting that with water and a client told me to drink pomigranite juice, so did that too. Feeling much better this morning, fortunately I get to work from home today, but other than keeping myself hydrated and eating bland foods, is there anything else I can do so this will not ruin my weekend? I was up all night in pain but suddenly started to feel better about 2 hours ago. Also had a couple of mint rolaids, those things rock.
Hope all is well with all of you, peace. -Chris
Chris sounds like you are doing all the right things. Unfortunately the only thing you can do is ride it out.
I'm over it, back in action, gatoraide and pom juice rocks....never ordering from that place again...
Thx - Chris
Thx - Chris