"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
Read this in a calendar I have - very good words to live by - because its true.
So true. Shantel
That is the thought on my calender today that is nuts...........was it a little anne getties(sp) insperational thought calender?
So true!!!
So true!!!
Its from "Selections of Gold" - another inspirational calendar. Ok off to switch between Wife Swap and John Edwards on some guys show.
Great thought Donna................Something to remember every single day.
ya know donna.....i live my life around that statement........
i am careful with people and i ask God to please trust me.........
i ask God to relieve things to me about people and show me someone that is hurting, because i want to be a person that they will remember that was kind to them.............
even when folks are mean to me in this world, i try to look into their eyes and ask God to show me something..........
thank you so much for posting that because that is so very true..........
you NEVER know what people are facing in their lives.........
i am careful with people and i ask God to please trust me.........
i ask God to relieve things to me about people and show me someone that is hurting, because i want to be a person that they will remember that was kind to them.............
even when folks are mean to me in this world, i try to look into their eyes and ask God to show me something..........
thank you so much for posting that because that is so very true..........
you NEVER know what people are facing in their lives.........