I am so amazed at the power our minds have over our body. I recently started a job that I just LOVE. Its the perfect job set up for me. Although I took a large paycut this company is "REAL" And if I work hard I will make a very nice living much better than I ever dreamed. We are a public company. Stock? Benefits --401K plan. Never had one in my whole life.
6 miles from my home. Able to take care of my baby puppy.
If anyone knows anyhting about Florida we are the leading state in scams. Half the people do not belong here. It is so transient here--WOW
But this Job has made me so happy that even though I am fighting some serious health issue's I am totally calm cool and collected. I take my meds and f-it it is what it is and whatever happens its out of my control.
Have not felt this way in 7 yrs. Health Insurance is very important to me.
Found out a perk after 90 days is we have a POS (POINT OF SERVICE) No primary and with the co-pay for meds AWESOME plan and My entire family can go on it at no cost.
My EX is paying for some cheap crap Insurance. So soon My kids will have this top notch insurance. YA NEVER KNOW--Its AWESOME man.
Did God have anything to do with my good fortune? I thank god did not give up hope even though out of work 3 months and now things are looking so good.
That is what working the program has become for me. Usually if i did not get my way in 3 minutes I flipped out. Patience is coming easier for me.
Acceptance is the key to my recovery.
I am driven to succeed. A little Ramble but I am kinda juiced up.
Got to love it--Jeff
Good for you, Jeff. It just keeps getting better. I just stepped outside and was listening to the birds sing and thought how grateful I am that I don't have to chase the high anymore. Life is good.
Congrats, Jeff. Good luck, and remember, office politics aren't worth it. So play like a good pup and you will be fine.
Jeff...THAT'S GREAT DUDE!!!! Man i am so proud for you... i really am.... reading this put a smile on my face... Love, Bri :)
LOL this place is so different. There is no office politics. We come to work dressed any which way. Another perk.
Office politics my last job was all we talked about. Its a shame as the industry is rockin. House Arrest is going to grow by 7-10% a year.
My last job dress attire and the commute difference I figure 2-3 thousand dollars saved.
Except when corporate is in we dress in jeans shirts out no belt. I am so fat round that I have my elastic with string pants and a golf shirt.
I just sit and make calls- No travel. Big a** office. My supervisor wants me to get a wireless laptop connected to our server as he wants me working at least one-two days from home. Making late calls. Sleep late go to the pool and then work?? Its like a dream.
And we are all so young--I am the oldest employee at 43.
Just for today i picked up 2 more leads. Its exciting. Man its been a long time since I was motivated.
Good stuff---Jeff
--tomorrow is my first possible homerun. I am $hittin already. Want to break my cherry.
Office politics my last job was all we talked about. Its a shame as the industry is rockin. House Arrest is going to grow by 7-10% a year.
My last job dress attire and the commute difference I figure 2-3 thousand dollars saved.
Except when corporate is in we dress in jeans shirts out no belt. I am so fat round that I have my elastic with string pants and a golf shirt.
I just sit and make calls- No travel. Big a** office. My supervisor wants me to get a wireless laptop connected to our server as he wants me working at least one-two days from home. Making late calls. Sleep late go to the pool and then work?? Its like a dream.
And we are all so young--I am the oldest employee at 43.
Just for today i picked up 2 more leads. Its exciting. Man its been a long time since I was motivated.
Good stuff---Jeff
--tomorrow is my first possible homerun. I am $hittin already. Want to break my cherry.
Bri its amazing how much better life gets when you stop feeling sorry for myself.
I know longer think negative thoughts like I used to.
Something snappped in me. Tired of feeling no energy. When a supervisor who did not hire me looks at me today and screams Jeff is the man? Better than sex.
He is 42 but in this industry ALL HIS LIFE. He has lived in Florida all his life. There is nothing he is does not know about our industry.
Sorry forgot to ask how are you doing?
I know longer think negative thoughts like I used to.
Something snappped in me. Tired of feeling no energy. When a supervisor who did not hire me looks at me today and screams Jeff is the man? Better than sex.
He is 42 but in this industry ALL HIS LIFE. He has lived in Florida all his life. There is nothing he is does not know about our industry.
Sorry forgot to ask how are you doing?
LOL... i can see your smile from here!!! You sound sooo good!!! Gosh i am happy for you. That is me... when i stay away from negative thoughts everything seems so much better! Well... the little ones are wanting to go outside now... my day is almost over!!!! I am sooo glad... couldn't sleep again last night... maybe i can tonight! Love, Bri :)
Jeff, Thats one hell of a storey.... I was smiling from ear to ear when I read that..... Congragulations .... Good luck !!!!!!!!!!! Hey would`nt it be strange to look back on all of your posts from day one..... LOL
Thanks Eric--
So the other job had no benefits? You might find that the difference in actual wages if you include the health insurance and 401K may make it not as large a pay cut as you think. Decent health insurance is pretty expensive.
Make sure you look into the 401K. If it is all pretax dollars you may find that you can put quite a bit into it and only take home a small amount less. This all depends on your tax situation. Also even though you think the world of the company. I wouldn't put all of my 401K money in company stock. That is just me though. But think enron.
Make sure you look into the 401K. If it is all pretax dollars you may find that you can put quite a bit into it and only take home a small amount less. This all depends on your tax situation. Also even though you think the world of the company. I wouldn't put all of my 401K money in company stock. That is just me though. But think enron.
Jeff..Glad to hear your doing so well..
Enron Laugh Oh Man. My last trade was many moons ago .Bonds--safe 5.5%.
My last job had good insurance but only for me. It was 800$ more for family. So mY EX in our agrement was responsible.
I have the right to take the difference in money or insure my kids.--No brainer kids.
Thanks for the advice--
Thanks doug-- its nice to see an opportunity that is all we can ask for. My last job I hit my Max. This job if I work my $ss of there is no cap.
I am excited. Gotta stay healthy.
You all have a good night.
My last job had good insurance but only for me. It was 800$ more for family. So mY EX in our agrement was responsible.
I have the right to take the difference in money or insure my kids.--No brainer kids.
Thanks for the advice--
Thanks doug-- its nice to see an opportunity that is all we can ask for. My last job I hit my Max. This job if I work my $ss of there is no cap.
I am excited. Gotta stay healthy.
You all have a good night.
Thats great Jeff!
Im so happy for you!! You sound so full of life and excited!!! Things will just get better---congrats on being and feeling happy!!
Im so happy for you!! You sound so full of life and excited!!! Things will just get better---congrats on being and feeling happy!!
suboxman- jeff,
i haven't been on this post long and at first i thought you were an a** :) lol :) but i grew to really respect what you share. i think you should be in the success stories!!!!! good for you and thanks for posting your joy to share with the rest of us. you made my night seeing how recovery works and the miracles that happen in our lives!!!!! WAY TO GO
i haven't been on this post long and at first i thought you were an a** :) lol :) but i grew to really respect what you share. i think you should be in the success stories!!!!! good for you and thanks for posting your joy to share with the rest of us. you made my night seeing how recovery works and the miracles that happen in our lives!!!!! WAY TO GO
i think my job by far has the best benifits in the word,just think about it,if i run short on money and can't afford lunch,all i do is open the lid on the gabarge can and eat everyone's left over's [uuuuummm],makes me hungry just thinkin about it....................vinny.
Hey Dog Lover -Just looking at my puppy. What kind of dog do you have?
Mine is a s***zu--Had a lab but she Lives in the country so to speak.
Mine is a s***zu--Had a lab but she Lives in the country so to speak.
LMAO Your a trip!! Your cup is definately half full...Always looking at the bright side of things-LOL
Good evening Jeff. Hope you are doing well and life is treating you good!!
LMAO Your a trip!! Your cup is definately half full...Always looking at the bright side of things-LOL
Good evening Jeff. Hope you are doing well and life is treating you good!!
I have two dogs. both are rescue dogs (as in I rescued them. no they are not smart, go rescue people dogs) lol One is a border collie, sheltie, terrier mix named Putter. I named her that because I found her on the putting green at a golf course. some kids were hitting here with golf clubs and pissing on her. she was only 7 lbs. i about beat the kids and took the dog home ONLY long enough to find her a good home. 7 years later................... she found a good home :)
other one is sharky- she's brown, fat, and god knows what kind. she is as wide as she is tall. poor thing is almost as wide as she is tall. she was gonna be put down. i also have a one eyed cat. not crazy about cats but this one had no home.
Anyway....... that was a REALLY long answer as to what kind of dogs I have!!!!!!
I like dogs WAY more than people :)
I have two dogs. both are rescue dogs (as in I rescued them. no they are not smart, go rescue people dogs) lol One is a border collie, sheltie, terrier mix named Putter. I named her that because I found her on the putting green at a golf course. some kids were hitting here with golf clubs and pissing on her. she was only 7 lbs. i about beat the kids and took the dog home ONLY long enough to find her a good home. 7 years later................... she found a good home :)
other one is sharky- she's brown, fat, and god knows what kind. she is as wide as she is tall. poor thing is almost as wide as she is tall. she was gonna be put down. i also have a one eyed cat. not crazy about cats but this one had no home.
Anyway....... that was a REALLY long answer as to what kind of dogs I have!!!!!!
I like dogs WAY more than people :)
Jeff, I am so happy that you like your job! Day one for me was pretty good, I think I'm going to pick up on the programs very quickly. I nixed the health insurance, my hubby's is better, they had a $40 copay w/$500 deductible, but I did pick up the dental, cause it's better than my hubbies, now we can finally afford to go to the dentist again...