Belive Belive Belive......

well as some of you know, befor i went into detox i told my family my promblem. including my ex and my kids. well in return she got an emergency court order and had my kids taken away from me and all visitation wiped out.

well well well, ive always said give a person enough rope and they will hang themself. well she did just that, got a DWI while i was in detox and got another 2 weeks later. so this past Friday we went to court and the kids came home with me. what a feeling to tuck MY kids into bed and kiss them goodnight and then for them to be there in the morning. so we had breakfast went and saw Because of Winn Dixie then BBQ with the neighbors tonight. wow what a blessing tose 2 are. but you know what i could have never done it with out you all and there are some i want to thank. John Dee your words of wisdom are life saving, Littlebeach you kept me going when i wanted to quit, Rea 73 no matter how bad i felt you always turned it to a positive, and im sure im missing a few but this board has been the best thing for me and my kids in 8 years. i have my kids my health and im sober and clean all because of your all help. thank you so very much. LIFE IS GOOD.

That is awsome. It is so nice to hear some good news. I'm so happy for you.

Dhook, thats great. When you disappered I thought the worse but it turns out you did the right thing, Im happy for you.

BTW...whats dhook mean? You and Takasha seemed like you had a thing going last night, sounds like a Texas Oklahoma thing

D is for the first letter in my name and the Hookemhorns in what we say if your a UT fan
I thought you yelled soooie soooie or is that another school

nope John that is ARK. the razorbacks. we whipped them this year though. just cant get passed OU offered to be my blanket when I was hurting, remember? It works both ways...
Tonight I watched my dauther play at the park. It was such a great night. I would have missed it if I was I can relate to seeing your kids sober.
I just have to hold onto the good times to override the bad..
DHookems...That must have been a great feeling. Sounds like your ex is a real B***H...Karma at its finest...(DWI)...I am glad to see you so happy that you got custody of your kids. You sound like you have your head screwed on straight and sound like a good dad. Good for you!
Well it seems that you got your life headed in a great direction and just in time to take advantage of all the good.......Funny how fate works sometimes, bet this really had you down when you first had custody taken away....But you kept up your end and got clean and now you have sobriety and you children too.
You enjoy all the great things that life will bring you, many through the eyes of your kids.....
Parenthood is an awesome thing, filled with so much fun and laughter.....
Take care,
Hey D,

Congrats to you. I can't help but comment on this subject though. See, 6 years ago I lost custody of my 2 kids to my ex. Not because I was doing drugs though, just because the courts are real crooked. I was clean for 5 years. My daughter found her Dads drugs and reported him. Guess what? The court didn't care. He still has the kids.Never mattered what he did. I hate to say this, but the fact you are a guy made it so much easier for you to get your kids back. Of course her getting the DWI's didn't help her case any. I think though, believe, believe, believe has nothing to do with it. It's all about gender in the courts today.If you look up how many Moms get custody you will see that 75% of the time the Dads win. Now, we're not talking about cases where the Dad lets the mom have the kids. We are talking about Dads that fight for custody. They win. No matter what.
I know how you must feel though. I miss kissing mine goodnight and tucking them in everynight. So, congrats.


D........I have been meaning to ask you about hookemhorns, too. glad we got that taken care of. LOL

Congratulations on all your recent victories. Sounds like your life is really coming together and you are aware of how fortunate you are. Lucky you.

Being a parent is the most important, rewarding, hardest job we will ever have. Doing it clean is something new to me and has opened my eyes so much to what I have missed and how many things I could have done differently. Nevertheless, i am clean now, as you are, and I wish us both lots of sober, happy, loving years ahead with our beautiful children.

You sound like a great day. Your kids are blessed to have you.
Take care!

captain hook -

i love reading messages such as you have written. your enthusiasm for life is contagious! way to go on your clean time/recovery and clearing up the wreckage of your past.

the program of recovery i utilize "promises" us the following:

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.

We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness.

We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it.

We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace.

No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others.

That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.

We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows.

Self-seeking will slip away.

Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change.

Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us.

We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us.

We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Are these extravagant promises? We think not.

They are being fulfilled among us - sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.

They will always materialize if we work for them.

Alcoholics Anonymous p83-84

i will also keep your ex in my prayers. sounds like she could use a few, as it appears she is still suffering.



Hey DHookems,

I'm sorry about my post. I don't mean to take away from your celebration. I'm sorry. I am still bitter about the courts here but I'm very happy for you. Take Care.

i'm so hapy for you .if my kids got took away i couldn't describe the feeling .they deserve you have a good life together dede xxxx