
Hey Frank and tom and betsy. Tom glad to see your back, that paws crap is for the birds, but it passes and before you know it you feel great again.

I know what your saying Frank, but no matter what it is, it can never be better NOW. it takes what it takes, just remember, pills will only prolong the the need for our minds to come to terms with what is needed. I mean, there is a natural way for use to adjust to everything, and pills hamper that ability, thus prolonging fate.

Hey John, Thanks, good to be here. Yup Paws sucka the big one. Combo that with life events and you end up in the fetal position. But feel great today, how about you?

Tom, I feel pretty good, I got paws every month for the first three months but this 4th month things seem to be running on a more even keel. It takes time, and you cant do much about life events other than roll with the punches.

You guys watching this bball game


I realize that. I know its a long process. I didn't get this way overnight. I'm working on it. Really


How ya been buddy. I miss all your computer information you use to give me. I got a new board and mouse with B/U batteries.

oh boy, I wanna tell paula about the keyboard.

Well John, I can only hope that this was the last time it rears its ugly head. I do feel the best now that I have in three months. Did you notice that you felt very good after a bout of this?

Yes Tom, it was a rollercoaster, if I was feeling really good I knew I would have some really bad days and vice versa, its just lately that its seems to have evened out.
BTW, conratulations on three months, the reason i dont like to think about these anniversaries is I seemed to get paws every thirty days.
At the three month month mark I had some depression and was in a funk for a while but it didnt happen at four months so hopefully you may be outa the woods.



Yes Its a great game.

Gotta run for a while. Be back soon.


Where are u ?????

Be back soon, gotta read to the little one before bed ( I promised ).

Well, I did it. Told hubby about the amount of pills, the $15k credit card bill, everything.

Hey Betsy,
I haven't been on long but saw that you were going to tell your husband. Is everything ok, and more importantly are you ok.....
Well, he took it exactly like I thought he would. Not PO'd, but very disappointed in me. He said he "held me to a higher standard." So did I.

He also was willing to take my pills and help with the taper. He said eventually he'd see my counselor to learn more about addiction.

The worst part is he feels a huge obligation to get debt-free again. I told him I wasn't unloading all this on him for financial support, but he has always been the kind of guy who feels enormous pressure to keep the family provided for.
Hi Betsy,
I am so happy to hear that he will be helping you with the taper.......
I think that it is great that he is willing to learn about your addiction, it will help him very much not to enable you and jump all over you.....stuff like that.
It will be hard for him at times, but remember to keep up with your goal. In the end thats what is most important....everything else with time will work itself out.
It will not be easy for him or you but it is doable and worth it all.....
Just think now you have been honest with not only yourself but with the most important person in your life.....That took courage and I am so proud of you!
Tomorrow will be a great day for you and everyone else tapering........a new beginning of sorts........a wonderful pill free life awaits you all.
Besty, Sorry I stepped away. Great, I am glad that hurdle has been leaped. Now everthing is out on the table you will be able to receive his support, its gotta be a weight off your shoulders, I am sure you feel less "alone now" and I am glad. Money is money, it'll get paid, work on you now.

Best Regards,