Back in the good old days when I was only taking 8-10 (7.5mg) Lortabs a day, I quit cold turkey for 5 days. No a soul on this earth knew what was going on with me, I had no support, no one to talk to, no idea of how to cope with w/dls.
So here's what I said to myself: "Hey! You proved to yourself you could quit whenever you wanted to, so now that that's done and over with let's PARTY!!"
Shortly after that my intake went up to where it was two days ago... 130-150mg per day. I've been on that dosage about 4 years now.
And now I've just started my 2nd 24hours of being sober, but this time I have all the right tools, support, and knowledge to hopefully get me through. More importantly, this time I REALLY WANT TO QUIT THOSE DAMN PILLS!!
So far my skin has been cold and clammy, I'm yawning A LOT, a little shortness of breath, but the bad guys haven't come out to play yet. The loose stools, vomiting, inability to get a good night's sleep. headaches, you all know what I'm talking about. THOSE bad guys.
Wish me luck.
What are you're tools? What is your support?
Today you are a miracle.
Today you are a miracle.
I really wish for you that it won't be too bad. Lots of OTC stuff and supplements have helped me. This is my 13th day and only big problem is I'm very impatient about getting my energy back.
First time I did this, thought I would die, tought I even wanted to but with the help of this forum and the supplements, etc, this time wasn't a nighmare.
I did have Lomtil which is prec. for diarrhea but only had to use 3 times. The last time I was taking 2-3 at a time - don't know if the supplements help that part of it, too.
The very best of luck to you.
My drug of choice was Lortabs, too - now it's Motrin. haha
First time I did this, thought I would die, tought I even wanted to but with the help of this forum and the supplements, etc, this time wasn't a nighmare.
I did have Lomtil which is prec. for diarrhea but only had to use 3 times. The last time I was taking 2-3 at a time - don't know if the supplements help that part of it, too.
The very best of luck to you.
My drug of choice was Lortabs, too - now it's Motrin. haha
I wish you the best of luck,you sound like you are ready to do this,and having been there before you're a little more prepared,know what to expect,not that that will make it any easier,but sometimes the not knowing holds others back(myself included,took me forever to actually DO IT because of the unknown...66 days clean today!))I pray this time will work for you.~KIM