Bf Wants Money To Go To Halfway House?

Could anyone tell me if it costs any money to get into a halfway house. My bf called from rehab and said that he was told that he has to have $350 to get into a halfway house in Mobile. Just wondering. Maybe Bob B. knows??
It does cost money to stay at a halfway house. I'm glad he's not trying to stay with you at least! Thats a good sign!
Thanks, Kittycat. He says he needs money to get in one. Do you know if it does? I know he has to pay rent once he gets there. He is also worried about paying his child support and for the truck title he pawned. Glad I don't have that to worry about. Just don't know if I should "loan" him the money to get in. If it helps, I will. But, I don't want to give him money to "get in" one if it doesn't cost anything to go there to begin with.
Ya I'd be a little concerned too. The thing is, what if you "loan" him the money to pay his rent at the halfway house, and then next month he'll need more again?
I know you do have to pay to live in a halfway house, get a job, go to meetings etc..but if you want to help him out, I'd phone that halfway house and ask if you can send the money to them because if your boyfriend gets that money in his hands even with the best intentions to give it to them, he might smoke it all.
cajun, the one that i am familiar with did require the first month's rent, which was about that amount. but they were also willing to let him stay if he paid partial rent and started looking for a job. i think each one is different. the fact of the matter is that many addicts that go to half way houses have no funds and no source of funds, many of the houses want to attract residents, so they have no choice but to "spot" the resident the first month's rent or any deposit. just a fact of life. i think they are all different, and it's whatever the resident can negotiate. with some residents, it takes a while for them to get on their feet with employment, etc. so the house has no alternative but to work with them if they need people to fill their empty beds.

some of these houses are simply owned by one of the residents. they buy them under a low interest loan government deal, then others join -- so they can do pretty much what they want in term of being flexible.

you didn't ask whether you should advance the funds, so i won't comment other than to say, if he has equity in his truck, he could sell it and buy an older one to raise the money that he needs. sounds cruel, but his lack of cash is a direct consequence of his addiction and usage. that's why he has no cash for living expenses. or, if he's going to be working, his boss can spot him for it. (whoops, there i went and commented anyway).

and maybe he just wants to test you to see if you'll still come through for him -- i've experienced that. constantly testing.
Thanks for the info Bob. And for the advice Kittycat. I realize he is probably seeing if I will still help him. I am going to think about it and then I will be SURE to send the money to the halfway house and not give it to him. He already pawned the title to his truck, so he can get no more money for that. He said he realized he got himself into this mess, but he wants to help himself get better. I might do this one last thing. If he goes to Mobile, he will be a long way from where I am now (6 hrs.). But, I still hope to move to the Redneck Riviera soon (you probably know where I am talking about), and he won't be but about an hour away then. I still have a lot to do to fix my house up first to get it ready to sell, but I mainly want to plan my life and get him out of it!!