Big Test Today

Hi Everyone,

Day 6 today. Feeling good. But that mental addict thing has my mind racing. I get my check today and I'm thinking maybe just a couple. I've been down this road a hundred times. Not paying bills just to have enough money for pills.

I think once I get my check I'm just going to pay all bills right away and then I will have no money left for pills.

Say a prayer I stay strong. I've come this far I don't want to start over at day 1 with w/d again.

Please say a prayer for me... I want a pill so bad I can't stop thinking about it and waiting for my check. I think Tim said give me withdrawls anytime it's the mental stuff that is so hard.
C'mon Beebs!!!!

You can do this! Do whatever it takes not to buy those F****ing pills. Do you write checks for your bills? Have someone come over and have coffee while you sit and pay bills. Do you go around and pay them? Take someone with you and drive around so you won't end up at your supplier and then treat yourself to a meal or buy a blouse or SOMETHING! You can do it! I know you can. Thanks for sharing your temptation. You've given voice to your concerns. Now, just don't give voice to the addiction. I'm thinking of you!



Do you go to meetings?? Do you have a sponsor or support group that you can call?? If not, why not make today the day to find a meeting and walk thru the door???
It just might change your life .....
An addict alone is in very bad company!! (I found this especially true in early recovery)

Check in Beebah. Did you get your check yet? Be strong.

Beebah, I pray to God you are busy paying bills, or hitting a meeting anything besides buying those pills. Check in with us when you can. Shantel

Where are you?

Beebah, Check in when you can and let us know how you are doing. Shantel
Please everyone pray she doesn't get any now I am scared because here I am on day 3 only day 3 guys not very far into. I feel just the way she does!!!
Beebah, Before I start my day I wanted to see how you were doing. It's been a couple of days since you last posted. How are things going? Shantel
Hello everyone,

No it's not Beebah. Sorry. It's just me. I'm going to say what everyone else here fears. I don't think we will see our little Beebah until she runs out of PP.
I just pray that it doesn't take her too long to come back in.

Callie, I don't think we should assume that Beebah went out and started using again. I pray that is not the case and hopefully she is just busy and will post again soon. Shantel

You're right. Shame on me for thinking so negatively. I'm just worried about her. I'm praying for her too.

I hope she's okay too. You know, I'm really glad that I always got/get mine from my doctor. I wouldn't even know where to begin to look for someone to buy them from. There have been times I wish I knew someone, plenty of times because I my rx never lasts, but I'm glad I don't know anyone.I never had the nerve to order them from the internet, I heard that they've cracked down on those pharmacies. I hope they have. I don't even think thats legal, for a doctor to have a phone conversation and send pills, is it? I have looked at the sites and the prices are absurd. Not that I wouldn't have ordered them if there were no other way tho.
I hope she checks in soon, I don't know anything about her, but I care about everyone on this board.
Shantell, long time girlie, how are you??????????
Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for thinking of me. I didn't post over the weekend because I don't have a computer at home.

I'm doing okay. Everyday it gets a little better. I thank you all for your support and prayers.

I must say it felt great to pay some bills and have some money left over and not be rubbing two nickles together until pay day.

(Callie says sheepishly)

I'm so glad to see you! Never thought I could get so attached to people I've never even met but, I was worried about you, thought about you all weekend, amd I MISSED you! Glad you're doing well. Have a super day!

Thank you Callie. I know I wish we could all meet in person.

You have no idea how happy you made me with the kind words.
Beebah, I'm glad to hear you didn't give into the temptation to buy the pills. You should be very proud of yourself. It's a great feeling isn't it. Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight. Shantel