
I read you have a herniated disk in your neck. Me too. It's interfering with my everyday life and I've done every non-surgical thing I can do. I have a consultation with a surgeon on Monday to find our how long recovery is, etc.

My pain doctor told me NOT to have the surgery. However, not having the surgery keeps me on pain medication for how long - the rest of my life??? My pain doc does not know my history of pain pill abuse.

How are you managing with your neck? Do you have pain and numbness in your arms? Do you get headaches? I am desperate for an answer and want to get off the Vikes, but the neck pain keeps bringing be back.
I know this was for Dave but he doesn't check in everyday.I think he just used prescrition Motrin.
Good luck
Ah,Tim! You have come into this thread at a critical time for me! I had an appoinment with my pain doctor this morning, told him my use of the Vikes has gone up but that I am not abusing them. I do comply with everything he recommends: physical therapy, traction, NSAIDs, heat/ice, etc.

However, because I was 8 days early, he would NOT refill my RX. I left feeling relieved and mad at the same time. I have been tapering for about a week, took the last one yesterday, so the WDs have been minimal. I also have fioricet and tramadol to get me thru (also want to get off these meds.)

So here is my opportunity to quit. I will, by force, be out of Vicodin for 9 days. By all logical thinking, I should taper off the barbs, run back to NA, and begin my life. I'm scared. But if I don't grab this opportunity, I'm not sure when the next one like this will come along.

I had moments of sobriety this past week, and it felt good.
I always believe opportunities present themselves for a reason.
Can you have a conversation with your Dr.about the Tramadol and Fiorcet?
Ultram can be dangerous to cold turkey from and Fiorect has a barbituate in it.

I'm not a doctor and have no experience with these drugs but I've heard they can be dangerous to just stop,especially if you've been taking them awhile.I would definitely have a consultation.Opiates are relatively safe to detox from.

Maybe some others can give you some advise that have had experience with them.
I would taper off the other meds. I've done it before. I could not tell doctor, because I did not get these meds from him, if you catch my drift.