Hello my name is karyn l have been like so many looking for answers concerning my husbands drinking.Must confess he doesnt drink at all nearly all year but come xmas and new year he seems to think its under control and nothing will happen.Wrong. So far the last 4 xmas periods have all ended badly and him being taken away by the police only to arrive home 4 hrs later mader than ever with no remorse until he sobers up.l have a 14 yr old boy who is fed up and is leaving to go live with his real dad in perth who is a heavy drinker also but not abusive.l love my husband but cant stand his nasty words and the fear of god he installs in me at these times.He can become very angry sweaty and scarey at the slightest wrong word by me or others wanting to hurt anyone in his path has anyone any ideas apart from leaving him.
We have been told that he might have border line personality disorder and also is a user of pot. Whats a girl to do
cheers karyn
put ur kids safety first
Oh my gosh, Karyn, I feel your pain. I just saw your post after I posted mine above. I will keep you in my prayers too. It is awful living that way! The holidays are not what they used to be for me thanks to his drinking it makes me so mad!!! It's not fair!!!!
Hi Karyn,
Maybe this will be a help {www.reformu.com} go to locations, then the state,all the info will be listed. I've seen Reformers Unanimous change many people. There's a lot of trying to escape if he's always or frequently using pot.
There is a way for him to change - at the least they could send a brochure to your house, he'll see it and probably read it. Until then -
Stay Strong
Maybe this will be a help {www.reformu.com} go to locations, then the state,all the info will be listed. I've seen Reformers Unanimous change many people. There's a lot of trying to escape if he's always or frequently using pot.
There is a way for him to change - at the least they could send a brochure to your house, he'll see it and probably read it. Until then -
Stay Strong
hello karyn, don't feel pressured by the man, you might love him soo much when he is sober but he obviously doesn't care enough for you if he knows he only get violent when drinks. After the 4th time do you not think the man should of realised that he hasnt got control of his drinking?? Tell him straight your views on the idea and warn him if he does it again your going to have 2 take some serious actions against him, it is not safe to have him around your children and as posted before your children come first!!