Board Member Michaelj Releases An Album!

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Hey everybody! I wanted to share this with you...our fellow Pain Pill board member, MichaelJ has just released an album!

He sings and plays piano on it, and it's a very soothing, peaceful collection of songs we all know and love.

His voice is awesome! Like liquid velvet.

I just received my copy of the CD yesterday, and I think it's so neat to have a CD by one of my friends. You can visit his website and listen to two of the tracks, or order the

Hope you are all doing well today.
I only got to hear a small part,but I will say BEAUTIFUL piano & nice smooth voice.Very relaxing.Thank You Carol.
He is amazing,, I only heard a little but it is very very nice. Congrats to him! Kim
cool, i don't think im familiar with him ,though. congrats.
Thank you so much Carol...I appreciate your "plug."
Dear Michael I just wanted to say it to you.You make very beautiful music so THANK YOU for giving us something beautuiful to listen to....mj
Thats awsome!
Michel congratulations and good luck. You are good no doubt. Take care..Bob
Hey Michael, If you see this, get in touch and tell me how today went. I'm on pins and needles!! Hope all is well,Beck