Bob B.

My b/f, as I told you has a problem. I suspect it is cocaine perhaps not on a regular basis, however, I don't know what a "regular basis" is. Anyway, he is regularly employed. My question is this, he wants to become friends with me again, what shall I do? He was very upset that I didn't invite him to the American Craft Council show in Baltimore this weekend, but I wanted him with me, but I just couldn't. I don't want to let my guard down. It's sort of telling that his family will not talk much with him, nor let him in on family business. His mom needs to help him out money wise. He says he's willing to go to church. I wonder why he's talking about that??? Can someone give me a hand?
Tell him straight up exactly what you wrote here. In my opinion one can never go wrong ( well at least not too far off anyhow ) by being 100% open and honest . You need not condemn him , just state politely how you feel , and wish him to get help and deal with his issues , so maybe he could be the friend you thought or remember him to be ,... good luck AL
hh, I know you are looking for companionship, I understand that. But letting an active cocaine addict back in your life after he has stolen valuables from you puts you in dangerous territory. Using in your home, which should be a santuary of peace, against your wishes is really over the line -- regardless of how nice he can be. I think in your heart of hearts you know he is looking for money. Probably to support his addiction. Yes, the family thing is a huge clue.

The offer of gifts, church, etc. is just his way of trying to move in on you.

Sorry to sound so negative.