Hey what up!! I just got home a few minutes ago and boy do my legs hurt... It's been a long time since I've walked this much. I' m getting old.. I remember the days I used to run to get my candy on Halloween.. Those days are long gone..
Well, I started out in my mom's neighborhood and ended up leaving there and going to Anna's. Her neighborhood was hoping with kids.. I got your message a little bit ago on my cell sorry I didn't get it sooner, I left my purse in the van....Lindsay got her share of candy for me to eat. I already have all the chocolate in my freezer.... Alex got half a pillow case full of candy... Do you know people give out multi-vitamins for trick-or-treat? LOL When I saw them I thought what the hell are you trying to do to my kids give them vitamins? This is Halloween we want junk- LOL No seriously I just threw them away.. I give vitamins to my kids everyday they didn't need those..
Anyway I would have e-mailed you instead of putting this on the board and starting a whole thread just addressed to you but something is wrong tonight with my e-mail and when I go to send it won't go through...So don't you feel special? LOL It won't let me check my e-mail's either it happens sometimes and I don't know why..Go figure it's always something with this computer or aol should I say..Well hope your kids got lots of treats tonight and thanks for the call...You make me laugh...I got a digital tonight so I will send you some pictures soon when I get a chance....
Happy Halloween "BOO"!!! I am off to bed now, talk to you soon...Rae
hahaha, glad you got a smile out of my message, i got to stay home and pass out candy, every single kid that came to my house got so excited over pixie stix lol it was so cute, i geuss i was the only one giving them out, my kids didnt get any. i had about approx close to 60 trick or treaters i was passing the stuff out by the handfulls i wanted to make sure i didnt have any left over candy. but i still did have some but not very much at all. as far as my kids candy, i know this is so mean but what i do every year is every day i take a handful out and throw it in the garbage hahahaha, i hate having this junk in my house. i never buy junk food cause sugar makes me crazy and i am weak when it comes to miniature chocolates. those babies add up!! hehehehe but i noticed this morning my kids have thier candy all sorted in catagories and in separate bags by brand names. i think they are on to me. do your kids do that or are my kids just anal haha anyhow, yes i feel doubly honered i have TWO threads with my name on it hahahaha call me later if you don't have a sugar hangover.
hahaha, glad you got a smile out of my message, i got to stay home and pass out candy, every single kid that came to my house got so excited over pixie stix lol it was so cute, i geuss i was the only one giving them out, my kids didnt get any. i had about approx close to 60 trick or treaters i was passing the stuff out by the handfulls i wanted to make sure i didnt have any left over candy. but i still did have some but not very much at all. as far as my kids candy, i know this is so mean but what i do every year is every day i take a handful out and throw it in the garbage hahahaha, i hate having this junk in my house. i never buy junk food cause sugar makes me crazy and i am weak when it comes to miniature chocolates. those babies add up!! hehehehe but i noticed this morning my kids have thier candy all sorted in catagories and in separate bags by brand names. i think they are on to me. do your kids do that or are my kids just anal haha anyhow, yes i feel doubly honered i have TWO threads with my name on it hahahaha call me later if you don't have a sugar hangover.
Dag Boo, where do you live? I am addicted to Pixie Sticks, and they aint cheap. You gave out the whole bag to one kid? If I had known that I would have 'robbed' the kids as they left your house.. just for the pixies.. LOL..
In all fairness I would kept all colors but the purples,, they could have had those, I love the Blue ones. I can sit and eat bag after bag. Then whine due to upset stomach.. yep I am still a kid at heart.
Rae - Vits?? were they name brand? lol or Generics. (store brand).
I recall as a kid we would have to watch for razor blades in apples, any fruit really, Mom never allowed us to eat anything until she went through it first for safety (so we thought, come to find out she was taking HER favorites.. smart woman ) .
We had a total of 6 kids, more than last yr. Not too many little ones in this neighbor hood.
In all fairness I would kept all colors but the purples,, they could have had those, I love the Blue ones. I can sit and eat bag after bag. Then whine due to upset stomach.. yep I am still a kid at heart.
Rae - Vits?? were they name brand? lol or Generics. (store brand).
I recall as a kid we would have to watch for razor blades in apples, any fruit really, Mom never allowed us to eat anything until she went through it first for safety (so we thought, come to find out she was taking HER favorites.. smart woman ) .
We had a total of 6 kids, more than last yr. Not too many little ones in this neighbor hood.
i bought huge bags of pixie stix at wallmart $2 a piece i bought 4 bags haha.
your razor blade story brought back a memory, i was in 1st grade shortly after halloween i had a needle in my stomache, they geussed it was in my halloween candy, i know i didnt purposely swallow a needle. but there was know way of proving it was from my candy, but sure was coincedental. i ended up getting lucky and passing it through my hind end. but it was painful.
i bought huge bags of pixie stix at wallmart $2 a piece i bought 4 bags haha.
your razor blade story brought back a memory, i was in 1st grade shortly after halloween i had a needle in my stomache, they geussed it was in my halloween candy, i know i didnt purposely swallow a needle. but there was know way of proving it was from my candy, but sure was coincedental. i ended up getting lucky and passing it through my hind end. but it was painful.
Hiay T what is pixie sticks lol?????? jaxxx
omg hey jax!!!
i am doing awesome over here, yeah i know pixie stix...kids LOVE them!! just like brook said a huge kid at heart you never out grow pixie stix !! i was suprised when i found them in bulk bags. of course i would hand out pixie stix, what else does a tinker bell hand out *wink.
how was your halloween and your lil trick or treater. how are things going over your way with your family, job and all. i hope you are still smiling as always, i miss you chipperness
oh jax.. a pixie stix is a paper tube filled with powder that taste like a sweet tart hahaha. you dump the powder in your mouth. the paper tubes are different colors depending on the flavor. the flavors are fruity like cool aide and thats what the powder looks like is cool ade
i am doing awesome over here, yeah i know pixie stix...kids LOVE them!! just like brook said a huge kid at heart you never out grow pixie stix !! i was suprised when i found them in bulk bags. of course i would hand out pixie stix, what else does a tinker bell hand out *wink.
how was your halloween and your lil trick or treater. how are things going over your way with your family, job and all. i hope you are still smiling as always, i miss you chipperness
oh jax.. a pixie stix is a paper tube filled with powder that taste like a sweet tart hahaha. you dump the powder in your mouth. the paper tubes are different colors depending on the flavor. the flavors are fruity like cool aide and thats what the powder looks like is cool ade
This is what they look like, flavored powered sugar.. 100%.. SUGAR.. they are the best.
Hey Boo, when I googled them you can buy in bulk,, I will be getting my order soon.. LOL..
They can't be the knock offs, they have to be the REAL pixie sticks, or they taste cheap.
My walmart is a hit or miss, some have them some don't. I get mine at the Grocery Store, when they stock them. Not an easy find these days, except off the internet. I will go through each pack and get the ones with the most Blues inside. Now that is a sickness I tell ya.. LOL..
This is what they look like, flavored powered sugar.. 100%.. SUGAR.. they are the best.
Hey Boo, when I googled them you can buy in bulk,, I will be getting my order soon.. LOL..
They can't be the knock offs, they have to be the REAL pixie sticks, or they taste cheap.
My walmart is a hit or miss, some have them some don't. I get mine at the Grocery Store, when they stock them. Not an easy find these days, except off the internet. I will go through each pack and get the ones with the most Blues inside. Now that is a sickness I tell ya.. LOL..
hahaha i know what you mean, i would be picky too. i just had this visual of a fiening woman busting open pixie sticks powder flying everywhere all over her hair face and tryen to get it down her throat hehehe it seams i have seen that somewhere on a comedy show. and just why are those things so valuable? it's like they purposely dont make enough quanity of them so we will have to go underground and start searching for them on the street in the black market or something lol
hahaha i know what you mean, i would be picky too. i just had this visual of a fiening woman busting open pixie sticks powder flying everywhere all over her hair face and tryen to get it down her throat hehehe it seams i have seen that somewhere on a comedy show. and just why are those things so valuable? it's like they purposely dont make enough quanity of them so we will have to go underground and start searching for them on the street in the black market or something lol
dang i just saw $5 for a 50 count bag, i just checked how many came in the bag i bought, i paid $2 for 120 count bag, i will check my wallmart if they still have them i will buy them up if you want and ship them to you, seriously. hahaha we are planning a pixie stix deal..see told ya.. i could have even made a hefty profit!!
dang i just saw $5 for a 50 count bag, i just checked how many came in the bag i bought, i paid $2 for 120 count bag, i will check my wallmart if they still have them i will buy them up if you want and ship them to you, seriously. hahaha we are planning a pixie stix deal..see told ya.. i could have even made a hefty profit!!
Hey Boo,
OMG they are ripping us off on the internet.. I have just gone to so many sites and what you got was clearly cheaper.. My walmart and GS have the single bags only, 50 count, for 2 bucks. But this is DC so the price is always higher,
I have never seen the bags you are talking about. OMG we may have to start. 'dealing' pixie sticks. Let me check out the Walmart further South, when I go visit my sister to see if they carry the 120/2.00 if not then we can 'make a deal'.. LOL
Thanks for offering.
OMG they are ripping us off on the internet.. I have just gone to so many sites and what you got was clearly cheaper.. My walmart and GS have the single bags only, 50 count, for 2 bucks. But this is DC so the price is always higher,
I have never seen the bags you are talking about. OMG we may have to start. 'dealing' pixie sticks. Let me check out the Walmart further South, when I go visit my sister to see if they carry the 120/2.00 if not then we can 'make a deal'.. LOL
Thanks for offering.
ok and yeah let me know cause shipping wont be a big deal, i will do it through my ex's company and it wont cost me anything and 2 buck isn't gonna break me even if i buy 10 bags hahaha. so just let me know we can exchange emails. yeah i think maybe the bulked them for halloween or something like they did at the 120 count bag, i was actually as excited as the kids were that came to my door lol i am not kidding it was so cute how excited they were over these things, i felt like the coolest mom in the hood. hehehe
ok and yeah let me know cause shipping wont be a big deal, i will do it through my ex's company and it wont cost me anything and 2 buck isn't gonna break me even if i buy 10 bags hahaha. so just let me know we can exchange emails. yeah i think maybe the bulked them for halloween or something like they did at the 120 count bag, i was actually as excited as the kids were that came to my door lol i am not kidding it was so cute how excited they were over these things, i felt like the coolest mom in the hood. hehehe
WOW,whats this boarding coming to! Dealing pixie sticks,will it ever end,lol?~KIM
My youngest son just graduated high school last year,and last year,pixie sticks were the in thing.Im not kidding he would come home and have bags of them.I was like"whats this?" he said everybody was "doing" them,lol...you can find them at the dollar stores but you get like 50 for a dollar,thats where him and his friends would buy them.Hey,they could of bene doing much worse.~KIM
i know, my bad, i should know better, sugar is an addiction as well, brook does pixie stix make your life unmanagable? do you find yourself wanting to put off life and seek out pixie stix? hehehe my bad humor i know, i know. get over it :-P
i know, my bad, i should know better, sugar is an addiction as well, brook does pixie stix make your life unmanagable? do you find yourself wanting to put off life and seek out pixie stix? hehehe my bad humor i know, i know. get over it :-P
hahaha your son says every one is "doing" them, too funny. i am telling you, its cause they arent easy to find and when you do it's like finding hidden treasure. scary they have such a hold on these kids (and brook heheh ).hmmmm maybe we should look into this ....
hahaha your son says every one is "doing" them, too funny. i am telling you, its cause they arent easy to find and when you do it's like finding hidden treasure. scary they have such a hold on these kids (and brook heheh ).hmmmm maybe we should look into this ....
Nope cant do the cheap ones at the dollar store,, they must be WONKAs lol
I tried those JJ.. lol
Terriann, I am trying a taper program as we speak.. from 10 bags a day to 9 , then 8 and so on, I went to PSA last night my first meeting, and they said I needed 'deprogramming'.. LOL at us.....
I tried those JJ.. lol
Terriann, I am trying a taper program as we speak.. from 10 bags a day to 9 , then 8 and so on, I went to PSA last night my first meeting, and they said I needed 'deprogramming'.. LOL at us.....
Oh one more thing. do not get the mammoth pixies in those big plastic sticks. They taste like the plastic.. they are terrible.
Every Christmas my sister gives me a ton of bags..used to be underwear, until I told her no more underwear,, PIXIES.. she is wondering if there is more to this too.. LOL Naw we grew up on them, she loves the Smarties, I do the pixies. I will die if they ever stop making them.
LMAO at ' all the kids are doing it Mom".. how cute.. have you had them tested JJ? lol
Every Christmas my sister gives me a ton of bags..used to be underwear, until I told her no more underwear,, PIXIES.. she is wondering if there is more to this too.. LOL Naw we grew up on them, she loves the Smarties, I do the pixies. I will die if they ever stop making them.
LMAO at ' all the kids are doing it Mom".. how cute.. have you had them tested JJ? lol
Havent had him tested yet,but he has all the symptoms,thats for sure,lol~KIM
hahahaha you two are killing me!!! i am cracking up over here. who knew pixies were so cunning and baffling? i think one of those intervention shows should do a documentery and tell us there findings, oh and brook i am a smarties girl all the way!! those and necco's
Not laughed in ages thx lol too funny i think the eqivelant over here is sherbet. T im doing good thx hun had a few ummmmmm stresses but ok. keep up the chuckles jaxxxxxxxxxxxx