Boyfriend Is Clean!

Good morning everybody
I just wanted to share with everyone the progress of my boyfriend who I am very proud of.
My boyfriend started the Sub a week ago Saturday/Sunday to finally kick an approximate 10 year habit of heroin and morphine. He has been very positive and determined the entire time. He didn't want to stay on the Sub for long as he didn't want to get addicted to taking that as a substitute so he took his last dose on Friday morning. He was feeling a little crappy and very tired/fatigued Friday night and Saturday morning, but really not that bad.
Saturday night we went out and he drank a lot and exhibited behaviour that I was pretty surprised at not happy with at all. He seemed to get very angry and almost immature. I know he had a lot to drink and it probably was not the smartest thing to be doing under the circumstances, but I'm not his mother and I'm not about to be telling him what he can and can't do.
Anyways, he was pretty hung over and embarassed/guilty the next day for his behaviour and yet he was still very excited about the fact that he was clean. I was pretty happy that even though he was feeling very crappy - physically and emotionally, he was still excited about the fact that he was drug free.
He's had some pretty big stressors happening with his family the last couple of days too (mostly stemming from his behaviour Saturday night), but he seems to be handling everything very well.
Last night (which would have been his 3rd day off the Sub after being on it after only a week) he started having the drug dreams I've heard described on here. He told me this morning that all night, it was all he dreamt about and it made him wake up wanted nothing more than to do some. He said he also had the restless legs and arms a bit during the night. But not so bad that he felt the need to take anything or it bothered him too much. I'm sure it's the lasting effects of the Sub.
We drive in to work together and he told me on the way to work that he had an antsy feeling and was jonesing a bit for some. I was completely expecting he would have feelings like this and we discussed beforehand that he would tell me when he did just so I could support him through it.
This is basically his first day of work without either his drug or the Sub in his system and I think he's a little worried about that.
I'm just hoping he can get through the upcoming mental challenges.
Anyway, he's 9 days clean and I am very proud of him. He's even got a few of his friends who were using now trying the Sub.
He wanted me to let everyone know how it's been going for him and that he would not have been able to do it without the Subutex.
I will keep you updated on his progress.
Thanks for all of your help and my best wishes and thoughts go out to all of you!
I'm glad it's worked out. Those drug dreams are a b****, and they last a fair while. It's hell, coz all night you're back in that world, and you're hunting your drug. In my dreams, almost invariably, I never got to actually do in the drug. I'd have it there in my hands, but there was always some reason why I couldn't do it. Then when I woke, I would be so wound up and frustrated that I'd really, really want to score, bad. Try and be around in the mornings, coz it's the gonna be a really vulnerable time for him. I still get the dreams occassionally, but not often now, and I'm more used to dealing with the intense cravings once they arrive.

all the best
