Boyfriend Wanting To Use Wayyyyyyyyy Bad

Hey all i know there is nothing i can do for him but he is wanting to use so so bad...i can just see him fighting with his own is such ashame to see him like this....i am so upset for him and just want him to get thru just looks like he is having a constant battle with himself...he came to me last night and just said how he wanted to use so bad and if it wasnt storming so bad he prob would have gone and gotten drugs....i just looked at him and said im sorry babe but i cant help ya....ugh just needed to vent....thanks guys
He's going to have to deal with this for the rest of his life, he's going to feel like going out and using everyday for the better part of the year, he needs to put some coping straegies into play to get past it, or he'll drive himself mad. Even ten years from now he's still going to have days when he wants to get high so bad he can hardly fight it, this was in the small print when we signed our soul over to the needle. It is a battle, a life long one, he needs to stop fighting himself and accept the fact that this is what he's done to his body, now he needs to find ways to change his thought patterns and his lifestyle. I have 4 months sober on the 7th, but yesterday I was lying on my bed crying because I wanted to use so bad. My head was rationalizing all kinds of things to excuse me going out and using. I'm still caught up in addictive thought patterns. As addicts we actually have to learn to change these behaviors. We project and rationalize making it easier to cope with the guilt of sticking a needle in our veign. Some of us (most of us) never realize that our thought patterns are even distorted, because in sobriety we think the same way we did during active addiction. After getting through the worst part of acute withdrawl, we may take up regular activities with the same addictive compulsion. The first time I got sober I did this with art (which isn't nessecarily a bad ting) others do it with food, some do it with N.A. or spending money (me again). But time does heal the addictive wound if only slightly. Each day that passes gets easier than the next, and some days throw you for a loop right back into the feelings of dispair we had in our first month in sobriety. Whether it be N.A. our a self help program, your husband needs a recovery program. He has magnificent insurance, maybe an addiction specialist would do him some good?? One that specializes in cognative behavioral therapy so he can get a glimpse at the road ahead. Hang in there, it's a crooked road to oz.
Such an awesome response...i literally printed it out and am going to give it to my guy tonight...thank you..

and ps-good job not using...i don't understand addiction but i do understand when ppl change...and beat addiction...good for you!
welp he gave in and used...not suprised at all by how antsy he was...he sayss hes not gonna fall back into active addiction but i have heard that so many times...just sticking aorund for now but dont know how much longer i can do this...he just has to make an appointment to get a pellet and be done...i know that doesnt cover the mental part of addiction but he needs to see a therapist or something on top of that...who knows...keep your fingerts crossed that he doesnt completely relapse and start this hell all over again...
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