when I read your post about the eggshells .. I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face.. for a moment I was lost back in time when I was a child growing up in my home and that is exactly what it is like ... always worrying and wondering what the next hour will bring from the other person.. the next mood swing.. your actions and feelings dictated by the other persons drinking or druging... and then you have to worry about the kids and try to shield them as much as you can and take the brunt... well I do sooo understand ...
that is alot to go through right now roe and you do need lots of support.. you need and deserve that ... and your kids need you.... they need you to be clean and make the right decisions for them.... get to the meetings and when I get to work on monday... I will email you my number and you can call me anytime day or night .. if you need to talk... what you are living is a hell and I have been there... I really feel for you and for your family... I grieve for all of us that live or have lived like that .. .. for the situations that we find ourselves in and what we live through and survive... but there are scars dear roe and those scars are what sometimes creates its own pattern of self medicating... though we may know the reason for our use and it is understandable... it doesnt negate the reasonsablity to get well....
I know you can do this... it is hard... and as soon as I post this ...I will say a special prayer for you and yours that you will find some peace even if it is just for the day.... God bless you....
Thanks for understanding. Sad thing is, he doesn't even drink! Thinks he's sober. Do email me Monday, don't want to get too personal on here. I love you T.
Thanks for understanding. Sad thing is, he doesn't even drink! Thinks he's sober. Do email me Monday, don't want to get too personal on here. I love you T.