Read here that Britney Spears rented out an entire wing so she would not have to mix with other people, privacy, etc. The cost for her stint there is $48,000 so to rent an entire wing is a hefty penny. Isnt that action alone, an immediate set up for failure? How can rehab work if the patient is running the show? I cant see how she will get anything fundamental out of rehab to sustain her.
That's so sad. She's still trying to run the show and no, she won't get much out of it unless she puts herself with every other addict. I wish her nothing but luck and hope that she'll "get it". There are lots of celebs that go to meetings along with the general population. Rachel sees them all the time. The have to accept that they aren't "unique" or "special". That's what almost killed me. I wish I could have her come live with me for a month...I'd straighten her out. lol
I fully understand that $$$ can buy alot of things, but Im really disappointed that a rehab would/could do that. To me, just by accepting the money for this, they have discredited themselves to me as a competent place.
Interesting would think that they would have more crediablity and stick to thier program values more than that.
It's funny you guys are talking about the credibility of Rehabilitation Centers.
Have you ever seen the movie: "A Scanner Darkly"?
It is a story written by Philip K. d***, a prolific Sci Fi author, but just made into a movie this past year.
Have you ever seen the movie: "A Scanner Darkly"?
It is a story written by Philip K. d***, a prolific Sci Fi author, but just made into a movie this past year.
I have been to 3 rehabs . This wing buy? WTF is that? I would assume this is a privately owned joint for the rich and famous.
There is no recovery here. Also Britney you all think she is an addict? She is in rehab due to her circumstances.
Her kids are totally safe. She needs some real friends ones who will help her and guide her not say YES.
Her mom is a putz. Brit come down here to me baby I will straighten that bald headed body of yours.
HMM 25 100+million 2 kids sounds like a good job for me. Britney?? where are you honey
OY VEY Promises. I am going to try and find out who really stands to profit.
Always follow the Money
Brit is O.K
There is no recovery here. Also Britney you all think she is an addict? She is in rehab due to her circumstances.
Her kids are totally safe. She needs some real friends ones who will help her and guide her not say YES.
Her mom is a putz. Brit come down here to me baby I will straighten that bald headed body of yours.
HMM 25 100+million 2 kids sounds like a good job for me. Britney?? where are you honey
OY VEY Promises. I am going to try and find out who really stands to profit.
Always follow the Money
Brit is O.K
I'm going to look for that movie Sarah...thanks for recommending. Did you get my email?
yes ma'am...i got your mail.....thank you!
that movie was really interesting. it is done in that new poly blah blah blah film and graphic editing technique where it is filmed...but then layered with it sort of looks like animation, but you know it isn't.
it stars all the addicts of their generation:
keanu reeves
robert downey, jr.
winona ryder
woody harrelson
it is pretty interesting, considering it was written in the 70's.
let me know what you think.
love ya!
that movie was really interesting. it is done in that new poly blah blah blah film and graphic editing technique where it is filmed...but then layered with it sort of looks like animation, but you know it isn't.
it stars all the addicts of their generation:
keanu reeves
robert downey, jr.
winona ryder
woody harrelson
it is pretty interesting, considering it was written in the 70's.
let me know what you think.
love ya!
maybe because of her fame, people will not leave her alone hence the private wing, if that is true.
I love love love A Scanner Darkly.
I love u too sarah.!!
I love u too sarah.!!
We have Netflix so I ordered it right I'm really excited to see it.
A Scanner Darkly was a very good movie, very interesting.
I have to wonder if Britney could benefit from rehab mixed with everyone there. The whole country is so focused and opinionated on/about her. Her presence could also be disruptive to the other people. My guess is thast the facility made the decision with the best interests of everyone in mind. It's unfortunate.
I have to wonder if Britney could benefit from rehab mixed with everyone there. The whole country is so focused and opinionated on/about her. Her presence could also be disruptive to the other people. My guess is thast the facility made the decision with the best interests of everyone in mind. It's unfortunate.
Just saw on the news that Brit was photographed going to an outside AA meeting at a church tonight. Curious. They didn't let me out for the first week to any outside meetings. She was in the company of other addicts from the center as well as her assistant. What is her assistant doing with her? Inappropriate.
"Back at Promises, there are reports that the pop star rented an entire wing of the rehab facility for herself, with a price tab possibly reaching the hundreds of thousands of dollars. A standard 30-day stay is $48,000. "
Shes entitled to spend her money as she pleases, and I guess Promises is not going to argue with it either. I just cant imagine that if this is the case that she is truly getting the rehabilitation she needs. Rather than what seems like a plush country club, a private place in the middle of nowhere would be more in order due to her fame. I think shes just satisfying KFeds threat of custody if she did not check in.
There are certainly bigger problems in the world. I wish someone would wake her up by telling her she could help many families in her beloved New Orleans with the money she is throwing around.
Thank you Brookie...I feel the same as you....I couldn't even imagine the sh*t she has to deal with in the public eye and the people taking pictures of every single moment she has and being the topic of millions of people's discussion/dissection...
She is in my prayers......
She is in my prayers......