Brittney Loses Custody Of Her Kids!

She failed to show for a court ordered drug test. This is a clear example of what happens when we as addicts do what we do best.

I feel so bad for her....only as a fellow addict that is in desperate need of help. She has alot of "yes" people around her...she is fighting with her family...she is a train wreck. Reminds me so much of my own daughter....she is the same actually...only my daughter has alot less money.

If my kid can get can she....I am saying a prayer tonight for her and all addicts that are suffering.

Who knows what she will do now.......
Kee Kee................You are right. It shows just how baffling this disease is. I still find it hard to believe that she risked losing her kids like that knowing that she would lose em if she screwed up one more time. I just hate how it controls us like that. I do hope she gets her $$hit together and gets clean.
That is for sure...cunning, powerful and baffling. I think deep down she wanted him to take them for a while. She is maybe just to proud to ask...or stubborn. She has zero family around her these days which is typical of an addict her age...only her problems are under the microscope because of who she is.

I have so much faith that she will indeed get the right help.....and take the necessary steps to get them back.

How sad....very very sad. My own daughter will be 25 this March...I practically raised her granddaughter.....enable??? Maybe but I love them both so much. She is now in the program....but she is that age there is a certain "entitlement" to there partying. I pray she makes it....I have noticed some signs lately that leads me to believe she is in for a "relapse", if she hasn't already. Call it my "mothers intuition"

I pray I am wrong. It is not easy to admit that you have a problem at any age...but at that age??? It is so hard.
I hope your daughter sticks with the program. I will keep her in my thoughs and prayers.

Boy, I hope your daughter stays on the right path. What insight you have when you said " they feel a sense of entitlement" to party at that age. Young kids really do feel that way, like we're young Mom, we're supposed to party hard at our age. My daughters (in their mid 20's) listen, but roll their eyes and yes Mom me to death when I warn about dangers of booze and pills and partying too hard. <<<<<sigh>>>>>

I feel not exactly sorry but definitely sad for Brittney. She slid down real fast. There are a lot of young celebs that DON'T do these self-destructive things too. I'm hoping this is a wake-up call for her and she gets her act together. Hey if you don't want the papparazzi smothering you, watching your every move, get the hell out of LA for God's sake. Go away somewhere and get help and lay low for a while. Go get mental help. Go rehearse and work at your career and wear some panties for God's sake :)

What a mess. KeeKee you're a good Mom and Grandmom, and I know you'll be there for her. You take care of you too though girlie....

Im glad she lost custody to be honest.Maybe just maybe THIS will be what SHOCKS her back into being a resonsable mother.It takes ALOT for a judge to remove such small children from thier mom & the word I kept hearing on the news was it was because of the "childrens SAFETY"
In a way I feel sad for her but in a way Im like...WHAT THE #ell!!!.From what Im hearing anyone who has tried to help her she has cut out of her life.(like we all have done Im sure)
My worry is that she may just use the loss of her babies as an excuse to party more.
whatever happen I pray for those boys...they deserve so much better
I wasn't any different and neither were the people I hung with.Different era,different drugs,same story.It was the 70's and we all felt an entitlement to party,not work,and get as f***ed up as we could.Our credo was "screw the establishment and the era of our parents".

Unfortunately,many of my friends died along the way.I grew up to the fact that I needed money to survive and the whole hippy philosophy didn't quite jive with real life.

I would be dead if I had her money back then.One thing that forced me back to reality so many times was poverty.Later in life I found out that it took a lot of money to support an opiate problem.Nobody was handing them out.

She is still a child trying to raise children.She never had a grip on reality from the beginning.I watched a deal on CNN last night about her.She has a lot more problems than drugs.I always go back and think about that saying in AA
"Drinking/drugs were only a symptom of our disease"
I believe everyone who abuses any substance are simply trying to stop the pain of core issues which started way back before we were even adolescents.

Those Rehabs and country clubs they go to for the "stars" won't even begin to fix them.It's an inside job to come to the realization that you need help.
It does not take "a lot" for judges to remove children from a mother. Documented drug addiction is cause for immediate removal and it happens every single day in family courts through out the country. All states have statutes that support this as well as THOUSANDS of examples of case law.

She lost the kids because she failed to comply with required drug testing. If you have ever taken a drug when you had custody of your kids, you are JUST AS IRRESPONSIBLE AS HER if not more so, because you still have your kids.

If you are an addict (past or present), have physical custody of your children and sit here and type a message on this board while looking at your kids, one of two things happened. 1. You ex was a worse drug addict than you. 2. Your ex didn't care about the kids so it never came up in court.

There for the grace of God go you.
Danny Im going by what I heard on the news & from my own life.When I first left "the abuser"he came up with EVERYTHING in the book to try & get my girls & my lawyer flat out told me that judges really do not like to seperate young children from thier moms.Thats also what people from court TV are saying.
Besides I feel the way she snubbed the judge & wouldnt even sign his order really did her in.

Tim your right I know for a fact that even within the last year or so if I had alot of money I probaly would of ended up dead....Guess there are perks to being broke huh?
I dont know I know we all must hit "bottom"before we even WANT help.I do hope for her boys she pulls it together.Those boys are gifts(like any child is)& they deserve the BEST thier parents can give.
I am glad that the transcripts are all sealed.Lord knows right now she doesnt need her dirt being spread around more
I think she should pay the consequences for her actions just like any other addict. Yes, I feel bad for her that she can't stay clean but she has a heck of a lot more opportunities to get clean than most of us. Hopefully this will be her bottom and she'll be able to get recovery at a young age.
Kat I totally agree with you.Alot of people say Oh an addicts an addict $$$ doesnt matter...I truley feel it does.As does WHO she is.She can get the best help avaiable,but unless she wants it its wasted ya know?
True AA/NA is free(which Im thankful for)but if she is too.....scared to go to meetings like that (which I totally understand)she can afford the best specialist if she chooses to.I hope she does,those boys didnt ask to be born...she brought them here & really owes them.
MJ- You have your kids because your ex had bigger problems than you and was a domestic abuser.

Judges are not in the least bit reluctant to remove children from a drug abusing mother. I'm pretty sure Britney Spears could afford a pretty darn good lawyer. And she lost. She lost for a reason. She failed to comply with drug testing.

Kids are removed all day, every day, from drug abusing mothers and to think otherwise..well..

If both parents are abusing, the kids need to be placed with child protective servcies in my opinion rather than left with the mother. Hopefully, that will begin happening more.
Its hard to say Danny really because Ive learned that the court systems in this country are never black or white ya know?There seems to be different rules that apply to different people.Do I agree with children being removed from an addictive mothers care....even thats a hard one.Meaning there are different forms of addiction.An addict is an addict true,but there are fuctioning addicts that nobody would ever guess they are on anything.They care for thier children & give good care.(I know you probaly wont agree & thats your right)
I guess Im speaking for myself & when I was abusing.Nobody..teachers,coworkers,anyone who saw me would of never guessed I was taking over 20 pills a day.I always took care of my girls,they never saw me totally out of it.I am ashamed of myself for it now,but at the time I did the best & gave the best I could to my girls.
Im thankful that Im FINALLY on the right track & seeing through clearer eyes.

Now as far as Brittany I thought I heard it was MORE than just refusing the drug test.I heard she was suppose to sign up for parenting classes & didnt do that.That she was driving illegally with the boys in the car,basically what they were saying is she flat out refused to do anything that the judge had ordered.
So maybe she did want to lose the boys.
As Ive said I do hope she pulls it together.We all know its not easy.To put it hell,but its worth it.Im finally starting to believe that myself.
You were taking 20 pills a day and not out of it? uh huh...

You are in NY? The Consolidated Laws of New York Annotated Domestic Relations Law - Article 13 - Section 240 and New York Case Law provide removing the child from the home of an addict, with "no preference given to either the mother of father", meaning in New York, state laws prohibit giving the mother a preference.

NY is one of the few states that actually show by state statute no preference of mother over father. There are less than a handful of others where this is actually addressed. The other states all imply it.

IN addition, in NY, drug addiction is cause for being stripped of all parental rights and ceasing all contact with the children.

All it would have taken MJ is one of the teachers calling CPS and you would not have your kids and risked losing them entirely to foster care. Teachers, etc are instructed to notify authorities in such cases.

Don't mean to sound harsh but you came here saying Britney needs to be responsible etc etc and yet you continually risked your kids just as much if not more. I was suprised to read your post as you are a mother who has had substance abuse problems of your own. 20 pills and you were not "out of it"?

You certainly were.
MJ...................I know what you mean by saying you were not out of it at 20 pills a day. I took 30 sometimes 50 pills a day and was not ever even sleepy. It's crazy how you can build up such a tolerance to those dang things!
It's also crazy how we think we look and act normal when we are taking pills but that's not the case. We think we are hiding our high but others can tell even if they don't confront us. I would hate to think I would have made the same stupid decisions I made while high if I were not popping pills even though they made perfect sense to me at the time. I remember when I finally got off the xanax. I thought they didn't effect me and they made me feel "normal". I was sure surprised when all the dope was out of me at how I really felt. I didn't realize how all that crap clouded my judgement. Not a stab at you, Sabrina. That's just how I felt and most others I talk to that are drug free. We just don't realize what pills do to us.
Danny Im very proud to say those "20"pills a day were at least over 3 years ago,.True Im on Sub & if thats what it takes to keep me off the narcs for now so be it.I know not only know BUT WANT someday to finally wean off the Sub & fly without the net.
I suppose what I meant by not being "out of it"was I didnt look like I was taking that many.And you should know how our tolerance goes up.My daughters NEVER saw me eating my knees or so wasted I couldnt fuction.Thankfully at that time my sister did alot of driving because even though I felt ok I would NEVER want to risk my girls.I credit them for saving my life.

Now this debate about NY laws & such,Danny Im only saying what was said to me through the custody fight.I was told that even mothers who were in JAIL kept thier children.Im not saying what you posted is wrong as I do not know such laws.All Im saying is what was told to me.And they (my lawyer & even the court appointed lawyer for the girls)told me that it takes an AWFUL lot for a judge to remove the kids from the mothers care.And beings I was thier MAIN care giver that even made it harder(hope thats the right way of saying it)
I also hope you realize that even though certain laws are written as such,that doesnt mean that those laws are followed to the Tee ya know.

All I know is I am greatful my girls ended up with me,and even throughout my heavy usen period I gave my daughters the best care I could as they deserved that.
Also like I said I dont know the laws written for NY & all Im posting is what I went through,what was said to me & how it ended up.I was never ordered to go to therapy,NA anything like that.

RTK...I know it sounds so odd to say I felt normal taking that amount but its true.Thank you for realizing what I was trying to say.

Well its time to start my day as Annes BF is comming over after school & I want to tidy things up.

No matter what I pray for Brittanys boys & I suppose I pray for her too.I never thought she had much talent,but as a mother I pray she pulls it together.Her babes will only be young once & it will be so sad if she misses all those special moments that cannot be repeated.
Have a Goos Day All\
Kat no I agree now that Im seeing through clearer eyes I can understand what you are saying.Its just back than teachers mainly NEVER said anything & you would think if they noticed anything they would of.Yet during the custody fight I got nothing but excellent comments from Amandas teachers,both girls Drs etc.
You know how alot of addicts can mask what they are doing.Its part of the illness.

By the way Kat I respect what you say & truley believe youd never TRY to hurt me with your words.You just like Danny are intitled to your feelings & views on things & I respect that
I won't get into a family law debate with you. As I know the law. All too well and I have, unfortunately, tons of court experience in this very matter.

Believe what iy want but yes, mothers do and should lose custody every single day.

Mothers don't lose custody? Just ask my wife. When she lost a lot of her custodial rights on August 15th of this year. And it was just marijuana and alcohol.

Like I said Danny Im not saying what your posting isnt right as I dont know the laws(even in my state)I only posted what was said to me & what happened.
Have a nice day