I wanted to asked you if you know anything about ativan ?My sister and law came off her methodone last week .She went to doctor and told them she was in server w/d's they prescribe her ativan she said it is helping her get off methodone.I just don't beleive it working as well as she makes it .my brother her husband is a coke addict .i beleive she maybe doing coke also to help her w/d's.I worry about my brother .I know she was on a high dose on methodone for a year now .I seen her in w/d's from methodone before ativan and i change my mind quick about even thinking that methodone would help me better then the sub.I did found me a new sub. dr. and im going next month telling them the truth about everything..
Crystal, I have never taken Ativan nor Methadone.
All I know about Ativan is it is one of the benzos similar to xanax, valium, etc.
Maybe someone else here can help with this.
All I know about Ativan is it is one of the benzos similar to xanax, valium, etc.
Maybe someone else here can help with this.
I was on ativan while on Sub for a while. What kind of info did you want to know? It is highly addictive if abused or used over a long period of time. It made me very sleepy which I hate as I am very busy and can't stand being tired. I'm not sure what you want to know about it.
I was on ativan while on Sub for a while. What kind of info did you want to know? It is highly addictive if abused or used over a long period of time. It made me very sleepy which I hate as I am very busy and can't stand being tired. I'm not sure what you want to know about it.
It is very common for a doctor or clinic to put a person on adivan after getting of methadone. As you know your put on methadone to ween you off opiates. Then the ween you off the methadone.(however it is dangerous to place you on methadone and benzos at the same time) Yeah your done your dose, but your not fully cured. Alot of recovering addicts have anxity/emotional problems (and problems dealing with the general stresses of life). Adivan helps chill you out minorly (under my belief not enough) so you wont use or have a breakdown. Ive had alot of friends take adivan once and a while for one reason or another and ive NEVER heard of anyone getting addicted. Ive forgotten my point. Im pretty sure that it was taking anti anxity pills were perfectly normal for someone detoxing.
I know this because my exboyfriend/current boyfriend has been through the methadone clinic more than a couple of times and so has a few a friends.
(please excuse my spelling and grammer im far to lazy to use spell check)
Hope this helps.
I know this because my exboyfriend/current boyfriend has been through the methadone clinic more than a couple of times and so has a few a friends.
(please excuse my spelling and grammer im far to lazy to use spell check)
Hope this helps.
Ativan is a benzo and if used "once in a while" you won't become addicted. But if it is used on a daily basis say 3x per day for anxiety it won't be long before you are dependent and or addicted to it. You WILL need to taper off of it if used over a period of time. Trust me and a few others on the board, benzos are addicting and opiates were a piece of cake to w/d from compared to going c/t off of benzos. I've been there with Xanax (Ativan is basically the same) and ended up in the hospital by just stopping them. Be very careful with them.
Hi all,
100 % agreed, the w/d's from benzo's I would not wish on my worst enemy. They take you down, fast. Tread carefully, dangerous crutch if used for a long time. They mess with your brain, how it is wired, when you come off, long-term, they make your brain misfire worse than opiates, IMHO, been there with both.
Good Luck,
100 % agreed, the w/d's from benzo's I would not wish on my worst enemy. They take you down, fast. Tread carefully, dangerous crutch if used for a long time. They mess with your brain, how it is wired, when you come off, long-term, they make your brain misfire worse than opiates, IMHO, been there with both.
Good Luck,