My brother has been dealing with drug addiction since he early teens. Now he is 19 , and i think a dealer. I am scared of what might happen to him. I want to help him and save him. I am not aloud to see him, or interact with him in any way. What should i do?
Unfortunately, your brother is the master of his own fate. Until he chooses to turn away from the drugs and the easy money of dealing, there is little that anyone can do to reach him.
Often, the best a family member can do for a loved one with a drug problem is to protect themselves and this is probably the reasoning behind the order that you refrain from contact with him. I would urge you to set an example by avoiding contact with drugs and people who use them. This may be the best that you can do for your brother, and certainly for your parents.
good luck,
Often, the best a family member can do for a loved one with a drug problem is to protect themselves and this is probably the reasoning behind the order that you refrain from contact with him. I would urge you to set an example by avoiding contact with drugs and people who use them. This may be the best that you can do for your brother, and certainly for your parents.
good luck,
Do you believe in God. If so pray for your bro its guarenteed maybe not right away but it will come a lot sooner before its to late. My husband has been using on and off for years and the only thing that keeps him away for long enough so that he recieves help. He goes to NA meetings and has a sponsor. good luck and I will pray for your brother.
Take action now! Dont let him slip into the drug trade anymore than he has. Pot is ginger beer compared to methamphetamines. Most people I know that are involved into the pot culture eventually stumble into meth. Sometimes, "if" meth aint to there liking, the money involved in sales, is very attractive, too attractive. Jailtime here is in the decades compared to a slap on the wrist or a couple of months, for pot (depending on volume seized). I know at his age he "knows everything" and things go in one ear and out the other, but find a way to get thru maybe compromise. Like getting him to stop selling as first priority, his use is an issue that can wait a bit because its a tuffy at his age. Try talking him into a job as an alternate source of income, like at a mall, where there a lot of pretty girls, teens respond to that pretty well. As for getting him to quit smoking pot at his age, I have no idea or experience in that area, sorry. But as for selling Its nothing but bad news, and a downward spiral to disaster and eventually ruining his life. The senario I just described happened to two of my neighbors, and two of my cousins, one of which has eight years to go before he gets out. He went in when he was in his early twenties and is getting out in his mid thirties! Selling aint no joke greed and the law will get em every time. Goodluck to you and your brother!
You can tell him that you are worried for him and that you love him. Yoi can tell him what effect his addiction has on you but you cant *make* him do anything.
He has control over his destiny, you can be there if he needs help or chooses recovery. You can learn more about addiction and what it means to have a loved one with an addiction through Al Anon and Nar Anon meetings.
He has control over his destiny, you can be there if he needs help or chooses recovery. You can learn more about addiction and what it means to have a loved one with an addiction through Al Anon and Nar Anon meetings.