
You posted the other day to watch for signs......that mom would let me know she is o.k.........................Well...............Mom had a lamp by her bedside that she brought over from her house. she would keep it on all night long.....Drove me crazy!.........There is only one way to turn the lamp on and off and that is by the switch on the lamp.....Meaning it wasn't a touch on/off lamp or one of those clappers lol. It has been off every since I put her in the hospice house last tuesday. I've been in and out of the room several times this morning never turning the big light or lamp on. I went in there a lil bit ago and it was on. No body has been home, but me today. It was bit strange and I actually gasped when I saw it...

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you. I don't really believe in that kind of stuff, but this occurence is......umm..... interesting.

How are you doing? Good I hope.
There ya go..........she's letting you know it's so much better on that other side and that you did such a wonderful job...........helping her........of course your mom knew it was tough on you..........when ya cross though everything is supposed to just be so perfect.

Yes, it usually comes in the way of that was was just her way of saying "Rhonda I'm here and I love you and appreciate all you did for me"....the body may go, but we're all energy...........that energy lives happens more frequently after a loved one first passes, BUT:

Up the need some help...........just ask your mom for a sign and you will usually get it............and it's always something that is just known between you and her.........she knows that lamp drove ya bats thus she did that instead of say blinking the kitchen lights or something.

That was a Blessing you received...........and it's O.K. to be skeptic and not believe...........but you will see............don't be surprised if she don't come in a dream to you...........they are actual visits...........I'm glad you got that little sign........well, for me anyway it gives you know she appreciated you and especially if you feel bad about anything she's saying "Hey, it's all good I'm in a great place"

You must have been going out your mind with all those belief and this is only me is now when everyone else goes about their business and you are left alone with your thoughts and memories.........don't think you are losing it.........or else she'll just keep trying to get your attention........also you watch in photographs..........up the road say you take at Christmas or something alot of times you'll see your loved one as a vortex or something.

Rhonda, I hope you're hanging in have a direct link now to a better'll keep ya strong.......know I care and was thinking of you.

I'd have to write a book on the things my dad did after he passed...........and he was a skeptic..........he died Christmas morning............after we had opened presnts............he died in front of us and at a young age..............well that night after all the plans being made and my brothers digging out paperwork.......I had the TV on..........a show he despised...........I put something in the microwave and I hear a loud POP..........I come in the living room..........NO TV.......just blew out..............and then I hear the microwave morning my brother went to warm up my dad's Caddy.............every electric thing in it just blew out.............supposedly after they get there for a bit they have jobs to do and don't come around as much, BUT if I need help and beg "Daddy I can't do this"...............there he'll send me a sign..........oddest a quarter on top of the toilet lid............we don't close our toilet bad day I was arguing with my mom...........i put my hand up on our mantel to pick up keys and a quarter FALLS ON my hand...........out of nowhere ON my hand.

You had a my opinion just stay open to really gives hope and proves it has to be pretty cool over on that side.

Again prayers for you and your mom.........she wants you to know it's O.K........ya did what you were supposed to do..........hope I didn't freak ya out.

Whoa Rhonda....that gave me chills. (((hugs)))

Hey Bryn!
It gave me chills too Lisa!! (((((hugs)))) back at ya! sorry bout your dad. I heard of things like that on unsolved mysteries lol. Those things you described that happened to you are really cool. I'm sure it made you feel better. I do feel so guilty bout I gave up on her b/c she wouldn't eat or do her tube feedings. I stopped trying to make her these past couple of months. I know that even if I made her somehow do those feedings it would have just prolonged the inevitable (sp) and she was absolutely miserable.

Anyway, the lamp thing was odd, but it did warm my heart after I got over the suprise of it being on.

Thanks for everything. You've helped me alot.