Buprenorphine-teva & Hi-tech-who Has Them N Stock?

I live in the TriCities region of Tennessee (Kingsport, and let me tell you filling my script is the hardest thing about getting these. Out of the 120 local pharmacies (all use Roxane generic, with 54 411 Subutex, which I very much prefer) 0 are accepting new patients, and 3 have waiting lists (which I am on). The only Chain pharmacy that carries them is Walgreens (and the only carry the High-tech ones with the 8 and Arrow) and good luck catching them with any in stock. Any suggestions for getting into one of the local pharmacies and skipping the waiting list? Will Walgreens ever get the 54 411 generic ones back?
Howdy Neil. Could you tell me who/where I can find a doctor that is willing to prescribe the Subutex? If you can....I can provide you the names of AT LEAST 3 pharmacies in the Morgantown/Fairmont/Harrison County region that keep the Roxanne Brand Subutex in stock. What do ya' say?
I just wanted to weigh in here as I know a lot about this subject. I am on Subutex and have been for 5 years now but the 4 years prior I was on Suboxone. I got Roxanne gen initially and was not that impressed so I switched to name brand SUBUTEX until they discontinued it. I can tell you that name brand subutex was so my better than any generic! The only generic that's ever close is TEVA'S brand but it is always on Backorder... Right now it is on back order so getting it is not really an option. Those hi tech pill ARE 100% underdosed! So the Roxanne brand is unfortunately the best option avaliable at the moment. If the name brand subutex was a 10 meaning the best, the TEVA would be like a 8.5, Roxanne would be a 7 and the hi tech would be 3. I'm very sensitive to different generics and this just my opinion but I would keep an eye out and if you can get TEVA in the future do it. Just be wary of those little white hi tech pills.
What a circus trying to obtain my prescribed pain medicine, the buprenorphine 2 mg. I was doing amazingly well on "HI TECH" brand. I hated Roxanne. This last month there was a glitch and I was told there a nationwide shortage of buprenorphine. Teva gives no reason for the shortage. HITECH was bought out by Akorn, possibly they are having a time of it getting it out and through their massive pipeline. All I know is this shouldn't be. A medication shouldn't vary in strength amongst the various generic companies. For some strange reason there is no longer a SUBUTEX the original company to patend this medication.

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Hey if you are in Terra Alta, just get them filled I Oakland Md. CVS wont fill them unless its a Dr in town but Walgreens would fill mine when I went to the Dr in Morgantown and I got subutex there. Currently I get the orange suboxone from a Dr in Weston WV and I still fill my script in Oakland because its impossible to find a regular pharmacy that has stock in WV. And the Oakland MD Walgreens takes WV Medicaid too, border state yay!
I live in Morgantown as well and go to the doctor in Pittsburgh I was just curious as to which Walgreen's you go to because none will fill my prescription with a wv id.
neil, I think it's very hard to find anyone to fill it because of the lawsuits against pharmacies for filling prescriptions that are high-risk. Your best bet is probably mom and pop pharmacies since they may understand better that this is something you need and legitimate. I never had luck with chains filling mine when I needed them because they had "rules" that can't be bent under any circumstance.
I live in Southeast Michigan and have received the HI-TECH Brand of generic bupenorphine, 8mg from both Walgreen's and Kroger, though my local Kroger as of late has been filling my script with Roxanne's. It is very tempting for me to IV the hi-techs, as they are so small. For this reason I both dislike yet favor them. I agree with the above posters that they are nearly impossible to ween from, being so small to begin with, Also hard to split without crumbling (I am prescribed 12mg/day, or 1 and a half pills. Hope this helps someone, Good Luck to All ---- A 23yr old Bupe Addict
Hi-Tech is HORRIBLE.

The pills are too small to either split dosage or absorb correctly, but worst of all, their formulation is very different from Roxanne.

I tend to get anxiety, headaches, and ineffective pain management from Hi-Tech.

Feeling sick for a month is no fun. I recommend Roxanne. At least they have worked for me for 5 years.
Im convinced The high tech generic is nothing but filler. I have had them on two separate occasions, sometimes unbeknownst to me, and both times I had withdrawal symptoms even after taking my medicine. I have been on subutex for over 8 years with no issues. Ive been prescribed the brand name, Mylan, Roxanne, etc. and have never experienced anything like I do when I take Hi-Tech. I cant believe the stuff made it to market. I would love to take a blood test before and after taking it because Im sure there would be no difference in buprenorphine levels.
Why are people so concerned with fillers that they love the hi-tech brand? I don't get it? Fillers are toxic? Or are some banging or snorting the things? LOL (BAD IDEA me thinks!)

I too have a real issue with the tiny hitech pills ..maybe they are less absorbable or whatever I am not sure but they annoy me greatly...On agreement with my doctor I prefer to take my daily total dose in small multiple doses, The Mylan brand (only other one I have ever had ...and it works better for me personally...i think anyway) ...I think my metabolism is probably different than most and I HATE going in to w/d! Small chunks at a time or the answer for me it seems like plus I typically don't even need all 8mg each day which means I can maintain a buffer supply of extra doses and not have to live in worry of filling rx in time! Which WAS the original reason I switched off of more recreationally pleasant opiates like oxys etc ...Too many times I was scrambling trying to get an RX filled in time before I was totally OUT! THAT is no way to live having that happen every month! Both with methadone and now bupes I can EASILY control my levels and end up with extra doses every month instead of running OUT Now I often can even wait a while to fill latest rx! No pressure on me ever nowadays! No more end of the month stress outs picking up a prescription at the earliest allowable and then driving around pathetically searching for pharmacy that had my fix in stock! No way to live if you ask me ....too
Hi I am from Easton Pennsylvania area and I take the 8mg hi tech brand subutex.I go to Rite Aid and get them automatically every time so try rite aid.Also anyone try the sublocade shot yet?Its same as subutex but supposed to be given once a month in your muscle I'm trying to find a provider but keeps giving me doctors that prescribe suboxone!!!! Anyone know anything?
Ugh oh disregard that last post I guess lol Ya know I have noticed I don't feel so good like barely better when I take them but about the sublocade shot anyone have any info?
The smaller Hi-Tech 8mg works great for me .Way less fillers and binders if any at all . Don't let your addict mind fool you . I've been on the larger ones for 5 years . I'm sticking with the small ones as long as the pharmacy can get them . Best of luck and life to all .
I live in boone co ky and I'm prescribed suboxone and I get the orange ones. I've been trying to find a pharmacy that has the white round with n8 on one side and arrow on the other.Does anyone know of a pharmacy i can get those frm near me? I'm going to see if my pharmacy can request them! Thanks
I'm taking 32 MG of Surboxone(pms generic)-(5-10min to dissolveunder my tongue). I've traveled to a different city for the holidays. I had to get my script transferred and when it was all said and done. The pharmacy gave me 8mg of Serboxone /Teva( generic)-( dissolve instantly under tongue).
I've been on them for a year(pms/generic).

Teva suck.

I can't drink or eat anything for about 20 min after either or any pill in order to get the full effect. The Teva brand has me in full withdrawal yesterday, If I wasn't with my best friend who is an Amgel for putting up with my symptoms yesterday I could have flushed the last year of getting clean down the toilette.

The pharmacy I went to at first( out of town) tried to get me to pay $92.00 claiming I wasn't covered. I knew ahw was either an idiot or didn't care or want to help. I know I'm covered so I went to another pharmacy

I knew my coverage but only had Teva generic. I've had them before and knew I didn't respond well to them and had them exchanged when I got back to my pharmacy.
'm sorry but Teva Surboxone don't work well for me. All I can say is try to goto a pharmacy that cares. They're out there.
Some will do the 3xtra leg work to help and some wont.

I'm basically typing this so hopefully it might shed light or help somebody who went through what I did.

Keep trying guys don't give up.