C/t Day 8

I slept all night without the use of benzos.

Just a hot tub and sauna before bed.

I really cant believe how fantastic I feel.

Off 2 the gym.

Thanks for this board....

If you want to, you can do it and its worth the week of agony....

4 years of oxy, morphine, vikes and percs are now behind me!

Its too easy to forget what its like not to need a pill.

Life is good!!!!
Congratulations! Glad you are feeling so great! Don't let you guard down. Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful!
What are you plans to stay clean? Are you in therapy or going to meetings? Congratulations on getting thru detox. The good news is you never have to detox again.
Good for you Scott.Congratulations.Now...........what are your plans for staying clean?
Good for you , Scott....
Remember, its not like a cold, though...we still have to work on it. I hope you stay clean and the gym helps you, that is a long time on narcs to get clean so quickly.....as they say , addiciton is powerful, and cunning...it took you 4 years of using to decide to stop, make sure you use as much time positively, working on maintaining..staying away from your addiction. Stay passionate about something besides drugs, it makes a big difference...
All my best, I hope it is all good....
Congrats, Lucky
Thanks for the comments and questions!

Day 10 today. Clearer more colorful thinking. Slept w/o benzos for almost 10 hours. Lots less body aches. Pain healed. No need for pills so that cant be an excuse.

Pain pills in many cases make your pain worse. Go figure. The big pharma has this all figured out.

I want to stress that my detox was not a bed of roses just not as close to as bad as the past ones. It is no fun!!!

Now what? Im going to go to my addiction Dr. tomorrow and get on naltrexone. I will see him 2x a month. Hes a shrink and a naturalpath. Met him a year ago and have been taking natural nutrients since. Meetings are hard as Im in a small rural area. This board is like therapy.

Im not the same angry clouded self centered person when I was using that I
am when clean. Thoughts going round and round while I chase my tail and dodge the headlights.
Good job Scott
I'm glad you're doing something to stay clean, Scott. Some people think the worst is over when they stop the drugs but actually the hard part is just beginning. Living life is no easy task in early sobriety. Good luck to you.