C/t Morning Help Please

Hi all, Well today has not been easy going c/t , so far o.k. day is winding down. Had stomach cramps, cravings, many trips to bathroom, have not been able to eat much , just some rice.
Don't know how Iam gonna sleep tonight, usually use some tylonol p.m with a valium.. I was going to try to go thru work tomorrow without using or going on my sub, but will start sub. if cravings get bad,and will have regular work stress to deal with. Iam so use to getting up, having coffee with a couple percs or tabs before finishing getting ready. Have been doing that for over a year now.. You guys have given me lots of advice that has helped me today..... Looking for some encourgement for in the morning how to deal with that habit before work. I want to be able to get up a go to work without the pills being the only thing on my mind... Could start the sub in morning I suppose,, but would like to see if I can get this done without it. It has not been that bad today...Went to A.A. meeting today talked to sponser and have been on here with you all. Believe me it has not been easy today, tomorrow worries me, guess I gotta turn it over to my higher power as my sponser says. I know i can do this. I want my life back, my mind back, my daughters real dad back. I have wasted so much money its insane. Iam lucky I still got a job, can't be messing around with this anymore.. Thats why I got the suboxone as back up. GottahaveFaiths experience with sub. is inspirational to me. I have read his post on his sub experience and want to be where he is at. Clean.. Any morning advice? Also, I seen on the post between Aaron123 and GHF and little beach they were talking about sleeping while on sub... someone said not to use valium. See that confuses me, I called my sub doctor and he said it would be o.k. , as long as it was one on the info that came with the sub it said not to take valium and you guys are warning not to.... So, when I start taking sub, do you think i should not take the one v. for sleep. Does anyone know? What about a Soma or tylonol p.m. Or just wait and see if I can sleep without anything other than sub. Someone mentioned to be careful about over the counter products , would that mean no tylonol p.m.
Why don't you get on here with your coffee and check in. Get ready for work and any spare moment get on here and post away your fears and anxiety. It might be a good routine. A lot of people take time to do their reading and meditation in the morning--not really my style. Just try to thank god for your sobriety that day and pray for the willingness to do it.

Thanks Sarah , I was thinking of that but don't know if anyone will be on here or not, at 7a.m central time . I 'll try it anyway maybe someone will be here. You guys are awsome.
A lot of people check in before work and such, you'll like it
Tak, the reason doctors done want you taking valium on sub is because there have been deaths combining the two, but if you read up on it its when both are taken in large amounts. My doc would prescribe a small amount of val or something else if you needed it for sleep, I didnt ask at the time but a couple people I met in his office did and he prescribed them something.
I think your overthinking this, play it by ear and check in in the morning and see how you feel. If you have to take a small amount of sub, you'll be fine.
The people who have trouble getting off of sub were taking it for a long time and jumped at too high a dose, if your gonna be on it a long time you have to taper slowly, but for what you plan on doing, you'll have no problem.

Good luck

goodluck, we have a breakfast club in the morning so somone will be here if you need us. please quiet your mind. getting yourself all worked up isnt going to help. your son is a smart cookie. give your worries up to god and trust with all your heart that he is going to handle them for you. he will i promise. i do it daily. just relax listen to the dr's and you will be fine. i am sure it wont be easy. i havent heard an easy story yet. some struggle more the others. but we all live and it always passes. it doesnt last forever, i am sending you well wishes and prayers . you are going to be ok. the less you allow yourself to stress the easier it will be. you have the power to control those feelings.take all those crappy feelings captive and choke them out and throw them in a cage. your worth it, your family is worth it. you are going to be fine. i will look for you in the a.m.

Thanks all, for sure Iam overthinking it, always do, stinking thinking I believe they call it... Iam for sure guilty of that...I'll try and take it easy. I don't know why Iam so nervous about it. I do have some things at work that are stressing me a little , nothing that I cant do. Just seems like in the last few months my problem solving skills have gotten worse and quit turning things over to God .. Yep, thought I could manage my own life again... Iam redoing the steps starting with number one ,,, thats where it all begins in my opinion. Having you all is a blessing I live alone and really don't have no one that understands to talk with other than my sponser and I just about wore his ears out.. His answer is right and is always the same. Turn it over to God, trust God. and work the steps. Going to see if I can get through tomorrow without using will be trying my best to turn it over to God. I know it works, I was sober for four years, I've just got stuck here. Trying to dig myself out. And you guys are helping me...
I'll be here in the morning, don't know how long but should have a few minutes, maybe I can get some postive encourgement that will help through the day...
Thanks Johndee on the valium question, I do plan to use sub. as I ve mentined before short term and small dosages,,, so the one v at night to sleep sounds like it will be o.k.
Thanks all
Takasha, your problem solving skills will return once you quit the pills. That was a problem for me seeing how I have to solve problems everyday, I noticed a dropoff in my performance on pills...another reason to quit...along with 1000 other reasons.
I worked right through withdrawals in the morning...took the sub at about 2 and went back to work for a couple more hours.
You'll be fine..quit stressing.

Thanks, I been wondering how I would do the sub at work, meaning what time and all. Thats why i was asking the other day how ya'll thought I would do on sub at work, I did not know what kinda feeling I would get from it. The way you did it sounds like a good idea, I can usually get through 4 or 5 hours withouth using when working, I might just try it your way...
You are going to be fine, Johns right, you're thinking too much. The power of the mind is huge and if you keep thinking how awful things could be, well, odds are they are going to be. I know you're nervous and all, but you just gotta roll with it now, do me a favor and read the thread from Sarah. I think its titled Relax, you're not in charge, it should do you some good before you go to work.

Good luck and you can get through this day, remember.....its just a day, and today is all we have.


Just wanted to add a little extra support...
If I keep playing with this computer I may even still be awake at 7...LOL
These damn pills are ( I think) more Mental than anything..
I too had to have them in the morning..thought I could never make it through a day without them,and function anyhow...
I was so so Wrong...
Yes they did give me Energy, but I was Going Fast Nowhere..and the Hurrier I went the Behinder I got..
If you feel you need the Sub..by all means take it...I have heard so many good things about it, but like John said, try your best not to stay on it too long...
The sooner you put this behind you the sooner you will be able to get on with your Life...
Do what you Need to do and let the rest fall where it may...
First things First...and Easy Does It...
Keep posting, We are all here for you..
Good Luck