Can Baby's Get Addicted?

My 19 month old daughter can't sleep well at night. She moves as if she can't get comfortable. When I give her half of a baby dose of baby motrin she sleeps through the night. I don't like to give it to her every night because I am afraid she will become dependent on it.

People have suggested to me that I should give her either Motrin or Benadryl every night, but I'm not to sure. She does sleep through the night when she takes some Motrin though.

So I am asking, Can baby's get addicted to pain killers or is it ok to give it to her every night? Or would it be ok to give it to her every other night? Or not at all?

Motrin is not physically addictive. But it is not uncommon for a child of that age to have trouble sleeping.This is just my advise as a mother. I would not give my child motrin or anything else on a nightly basis. The baby needs to figure out a way to get herself to sleep. Of course she will need your help, There are many good books about this. There are also Drs who can help you if you live near a large city.
Good Luck
Amen Begood. I second everything you said. I have four kids and getting them all to sleep at night is a job in itself.

I know I wouldn't want to take that every night. OTC drugs are very dangerous and people have no clue. My husband's aunt ate so many Advil over a period of time that it ate a hole in her stomach and she died from her own toxins. Ironic that she used Advil out of fear of becoming hooked and addicted to pain medication and dying.

This need to be addressed with the child's Dr ASAP. This is something that needs to be handled behaviorally, not with drugs. I would like to drug a few of mine up every now and then for some peace and quiet but I don't.

You really need to realize that this is NOT GOOD. And it is unfair to your child. Whether this offends you or not, Im sorry. As long as it makes you really think about what you are doing, I care little about offending you.

You know in your heart this is not right or you wouldnt always be here asking for us to tell you it is..... please, think about it. Having kids is sometimes very tiring, as I said, I have four but we signed up for it so we have to do it... without drugging the child so you can get some peace.

I am not saying you are a bad mother by any stretch of the imagination. I am saying that we are a drug society. We pop a pill for every lil thing. Don't pass that on to your baby. And for God's sake, don't drug her until she falls asleep. THAT makes you a bad mother. If that child was in pain you would know it. I believe you know she is not or you would have addressed all of this with her Dr..

You want to hear that what you are doing is Ok and you won't here it from me. Sorry. You certainly won't hear if from her Dr.
ummm talk to peditrcian, but id say no no nonononono dont give baby nothin but hot coco help to sleep,read baby a bed time story till it passes out,im scared to give any baby anything...becareful....
I agree with all, its not good to give a baby something every night. Find out the cause of it...
I agree with everyone. My baby was a year old friday. I would never give her something every night or every other night just because she tosses and turns in her sleep.Call your peditrician and ask him or her for advice. If you called your doctor or pharmacist they would tell NOT to give your baby over the counter medication every night for sleep. It just doesn't even sound right.. Good luck on your sleep, I know all about it. There are other methods. Reading a book,rocking the baby,driving in the car, warm milk...etc! Rae
Please give up the motrin. It is entirely normal for babies to toss and turn at night. My son is 16 months old and often would wake up at night. Then I would end up going in there and rock him to sleep. I read some books and found that he was not "learning" how to fall asleep on his own. So for a few hellish nights we went in his room at five minute intervals when he cried but did not pick him up just reassured him that we were there and made sure he was ok. Well he now sleeps thru the night. Occasionally he wakes up but will fall asleep himself within 5 minutes. You need to let him learn how to do this important step. Good luck