I hope and pray that somebody will actually answer this post. Whether you give me support, a suggestion or to just tell me I am an a** and way out of line...just let me know please.
My husband is in rehab, he came to me on Friday 0ct 7th and told me he had a drug problem. He lost his job a month ago and started smoking crack with friends, he got out of control spending most of our money...I want to be supportive. Yesterday we had our first family session with everyone. My husband is being very optamistic and wants to get better. We have 2 kids, 2 years old and 3 months old, my 2 year old keeps looking for Daddy, he's camped out at the front door with his blankie right now. He cried himself to sleep and I don't have the heart to move him. This drug has destroyed my family and I do not know where to turn. I had no clue my husband was into this. I have been around drug addicts my whole life, my mother was one and she finally passed away in May of this year at the age of 52. That's why I am so surprised this has happened to us. I have absolutely no support, the friends he did the drugs with do not believe he has a problem and they do not intend to leave him alone when he gets out. How can I set up a support system so we don't get off-track???
Maybe this isn't the best place for me, but I would appreciate it if somebody told me so.
Hi, I don't have any answers for you but I did want to reply to your post. Your sound like you are in a lot of pain and my heart goes out to you and your family. God, I wish I did have some answers. I have a son on crack and it is heartbreaking. You mentioned that your mom passed away. Do you have any family that can help you?
From what you said about your husband's friends, would it be better if you could possibly move somewhere else when he gets out of rehab? I know its much easier said than done, but that might be an option.
I am new to this board myself as I just found out about my son's addiction, but I think there is a lot of support here.
You and your family are in my prayers. God Bless and give those precious children a big hug and a kiss for me.
From what you said about your husband's friends, would it be better if you could possibly move somewhere else when he gets out of rehab? I know its much easier said than done, but that might be an option.
I am new to this board myself as I just found out about my son's addiction, but I think there is a lot of support here.
You and your family are in my prayers. God Bless and give those precious children a big hug and a kiss for me.
thank you so much, your reply to me means more to me than you will ever know. I do not have anyone to talk to or turn to for that matter. As I said earlier my mom passed away in May, my grandma, the one whom I would always turn to also passed away December 1 2003. This past year has been a living hell for me, my pregnancy was very difficult and I almost lost the baby 2 times. I was bedridden for 16 weeks and became extremely ill. Just when I thought things were setteling down my husband knocks the wind out of me with this crack addiction. I love my husband so much and I really want things to work for us as a family. I can't help but recall my own childhood, or lack of I should say. I don't want my kids to know the pain and suffering that I felt by being raised by an addict. My mom and I were able to make ammends before she passed away and I am grateful for that. Her actions in life affected me and I tried so hard to break the cycle. My husband comes from a great family, he has a great education and so much potential none of thaat matters though. Thid disease does not discriminate.
Thank you for the hugs we needed them. {{{{{{HUGS TO YOU}}}}}
Thank you for the hugs we needed them. {{{{{{HUGS TO YOU}}}}}
inadaze you need support.
can I suggest you go to a Nar ANon and/or Al Anon meeting and meet with people who are in the same situation as yourself?
Nar-Anon has fewer groups, but is more specific,
I use both and have found tremendous support
can I suggest you go to a Nar ANon and/or Al Anon meeting and meet with people who are in the same situation as yourself?
Nar-Anon has fewer groups, but is more specific,
I use both and have found tremendous support
Thank you for the info. I will find a meeting by me and go. I will have to bring my kids though, I don't have anyone to watch them. I hope it doesn't offend anyone, they are very well behaved.
INADAZE,,,you are blessed to begin with that at least he has went into RE-HAB,,That is a HUGE step,,,,,,As for the baby missing him,,,well thats normal...I still go thru that with my grandkids (10,7,4) and thier dad has been gone for 195 days and will be gone for 4 years,,,,,As for the spending money,,,well an addict will do that and not give a damn what happens because of it,,,,,As for the fact the Crack destroys families,,,You Are wrong,,,Any uncontrolled addiction destroys families.......As for the support system,,,,You cant Do it,,,,Even if you worked night and day doing it,,,If he wants to get High when he comes out of Re-Hab,,,then he will,,,,,All you can do is pray,,,,i'm here if you need me,,,,,,Although I am not sure what I can do,,considering my husband is a crack addict,,,and I am a recovering COKE addict,,,(many,,many,,years clean),,,but I DO know how to listen Julie
i need help! its not life life most people's are around here. i just have a question for school so could someone help me out? opinions and evidence are both welcome!!!!!! IS SUBSTANCE ABUSE HEREDITARY OR A PRODUCT OF ENVIRONMENT?
Julie B...Thank you so much for your response. I hope that I didn't offend anyone when I said crack destroys families, I know any addiction destroys families. My mother in law thinks I am addicted to these message boards and that it is harmful to my family, she also thinks her son can be "cured"...pigs will also fly soon. Anyhow I am sorry to hear of your situation also, I am very blessed to have found this board. I just went through a very difficult pregnancy and almost lost my baby, so in the process I was on the internet all of the time on message boards for difficult pregnancies and got such support through those boards. When I recently found out my husband was addicted to crack I found this board. It is amazing, any problem you have there's a board. You stated that you have been clean for many years now, I was wondering if you would share some information with me. How long did you use, and did you hit a "bottom" or did you just stop? one more question, have you ever relapsed? I also used cocaine 15 years ago and smoked crack once, I never considered myself an addict because I did not use a lot and I just stopped because it was boring, I would hate to ruin beautiful days because I was hung over.