Goos Sunday.....It was really nice having a goos yesterday so I thought Id try it again.....
lets see where did we leave off....oh Jobs right.Id love to find a job or go to school for somethimng I love,but today its just hard enough getting a job.Im really hoping I can do this.
By chance has anyone else been like me as far as employment?Did you get a job,do so great for 6 mths or so than sort of just give up? If so why do you do it?
Amom,huny I know your the only one who can do it,however I found it does help if you dont feel so lost in it all.I know you will do what you need to but I also wanted you to realize that I & Im sure alot of others are here for a shoulder for you,if nothing else.
oops going back to school& work...A part of me would also love to council or help battered women,lost teens,etc.I feel that those who have actually lived those hard times can actually be fantastic help for those going through it.
So who is around? I kinda like seeing a goos,to welcome new people,or just to shoot the breeze.
Goos dilly miss lily!
I'm stoking the fire up trying to keep warm and dry in cool LA, going to have to load up the wood in here soon.
What's up in NY?
I'm stoking the fire up trying to keep warm and dry in cool LA, going to have to load up the wood in here soon.
What's up in NY?
Goos Sunday morning, MJ and all the other peeps!
I don't have time to shoot the breeze today, I am getting ready to leave for the day. Again. See, I dont' have time to have a job. I almost got one back in the fall just to get the insurance benefits, but it's all I can do to keep with everything I have going on now, so a job would just get in the way. Besides, I do have a job with the jewelry. LOL
I think you blossomed when you were working at the pet store. You sounded so much better and happier, just getting out of the house and being around people every day.
Angela asked me to post her picture for ya'll to see...........I think I'll do that on a new thread quickly before I go.
Have a great Sunday!
love, Carol
I don't have time to shoot the breeze today, I am getting ready to leave for the day. Again. See, I dont' have time to have a job. I almost got one back in the fall just to get the insurance benefits, but it's all I can do to keep with everything I have going on now, so a job would just get in the way. Besides, I do have a job with the jewelry. LOL
I think you blossomed when you were working at the pet store. You sounded so much better and happier, just getting out of the house and being around people every day.
Angela asked me to post her picture for ya'll to see...........I think I'll do that on a new thread quickly before I go.
Have a great Sunday!
love, Carol
Thanks Carol for the nice words.your right I loved being with the cats but even that job I seemed to self savatoge myself.
cool i want to see what angela looks like.Im getting braver & Ive asked a friend to help me post a pic of myself n my oldest...I dont look like a frog on crack in this one.
Carol....I understand your always on the go go go,but Im so glad you took the time to post to the was always a nice place just to bs about
cool i want to see what angela looks like.Im getting braver & Ive asked a friend to help me post a pic of myself n my oldest...I dont look like a frog on crack in this one.
Carol....I understand your always on the go go go,but Im so glad you took the time to post to the was always a nice place just to bs about
Hey girlie girls and boys - Curious MJ what do you think about declawing the kitties? I found a kitten outside my door and took her in three months ago. Just had her spayed last week. Couldn't go forth with amputating her toes. I did notice she was working out on my dining room chair. I bought her a scratching post and bring her to that when I catch her scratching. Is it possible to keep them from scratching up the furniture? I have a leather couch and a sueded sectional. Don't think Joe will be too happy if she destroys them. She doesn't bare her claws with any of us. She is real nice. The kids pick her up and pull her all over too.
Also I noticed where her incision is from the spay has developed into a bump sort of like a bubble. It wasn't there earlier in the week. I was supposed to be keeping her activity level down but the dog is chasing her all over the house. I'm gonna call the vet tomorrow.
Also I noticed where her incision is from the spay has developed into a bump sort of like a bubble. It wasn't there earlier in the week. I was supposed to be keeping her activity level down but the dog is chasing her all over the house. I'm gonna call the vet tomorrow.
Alice,I be honest with you.Declawing is a very cruel thing.Not only does it leave the cats defensless,but it also will deform their joints.I myself couldnt do that even though my 4 are inside cats.There are better more healthier ways of dealing with it.I hope you dont mind if I post them ok?
You can either have a vet trim them,you can trim them (which isnt that hard at all)or like in PetSmart they are really kinda cute,they have these klittle caps that cover the glue them on.They come in different colors like pink,blue,
A part of me wants to beg you to not declaw her/him.but thats because i know how harmful both physical n mental (yes mentally).
on another note,i finally feel brave enough that i had my friend post a pic of me n oldest.....its the only pic i think i look ok in
You can either have a vet trim them,you can trim them (which isnt that hard at all)or like in PetSmart they are really kinda cute,they have these klittle caps that cover the glue them on.They come in different colors like pink,blue,
A part of me wants to beg you to not declaw her/him.but thats because i know how harmful both physical n mental (yes mentally).
on another note,i finally feel brave enough that i had my friend post a pic of me n oldest.....its the only pic i think i look ok in
Goos everyone...
There haven't been goos threads in so long, they were how I kept up ;)
I hope you all have a wonderfully lazy Sunday!
There haven't been goos threads in so long, they were how I kept up ;)
I hope you all have a wonderfully lazy Sunday!
Hey Tina !!! So nice to see you post.Is it as cold in J town as it is here in the Catskills.They say we are heading for another real cold spell.
Hows bad & the kids doing?
How are you? Keeping busy huh?
Hows bad & the kids doing?
How are you? Keeping busy huh?
I gotta sign off for a min or too.I hope Jodigirl pops in maybe a couple others,if for nothing else just to talk about stuff in general
be back soon
be back soon
Very busy and I am suppose to be getting ready to take the little on to a party, but am procrastinating. aren't Sundays for laying around and doing nothing, but a making a big pot of gravy!
Bad is good,
And the kids are all doing good thankfully...
How are your girls...I will check back later, I got to get a going.
balmy 20's here, I love the cold, but would love it more if someone would send us some the foot!
Love Yah
Bad is good,
And the kids are all doing good thankfully...
How are your girls...I will check back later, I got to get a going.
balmy 20's here, I love the cold, but would love it more if someone would send us some the foot!
Love Yah
Tina you can have our snow really.Even though we've had some melting we still have about 2-3ft here.
I figured you were busy on a Sunday,like everyday.Thats the one thing about you do not have a boring life.Hows Bad doing?I Please tell him I said hello.
My girls are doing pretty good.Anne kinda gave the modeling up.She loves being on a runway,however I think she actually sat & gave thought to all of it.Shes not the type that likespeople seeing her naked or touching her face...etc.So she kinda has rearranged her goals.Shes doing amazing art work.She seems to have a real talent for it.Her pictures invoke all these emotions in people & thats a positive thing.She is going to be taking design classes next year in 11th(my goodness 11th grade already)and her art instructor wants her to go to this summer art camp.She hasnt decided yet. still Amanda though shes doing much better.She seems settle with her bf(even though I dont really like him)I am always polite to him anyways.
See what you did asking about the girls.I could brag on them all day.Im very lucky they are the young women they are.
Alice I wanted to add,they do have like kitty repellent in Pet Smart Too.It may help her from scratching.And though Im not a vet,,,,they will sometimes get alittle scar buld up by the insision site.As long as its not draining pus looking stuff she should be fine.And she will probaly get takes some cats longer than others to settle.
I figured you were busy on a Sunday,like everyday.Thats the one thing about you do not have a boring life.Hows Bad doing?I Please tell him I said hello.
My girls are doing pretty good.Anne kinda gave the modeling up.She loves being on a runway,however I think she actually sat & gave thought to all of it.Shes not the type that likespeople seeing her naked or touching her face...etc.So she kinda has rearranged her goals.Shes doing amazing art work.She seems to have a real talent for it.Her pictures invoke all these emotions in people & thats a positive thing.She is going to be taking design classes next year in 11th(my goodness 11th grade already)and her art instructor wants her to go to this summer art camp.She hasnt decided yet. still Amanda though shes doing much better.She seems settle with her bf(even though I dont really like him)I am always polite to him anyways.
See what you did asking about the girls.I could brag on them all day.Im very lucky they are the young women they are.
Alice I wanted to add,they do have like kitty repellent in Pet Smart Too.It may help her from scratching.And though Im not a vet,,,,they will sometimes get alittle scar buld up by the insision site.As long as its not draining pus looking stuff she should be fine.And she will probaly get takes some cats longer than others to settle.
You can have a goos anytime
Maybe it is the age Sabrina, my 16 year old changed all her life plans. It was always a model and work with kids as well, but all of a sudden she is off in another direction. And is now rearranging everything for next year so that she is up to speed for college. Geeze I feel old, where did the time go, she use to be the babyand well you how that wentnow I am starting all over with the little oneIt was really weird to be pregnant when my son graduated high school, it isnt much different as she started kindergarten and one of my others started college
Now I get asked all the time ( today again ) is this your second marriage cause of the kids age funny.
I am glad to hear about both of them, brag away, and I am so glad Amanda is doing better.
I will take all the snow you gotwhat is the sense of it being this cold with no snow days.
Bad sends a big hello backit is really hard to explain what I see with him. Aside from the fact that pay such close attention, he is different now and then he isntlike he is more whole, maybeand more at ease with himself and the world around. Not using I am sure is most of this, but it is more than just that.
You stay warm
Now I get asked all the time ( today again ) is this your second marriage cause of the kids age funny.
I am glad to hear about both of them, brag away, and I am so glad Amanda is doing better.
I will take all the snow you gotwhat is the sense of it being this cold with no snow days.
Bad sends a big hello backit is really hard to explain what I see with him. Aside from the fact that pay such close attention, he is different now and then he isntlike he is more whole, maybeand more at ease with himself and the world around. Not using I am sure is most of this, but it is more than just that.
You stay warm
Hey Guys,
Curious......what is a goos?
Curious......what is a goos?
Goos is a typo given life...
Sabrina put goos morning instead of good morning one day as a post topic and it stuck...
Sabrina put goos morning instead of good morning one day as a post topic and it stuck...